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Saudi Public are Catching Up… Asking Arifi to Apologize to a Woman

Arabic news agencies and MBC TV channel broadcasted an interview with the mother of a Saudi fighter in Syria. The program condemned the hate speech of the Arifi and others like him who encourage young men to go to Syria to fight.

Muhammad Arifi is a Wahhabi preacher who uses his fame and influence to encourage young men to go to Syria to participate in Jihad. Arifi is known to be a motivator of much sectarian bloodshed in Syria. In response to the Mother’s interview, Arifi, on his TV show, accused the mother of “acting” and being paid to cry for the recording. He furthermore, disgraced the mother as a woman The mother stated that she tried contacting Arifi many times but he never responded.

The young man, Muhammad, who managed to return to Arabia, said “there are many Saudi fighters in Syria, they drink alcohol, slaughter people and steal money,” and “that is why I decided to come back”. He continued, ”preachers are the reason: If it wasn’t for the Arifi and other preachers I would never go to Syria to kill.”

Social media activists created a #العریفی یستهز بدمعه اممحمد and demanded Arifi to apologize to the mother and be punished for his actions.

After years of Shia Rights Watch urging the public and governments to take action to charge Arifi for his illegal hate speech, now another powerful group, civilians, are demanding punishment for Mohammad Arifi.

Muhamamd Arifi and other Wahhabi preachers must be held responsible for their inhumane and hateful speeches. Enablers like him are responsible for the bloodshed of many minorities in Syria and elsewhere, says SRW.

Searchسعوديعادمنحربسوريايعترف: الدعاةهمالسببto watch the interview in Arabic.


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