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Assassination in Iraq

iraq2Assassination in Iraq

Targeted Shia killing trend reaches Iraq. Another Shia Muslim cleric was killed in Iraq. A well-known Shia Cleric, Asaad Nasser, was assassinated in Abe al-Kaseeb area south of Basra. This is a second time an influential leader is being killed after assassination of Ali Hussein Ali on May 13.

Nasser was on his way to the mosque for dawn prayers in the Auasan mosque when he was shot and killed by an unknown man.

No terrorist groups have claimed the assassination yet.

Targeted Shia killings started in Pakistan and are spreading to other countries as anti-Shi’ism grows in Middle East.

SRW condemns the assassination and asks all opposition groups to stop Shia rights violations and practice their rights without violating the basic human rights of others.


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