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The Shia in Yemen

The Shia In Yemen

This Shia Rights Watch report entitled “The Shia in Yemen”, documents incidents of violence and intimidation against Shia Muslims in Yemen. Documenting cases until the end of 2014, the report gives a detailed account of how Shia have been targeted because of their religious beliefs.

Kidnappings, murders, and illegal detentions have occured periodically during the Sada’a Wars between 2004 and 2010 and after the Arab Spring in 2011.


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Eker, Siege of Human Rights

Ali_MakiEker is small village located about 13 mile south of Capital Manama, Bahrain. Many people were arrested, tortured and killed in this small village with allegation of being opposition to the ruling government.

Government of Bahrain accused many people of creating homemade bomb and released the video of bombing that was not verified by anyone except Bahraini government not even Human rights organization could verify the authenticity of the videos and allegation.

False allegation and convicting citizens to crime they never committed is not new to Bahraini governments. They have arrested many people under those allegations.

On December 27th, 2014, once again government deployed police in SUVs and armored vehicles in addition to helicopter to Eker. Salam Eisa and Ali Maki were two young Shia Muslims who were arrested and beat up in the street according to eye witnesses.

In addition to this brutal arrest, government police who are mostly Pakistani origin attacked the Shia ritual center (Husseiniya), and house of Shakir abul Rasoul Ali as his family witnessed.

Bahraini government taking advantage of international committee silence and committing crimes against their own citizens. Unless there is strong message from United Nation and international committee, Bahraini government would not stop these inhumane action toward their citizens.

Shia Rights Watch urges the United Nation council to take action toward prevention of arresting innocent people.

Skakir_Abdul_Rasoul Salman_Eisa

Shiekh Ali Salman aressted by Bahrin Government

Shaikh Ali SalmanShia Rights Watch strongly condemn the Bahraini government’s detention Shaikh Salman, SRW concerned about the recent arrest of Human Rights Activists and courts decision toward Shia population in the country.

Since Bahrain Rights described the situation in depth we decided to use their content to inform you about situation regarding Sheikh Ali Salman:

On the morning of 28 December, Shaikh Salman went to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), where he was arrested and interrogated. The CID refused his lawyers entry twice before eventually granting one lawyer access to Shaikh Salman’s interrogation. Shaikh Ali Salman and his lawyer were told that the CID would transfer him to the Office of the Public Prosecution. However, according to available information, he was never taken to the Public Prosecution and the MOI has ordered his ongoing detention.

Shaikh Ali Salman’s lawyers stated that he is accused of inciting hatred against the government, calling for the government the regime using force, religiously sanctioning youths to disobey the government, insulting the judiciary and the executive power, inciting hatred against an unspecified group of people, seeking external support, broadcasting false information and news that may cause panic, and breaching security and participating in gatherings and protests causing economic harm.

“The silence of the international community contributed to the arrest of Shaikh Ali Salman, as it also contributes to the deteriorating human rights situation in Bahrain,” said BCHR President Nabeel Rajab. “With this high-profile arrest, however, the Government of Bahrain has gone too far in targeting its peaceful critics.”

Al-Wefaq, along with other opposition parties, boycotted parliamentary elections that took place earlier this year. The political society last participated in parliamentary elections in 2010, when it won 18 of the 40 seats in parliament and more than 60% of votes. However, the 18 Members of Parliament aligned with al-Wefaq resigned in 2011 in response to the Bahraini government’s violent response to protesters. Since then, government authorities have repeatedly targeted Al-Wefaq Society and its members for their political opposition and human rights activism.

Shia rights watch urge the Bahraini government to immediately release Shaikh Ali Salman and all other political activists in Bahraini prisons.

Assassination of Shia Cleric Dr. Abdul Kadir Muwaya (Saud)

shiarightswatch.org_abdulghader_saudOn Thursday December 26, 2014 (Christmas Day) 9:30 local time, Dr Abdul Kadir Muwaya (Saud) Was shot dead by unidentified man. According to local police Dr. Muwaya was exiting from Thursday night program in Buyemba village, Bukatuube sub-county when motorcycle shot him dead and ran away.

Mayuge district police commander Caroline Akoth said investigations are under way. Scholar Muwaya was well known to him community for his service at Ahlul Bait Islamic Foundation (ABIF), which is center for needy family and protecting children who in need.

Shia News Wire_#16

December 18, 2014

SRW Thanks Iraqi Forces for Creating Safe Arba’een for Pilgrims

Shia Rights Watch expresses its appreciations for all Iraqi forces that helped securing this country during most important and largets human gathering in this country. This year Iraqi security forces managed to create safest Arba’een so far as about three million Shia and non-Shia visited Iraq. While the threat of ISIS and other terrorist groups has increased in Iraq, millions of people travelled to this country to participate in Arba’een commemorations. Iraqi forces were able to secure all roads ending to Karbala, Najaf and other holy cities in this country.

Although according to news agencies anti-Shia terrorist groups killed one Shia pilgrim and wounded four as they were walking towards Karbala with a bomb the number is 94% less tan last year as 18 million people visited Iraq for the same commemoration and about 95 were killed and 200 wounded by anti-Shia terrorist groups.

This agency hopes other countries such as Pakistan use Iraqi model to reduce pilgrims’killings.

Every year hundreds of Shia pilgrims lose their lives during different Shia rituals and commmorations. This year’s model and effort proves such killings can be prevented if all forces in and out the country work together.

Shia Prevented from Joining Arba’een Commemoration

As Shia Muslims visited Iraq to commemorate Arba’een, neighbouring countries prevented some Shia to join such ritual. Bahraini government arrested 19 Shia Muslims at King Fahad Bridge on their way to Iraq. Others who chose to travel through Manama airport were also questioned by airport officials.

Some Shia also reported that Indian governmnet suspended passports of number of well-known Shia clerics to prevent them from joing piliglims in Iraq.

Shia Muslims have always faced problems from their governments when traveling for pilgrimages.

Saudi Forces Raided Shia Areas, Again

Saudi forces raided houses belinging to relatives of Shia Mulsims who were killed by forces in Qatif. One of the raides was to Basim al-Kudeihi’s grand father.

In different areas such as Awwamiya town the forces arrested a minor, Hassan Mohammad Al Toheifa’, who is 15 years old.

Shia News Wire_#15

December 12, 2014

Islamic State executes Shia militiamen north of Baghdad

On Sunday, militants from the Islamic State executed 12 Shia militiamen in a rural village north of Baghdad. The executions occurred in the village of Tal al-Thahab which is near the town of Balad which is roughly 50 miles north of Baghdad. These executions occurred at the head of an offensive by Shia militias and Iraqi security forces against Islamic State forces in the country. The offensive drove Islamic State fighters from their base in the Tal al-Thahab police stations but the militants regrouped and surrounded the police station trapping dozens of both security forces and militants inside. Although the siege on the police station would later be broken by security forces, militants from the Islamic State would end up killing at 12 Shia militiamen. In addition to those killed, are 10 Shia militiamen who were reported missing as well.

Shia killed an another injured in two separate attacks in Pakistan

A Shia man was kidnapped, tortured, and later killed in the Lower Kurrum Agency of the Federally Administered Tribal Area in Pakistan last week. Jabir Hussain of Parachinar, Pakistan was kidnapped by militants from the Taliban and ASWJ. After killing Hussain, the militants disposed of his body outside before it was recovered by authorities. Shia communities in the Lower Kurrum Agency are demanding that the group ASWJ be included in the Pakistani security force offensive to rid the tribal areas of extremist groups which has been called Operation Zarb-e-Azb. Last week it was also reported that militants from ASWJ and Lashkar-e-jhangvi attacked yet another Shia doctor. Dr. Baqar Raza was attacked and injured in the North Nazimabad section of Karachi’s central district after being targeted by these groups. This attack comes in the midst of a coordinated campaign by extremist groups in the country to murder Shia doctors.

Nine Shia fighters killed in Suicide car bomb

On Wednesday, an explosive-laden vehicle drove into a gathering of Shia militia volunteers before detonating and killing nine people and injuring 13 others. This attack occurred in a small town roughly 12 miles south of the city of Tikrit. Although no group has yet t claim responsibility for the attack, people note that fighting between government forces and militants from the Islamic State have increased in the past few days. Government forces and Shia militias have been able to push Islamic State forces out of many of their previously held positions in the eastern part of the country; they still hold notable cities like Tikrit and Mosul in the north.

Shia trader killed in Peshawar

Last Friday, Siraj Hussain who is a Shia merchant from the Gulbahar area of Pakistan was shot and killed by armed gunmen. Hussain who was in Peshwar shopping with his friends, was approached by armed men on a motorcycle who proceeded to open fire. Hussain was rushed to the Lady Reading Hospital but he would succumb to his gunshot wounds. The militants were able to flee the scene of the crime and have yet to be apprehended by Pakistani security forces.

Terrorists assassinate a Shia, and injure another in Karachi

Last Friday militants ambushed two Shia civilians in Karachi; killing one and critically injuring the other. Ghulam Hussain and Jafar were entering a car in the Korangi’s Zaman Town area of Karachi when militants from either ASWJ or LeJ attacked them. Witnesses say that militants arrived at the scene and began sporadically firing at the car before fleeing the scene. Ghulam Hussain was killed and Jafar Ali would be rushed to the hospital where he is currently undergoing treatment for his sustained gunshot injuries. Shia parties in the city condemned this attack as this is the third such attack in the last 10 days. The Shia community in Pakistan is calling for Pakistani Security forces to do more to protect the lives of their community members.

ISIS fire targeting Shia pilgrims kill schoolgirl

On Tuesday ISIS militants launching an attack on Shia pilgrims on the Kirkuk-Tuz Khurmatu road in Iraq hit a bus carrying schoolgirls with a rocket. This attack killed a schoolgirl and wounded two others. The Shia pilgrims traveling along this road were heading to the shrine of Imam Hussein for an important anniversary at the time of the attack. This anniversary known as arbayeen marks the end of the 40 day mourning period for the death of the Imam. Shia mark this anniversary by traveling to Najaf, the Kirkuk-Tuz Khurmatu road is a popular route for Shia pilgrims.

Arrests of Militants in Pakistan

The Pakistani security forces reported on Friday that they had arrested 63 criminals, 12 of which they claim have confessed to various crimes that extremist groups have carried out in the country. In addition to the arrests, Pakistani security forces seized numerous unlicensed weapons and ammunition in raids throughout Peshawar. The spokesman for the Peshawar police said that 16 of the 63 arrested were Afghan nationals who were taken into custody due to their illegal residence in the country. Of the weapons recovered, 53 pistols and two Kalashnikovs were among the stash. It has not been disclosed if any of those arrested had any connection to the string of Shia killings throughout the country.

Report documents number of killed by terrorists in November

A report released by the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and BBC this week reveals that more than 5,000 people were killed in terrorist attacks in November. Those killed in terrorist attacks were mostly civilians and overwhelmingly Muslim. 60 percent of the deaths in November were at the hands of militants from the Islamic State and Boko Haram. The Islamic State was the deadliest group in November by far with 2,206 deaths attributed to them; Boko Haram which was second has 801 deaths attributed to them. The bulk of attacks occurred in Iraq, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, and Pakistan. While not included in the report, it is worth noting that Shia Muslims have suffered disproportionately from these attacks in November as groups like the Islamic State and Boko Haram have deliberately carried out attacks against Shia groups as Muharram commemorations commenced.


Letter to president Obama asking to provide relief to Syrian cities of Noble and al-Zahra


December, 05 2014


Dear Mr. President,

We at Shia Rights Watch are writing you to request that you provide relief to the 70,000 residents of the Syrian cities of Noble and al-Zahra. Residents of these Shia-majority towns near Aleppo are currently under siege and are without food and water. This siege has been underway for more than a year and the situation in these cities is dire.

What has been witnessed in these two cities is the exploitation of political and security instability by extremists in order to inflict violence upon innocent populations. Due to this siege, men women and children have been unable to leave the towns in search of sustenance or medical treatment. Not much is known about the unfolding situation in these two towns because media outlets have been unable to gain access to these areas due to continuous attacks. Zakaria Sharbu, a surgical assistant who escaped from this area and was able to speak to media outlets said that the condition has deteriorated to the point that now people are eating grass and tree leaves.

Stories of kidnappings by the extremists have been numerous. Last year the extremists captured several children and demanded over $30,000 to secure their release.

The import of medical supplies has been prohibited by the militants. Many people in the city are suffering from incurable diseases, and those with diseases that can be cured are seeing their health deteriorate due to a lack of supplies.

Your administration has overseen relief efforts to minority communities on Mt. Sinjar, and in Kobani. These relief efforts for minority communities were deemed successful but these efforts need to be expanded to include other minority communities. Shia communities have faced some of the worst violence at the hands of Al-Qaeda affiliates and ISIS over the past three years and they are in desperate need of relief.

It is in the greatest urgency that we urge you to act as time is not on the side of the victims of these atrocities.


Mustafa Akhwand

Director of Shia Rights Watch


Shia News Wire_#14

67 killed in clashes with ISIS Militants in Iraq

On Monday 67 people, including 15 border guards, were killed in clashes between Iraqi security forces and ISIS militants in 2 provinces in Iraq. The first of such attacks occurred in Iraq’s western Anbar province when dozens of militants attacked the Iraqi military headquarters at the al-Waleed crossing near the Syrian border. In this incident 20 ISIS militants were killed and the 15 border guards. The second attack occurred in Iraq’s eastern province of Diyala where security forces and Shia militias clashed with ISIS forces. Seven militants were killed and weapons and explosives were seized from ISIS. The third attack occurred when Iraqi forces and Shia militiamen carried out an offensive in the town of Maqdadiyah in the same province. In this offensive 12 militants were killed. Lastly an ISIS militant was killed by a sniper as he tried to cross the Tigris River into the town of Duluiyah.

Bahraini Pro-Democracy activist jailed for three years

Zainab al-Khawaja was sentenced to three years in prison on Friday for tearing up a picture of King Hamad during a court hearing. Zainab, also known under the prominent twitter handle @angryarabiya recently spent a year in jail on charges ranging from taking part in an illegal gathering to insulting the police. Zainab is the daughter of another prominent jailed activist Abdulhadi al-Khawaja and sister of Maryam al-Khawaja who was sentenced in absentia to one year in jail for assaulting a policewoman earlier this week. The Bahraini government has worked to crush dissent as decrees approved by King Hamad include up to seven years in jail for criticizing him and all protests in Manama are banned indefinitely.

Shia shop owner killed in Karachi

On Saturday 35 year old Kamran Zaidi was shot and killed by armed motorcyclists in his mobile accessories shop in the Korangi neighborhood of Karachi. The attack which occurred around 3:30 occurred when two men arrived on motorcycles and disembarked the bike before shooting into the shop Zaidi and 27 year old Zeeshan Shakir were wounded at the scene and were taken to Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre. Zaidi was pronounced dead on the way to the hospital and Shakir is currently undergoing treatment and is expected to make a full recovery. This attack is yet another example of the failure of the Pakistani government to provide protection for its citizens.

Moroccan man admits to setting Shia mosque on fire in Belgium

36 year old Rachid El Bukhari is accused and has admitted to having set fire to the Rida Mosque on March 12, 2012 in Brussels, Belgium. The fire set by El Bukhari two years ago killed an imam and injured two others. El Bukhari stated on Thursday that the Shia are responsible unrest in Syria, and this was his motive for setting fire to the main Shia mosque in Brussels. The defendant has been charged with a ‘terrorist offense’ which yields a maximum of life in prison.

Shia doctor killed by Malik Isaq’s militants

In the Pakistani port city of Karachi a 58 year old Shia doctor and father of two was shot and killed on Monday in his clinic. Dr. Shamim Raza was shot by gunmen who entered his clinic around 1:30 pm in the neighborhood of Korangi. Dr. Raza sustained three gunshot wounds and was pronounced dead on arrival at Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre. This murder marks the fourth such occurrence against Shia doctors in the past three months.

33 people killed in blasts in Baghdad and Kirkuk

Roughly 33 people have been killed in Shia neighborhoods of Baghdad and a Kurdish neighborhood in Kirkuk. 16 people were killed after two bombs went off in the Sadr neighborhood of Baghdad which is majority Shia. A second bomb exploded near the Shia neighborhood of Shaab in Baghdad. This blast killed three people and wounded 12 others according to medical officials. Lastly a bomb detonated on a busy street in the city of Kirkuk which killed around 15 people. These attacks come as ISIS is losing the ground it held over the summer to Iraqi security forces and Shia militias.

Bahraini security forces raid home of main opposition party official

This week Bahraini security forces raided the home of a main opposition party in the country. Forces fired tear gas at the house and at adjacent buildings during this raid. This offensive by the Bahraini security forces was unprovoked but is largely seen as retaliation for a mass boycott of the recent parliamentary elections. The party denounced the elections as a “farce” and said the Bahraini people would continue their struggle for justice and democracy until their demands are met.

Shia News Wire_#13

November 21, 2014

Militant groups in Pakistan Declare Allegiance to ISIS

On Monday, a Taliban offshoot named Jundullah announced that it is supporting the efforts of ISIS to establish an Islamic Caliphate. Fahad Marwat, the spokesperson for Jundullah, announced this declaration of support after Jundullah met a three-person ISIS delegation. The ISIS delegation to Jundullah was led by al Zubair al Kuwaiti according to Fahad Marwat. Jundullah broke off from the organization Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), which also goes by the name of the Pakistani Taliban. Jundullah along with many other groups are currently working to form an alliance with ISIS has also formed an alliance with Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ), a prominent anti-Shia militia in Pakistan, after a meeting between representatives of the two groups in Saudi Arabia. A member of LeJ was reported to have said “all anti-Shia groups will welcome and support IS in Pakistan, though most of them will not announce it openly due to their allegiance to Mullah Omar”

Bahraini Prisoners Start Hunger Strike to End Corruption

On November 16th prisoners of al-Hodh al Jaf prison began a hunger strike in protest of the continuous systematic repression aimed at Bahraini women.13 women were arrested last week, including a soon-to-be mother, a mother with her six-month old infant, and a prominent human rights activist. The Bahraini Interior of Ministry alleged that these women were “preparing an anti-regime referendum on the day of legislative elections”, set to take place November 22nd. Two of the 13 women have since been released; however the other 11 remain in custody. Protests are expected to continue until the women are released unconditionally.

Bahraini Authorities Disperse Teargas on Protestors

Peaceful protestors continue to gather in the Bahraini areas of Ecker, Sitra, Samaheej, and Tubli, demanding the immediate and unconditional release of the recently arrested 13 women (two of whom have since been released) detained on charges relating to plotting to interrupt the upcoming elections. Human rights activists also confirm the arrest of several men accused of similar charges within the last several weeks. Furthermore, Shiite news confirms that Bahraini authorities inflicted teargas upon the protestors in Ecker. Sources also confirm that protests took place several times last week including on Friday (11-14) in Sitra, as well as in the nearby villages of Abu Saiba, Malkiyra, and Samaheej.

14 Shia killed in a Pair of Car Bombings in Baghdad

14 people were killed and 31 people were wounded on Monday as two car bombs went off in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad. The first bomb exploded on a commercial street in the Shia district of Meshtal which killed eight people and wounded 15 others. The second bomb detonated in Baghdad’s western Shia district of Amiriya on a commercial street which killed six people and wounded 16 others.

Shia Student and a Driver Killed by a Roadside Bomb in Pakistan

On Tuesday, a young Shia girl and a driver were killed by a roadside bomb near a school in the Kurram tribal region of Pakistan. Tehrik-i-Taliban (TTP), also known as the Pakistani Taliban, have been blamed for this bombing and many have seen this as an attempt to target innocent Shia students. In addition to the two people that were killed, there were an additional five students injured and they have to be rushed to a local hospital for treatment.

Shia Activists Imprisoned in Bahrain

On Thursday, a Bahraini court sentenced 3 Shia activists to imprisonment, totaling a stark 30 years. Each activist was sentenced to serve a ten year sentence on what Bahrain authorities deem “terrorist” acts, concentrated on plotting an assault on Bahraini officers back in August.Sources further confirm that protestors again took to the streets on Wednesday demanding the release of the 13 women recently detained (2 of which have since been released). Police responded with teargas and rubber bullets.

Shia Custodian of Jahanian Shrine Killed in Ambush

Khadim Hussain, the custodian of the Jahanian Shrine in Jahanian, Pakistan was killed after being ambushed by militants on Tuesday. Few details have been released about the attack but the militant group Sipah-e-Sahaba has claimed responsibility for the murder. Many in Pakistan are fearful as many militant groups in Pakistan have either joined ISIS or have voiced their support for the organization. This murder has led to calls from many inside the country for those who have perpetrated the crime to be brought to justice.

Moharrams Message for Anti Shia Leaders

In the midst of ISIS intimidation in the area, Shia Muslims unite under the flag of Hussain, the third Shia Imam. Shia populations of Baghdad come together in Moharram to commemorate the death of Imam Hussain, honoring the martyrdom of a man who fought for freedom and justice for all. The unification of the Shia majority has instilled fear in the nation’s Sunni minority. In examination, one must ask how and why a united Shia front instills angst in the Sunni minority of this nation. Despite centuries of discrimination worldwide against Shia practices, Shia still stand for their beliefs and show no sign of backing down. A united front is exactly what this nation needs in response to the massacres carried out by ISIS and other extremist organizations, and while Shia populations strive for unification against such terror groups, they are held under constant criticism.

1.400 years ago, Hussain’s 72 person army stood against the 140,000 army of the oppressive regime of his time in a land called Karbala. Hussains campaign for freedom has withheld the aversion of centuries, inspiring Shia unification against oppression and violence towards humanity. At least for a duration of a month in the year, Shia Muslims openly campaign against the terror of their time, yet as they stand for their beliefs, they are killed and eradicated. In 2014 alone, tens of people were killed all over the world, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Iraq, and even in the western nation of Australia. Mourners are targeted and massacred for their show of support for freedom.

Despite their peaceful campaign, Shia alliance is seen as a threat in the eyes of anti-Shia leadership. After centuries of enduring oppression, the Shia majority has finally come to power in Iraq, and still they face great criticism of sectarian support. One may say the enragement of Sunni populations is of a fear that the now in power Shia leaders will do to them as the Sunni leadership did and continues to do to Shia Muslims worldwide. They marginalized the Shia for generations and now they fear revenge. Little do they know, Shia Islam is that of kindness and peace.

Despite living under pressure for thousands of years, they have made it their aim to stand for their rights and are persistent in striving for Democracy. A rise of Shia power means an end to oppressive regimes, and that threatens the dictatorship of many majority Sunni nations. Throughout history, the Shia have proven their peaceful yet persistent opposition of oppressive dictators, Sunni populations have bowed their head to any and every rising regime of power. The flag of Hussain and his campaign for justice should not be that of intimidation but that of hope. Hussain fought for the right to choice, a deserved morale for anyone and everyone, yet by some, Shia fellowship in Moharram is called a support for “sectarianism”.

Hussains venture in Karbala should be examined for what it truly was: a stand for integrity. Moharram provides an opportunity to reexamine our values towards human rights and inspires us to withstand the tyrant of our time. Commemorations during this holy month is not that of intimidation, but a reminder for all to unite in the fight for human rights.

Therefore, our message for Anti-Shia leaders is to stop feeling threatened by this commemoration but instead join the effort to stop radicalization in their states.

By Zhara Akhwand

November 14, 2014

UN Complaint