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What is Muharram Campaign!… And Is It Effective?

flaggIf you know Shia Muslims you certainly know that month of Muharram is the most significant time of the year for this people. The very first universal campaign against violence and discrimination took place by Shia Muslims after the tragedy of Karbala in the month of Muharram in 680 CE.

In this universal campaign all Shia Muslims wear black attire for nearly two month and attend seminars and conferences to spread the message of freedom, respect, and non-violence. Shi’ism is the only faith that holds universal campaign against human rights violation as part of their religious rituals.

This very peaceful and humanitarian campaign has been a concern for human rights violators as they perceive this campaign as a danger to their political and selfish interests. Every year thousands of Shia Muslims are killed because of their participation in this universal call for human rights.

Muharram of 2013 started today, November 5th. Already Shia of Iraq, Iran and Egypt reported receiving threatening letters to prevent them from raising their voices against oppressors.

I wonder why such a peaceful gathering with very much needed message is being attacked. Such attacks prove that this campaign is actually accomplishing its goal. The goal of Muharram campaign is to increase awareness against human rights violations, end oppression, increase respect and harmony and finally call for non-violence. If the campaign was not effective, anti-human rights violators would not spend millions of dollars to stop it; they would not kill Shia Muslims to prevent their rituals and they would not fight with Shia Muslims.

What amazes me is that the more anti-Shia groups kill Shia Muslims, the more Shia participate in this campaign. This ritual is getting a lot of attention from international committee every year.

It is fair to call this campaign the only effective campaign in human rights field since most of the other movements do not get much attention, or at least international attention.

As a Shia Muslim I assure all that this campaign is not a political movement and only calls for unity and peace. I also invite all fair and just humans to join this international campaign and stop human right violations.

By Hawraa Zakery, a Shia rights activist and specialist                on November 5, 2013

Anti- Shi’ism Grows in Iran

iran_mapShia Rights Watch strongly condemns the Shia killings in Iran. Fourteen Shia Muslim killed by a newly empowered terrorist group called Jundul Allah (Soldiers of God) in Iran. As activist report, a news anti-Shia movement in Iran is endangering Shia Muslims and increasing safety issues in south eastern cities such as Sistan and Baluchestan.

According to sources, Wahhabism is increasing in Iran. This group found, train and encourage most terrorist groups around the world, especially Middle East. According to their ideologies killing non- Wahhabis is permitted.

Last week Jundul Allah group attacked 14 Shia Muslims and kills them all on spot. Last year two Shia Muslims were killed by Jundul Allah group as they were returning from their rituals. Also three years ago the same group exploded a bomb near another Shia Muslims Center and killed at least 39 people.

Shia Rights Watch is concerned about the influence and development of such groups in Iran. Iranian government must immediately investigate the killings and prevent anti-Shia groups from further developments. Iran is a Shia majority country and Shia Muslims must feel safe to practice their faith, says SRW. The government is responsible for the safety of all citizens and must make sure anti-Shia terrorist groups do not find a reason and opportunity to increase their influence in this country.

Establishment of Armed Anti-Shia Group in Egypt

A new armed group calls for war against Shia Muslims in Egypt, according to Egypt Today news agency.

Pioneers Mohammad Army, is a group recruiting soldiers and advocating for arming against Shia Muslims in Arab nation. The leaders urge people to join their group “in order to cleanse the entire Arab world from the danger of the Shiites” as EgyptToday.co.uk reports.

Shia Rights Watch is concerned for the security and safety of Shia Muslims. Arming against a minority group, especially because of their faith, is against all international and humanitarian laws and regulations. SRW holds Egyptian government accountable for any violation against Shia minorities in this country. Pioneers Mohammad Army (“طلائع جيش محمد“) and any other hate group must be identified and stopped by the Egyptian government.

Egypt should not become a land in which anti-human rights can find security and support to carry hate movements, says SRW. Establishment of such groups can endanger thousands of Shia Muslims and result in extremists’ movements.

Shia Rights Watch urges Egyptian government to stop the hate group of Pioneers Mohammad Army (“طلائع جيش محمد“) immediately and secure the Shia Muslims in this country.

79 Shia Muslims are killed in Three Days

After 258 Shia lost their lives in first 10 days of October in Iraq, another 79 are killed from October 25th to 28th.

Series of bombs and explosions killed at least 79 Shia Muslims in different Shia populated areas of the Iraq. On October 25th, 16 Shia were killed. 49 were killed in series of 10 car bombs on the 26th and another 14 people killed on Sunday the 27th.

A Shia killing in Iraq is increasing and there are not much being done to secure the area for majority Shia Muslims in this country. Shia Rights Watch is concerned for the security of Shia and their historical sites as Muharram, first Islamic month, starts soon. Muharram is a month in which Shia hold special rituals. Hundreds of Shia Muslims are killed in hate crimes around the world in this month.

Algeria Another Country to Join Anti-Shia Terrorists

According to most recent news from Africa, authorities from different countries in this continent are taking actions against the right of Shia Muslims.

Not long ago Shia Rights Watch received complaints from Shia in Morocco that they are being threatened and they fear the anti-Shia movements. Now Shia Muslims of Algeria share their concerns with SRW.

Abdel Fattah launched Zrawi Hmedash, an anti-Shia figure in Algeria, openly publicized his anti- Shia movement and said Shia threat Algeria.

All anti- Shia governors and figure accuse Shia of a threat to their security, yet the history of Shia Muslim reveals that they have always lived in peace with all, even with violators who continuously oppress them.

SRW urges Algeria’s authorities to stop anti Shia movement immediately. Shia Muslims of Algeria are peaceful citizen who are no threat to anyone. They share values with the rest of the Algerians and their rights must be respected.

Hajj of 2013, Full of Shia Rights Violations

Saudi Arabia and Wahhabis misuse Hajj season to spread their anti-Shia ideologies. Saudi authorities distributed books that call Shia Muslims infidels and apostate.

Hajj is an annual ritual that Muslims attend in Saudi Arabia. It also serves as a conference for Muslim representative from all around the world to exchange ideas, news and plan for the Islamic nations. However Saudi forces use this gathering to spread extremist ideologies. Shia Muslims are the only minority group that faces many limitations and restriction.

During Hajj, Shia Muslims cannot read of their prayer book, they cannot pray according to their faith, they cannot visit their holy sites, most Shia mosques are closed down, and many times they are degraded by the forces in Makkah and Madinah (two most important Muslim holy sites).

Hajj of 2013 was full of Shia rights violations as Shia Muslims faced many difficulties. Saudi Arabia should not use this ritual gathering to spread hatred among Muslims says SRW.

Books and lectures founded by Saudi kingdom and delivered by extremists scholars resulted in death of death, targeted killings, arrestments, insecurity and torture of thousands of Shia Muslims in the world. SRW hold Saudi Arabia responsible for the human rights violations that are taking place around the world. International Courts should investigate and punish all those who advocate and found extremist ideologies.

Eight Deaths in October

Shia targeted killings continues in Pakistan. Pakistani Shia Muslims lose loved ones due to their Shia faith. There were eight targeted killings so far in the month of October.

Pakistani Shia Muslims have been attacked by anti-Shia terrorist groups. Thousands of Shia have been slaughtered, shot and killed. Most of the targets were professionals and educated figures.

Pakistani government has failed to protect Shia population and this issue must be addresses immediately, says SRW.

20 Shia are Killed Daily in Iraq

October death toll reached 258 by Sunday the 13t in Iraq.

On average 20 Shia Muslims were killed every day in Iraq in October. Increasing number of car bombs target Shia populated areas of Iraq.

Thousands of Shia children lost home, family and caregivers and many women lost their support. Death toll is increasing dramatically and the government failed to support and protect majority Shia Muslims.

SRW is concerned for the security of Shia Muslims and believes the killing in Iraq must be stopped by identifying violators, stopping foreign founding and cleaning country from terrorists.

Children of Iraq

iraqi-girl-205x300Terrorists and human rights violators impact the world in a non-reversible way. Their most dangerous impact is how they change the future of the children of their targets. In fact children are the main victims of wars, human rights violations and crimes done by terrorists.Children in Iraq are paying very high price for being Shia Muslim. Many Iraqi children wake up finding no mother to feed them, no father to provide for them and no home to rest in. An estimated one million children are considered orphan in Iraq and the number is increasing as Shia rights violations and targeted killings in escalating.

The fact that adoption is not common in Iraq and most families are already under the poverty line, orphans are left alone to find ways to survive. About %57 of the Iraq’s population are under the age of 25 and %6 are senior citizens according to CIA Factbook. Based on these numbers more than %60 of the population are vulnerable and need special care.

Children and youth who are the main resources of the country and the future of the country is in their hand suffer from food insecurity, trauma, are homeless, are not safe, and do not any education. The future of Iraq, which once was home to the oldest civilizations in the world with a cultural history of over 10,000 years, is not very promising.

When I think how terror acts leave thousands of children helpless, uneducated, sick, weak and insecure, I wonder if terrorist have any sense of humanity in them. I wonder what can change humans to such unpredictable creatures that have no logic, no empathy, and no mercy. Yet is it worse when it’s done as “religious” acts.

Picture from http://www.growingupglobal.net.

By Hawraa Zakery, A Human Rights Activist and Shia Rights Specialist         on     October 15, 201

Faulty Accusation: Another Tool for Saudi Forces

According to Shia Rights Watch activists, a Shia Muslim group leader was arrested in Medina, Saudi Arabia. Abdul Salam, a Shia Muslim who takes groups to Hajj from Iraq was arrested on September 30th. He was forced to sign a confession letter saying he cursed Prophet Mohammad’s companions. He was promised to be released after signing.

Cursing companions is one of the accusations that non-Shia Muslims use to incriminate Shia Muslims. Abdul Salam did not curse anyone but Saudi forces forced him to sign such prewritten confessions.

There is no update on the situation of Abdul Salam, and Shia Rights Watch is concerned about him. Cursing companions is outlawed and has legal punishments in Saudi Arabia.

Saudi forces have no right to accuse anyone and force them to sign faulty confessions.

Saudi forces use the Hajj season to pressure Shia Muslims. Every year Shia Muslims face many difficulties upon their entrance to this country.

SRW has repeatedly contacted the Saudi embassy in USA and asked them to stop discrimination against Shia Muslims, however Saudi Arabia is still the leading human rights violator and international human rights committees cannot win the battle between Saudi oil and human rights.

UN Complaint