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Muharram 2019 Advisory

Shia Rights Watch dedicates its efforts to protecting and promoting the rights of Shia Muslims all over the world. Within this advisory Shia Rights Watch expresses venerations to the Shia community on the event of the holy of the month of Muharram and calls on the greater international community for increased security against human rights violations based on religious beliefs.  

Muharram marks the commemoration of the sacrifices made against human rights violations. On this occasion,  Shia Muslims openly campaign against the terrors of their time. 

The nature of the congregation and visible religious expression, Shia Muslims become easy to identify and target. 

To prevent violations and to ensure the safety of the Shia community, SRW presents the following tips to create a unified platform for expression that not only meets religious guidelines but also lends to international and domestic regulations.


This advisory targets members of the Shia religious faith and national and local authorities. 


To the Shia communities: 

Know your rights as knowledge is key to rights

Build a relationship with your community law enforcement   

Reach out to Government Representative

Be cognisant of your non-practicing community

In case of a human rights violation, Know Your Resources!

To national and local authorities: 

Be aware of the increased risk of anti-Shiism and increase security measures

Include Shia community leaders in civil planning

Provide training to non-Shia members of the security enforcement


#Muharram2019 has been established by Shia Rights Watch as a platform to share recent anti-Shia incidents for both members of the Shia community and authorities. The link will be monitored by international media outlets and human rights organizations.     

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