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Shia Rights Violations (June 1 – July 1, 2024)

A Stark Snapshot of Human Rights Violations
A Stark Snapshot of Human Rights Violations

The June 2024 report from Shia Rights Watch (SRW) presents a grim picture of the persistent and severe human rights violations targeting Shia Muslims in various countries. The documented incidents include confiscation of religious materials, closure of educational institutions, abductions, physical assaults, bombings, and systematic repression. This compilation reflects both the direct actions of extremist groups and the repressive measures imposed by state authorities.

Key Findings and Patterns

  1. Taliban’s Repressive Measures in Afghanistan: The Taliban’s actions in Afghanistan—confiscating Shia religious books and closing Shia institutions—highlight a clear pattern of religious intolerance and systemic repression. These measures aim to suppress Shia cultural and religious identity, which is particularly concerning given the Taliban’s historical animosity towards minority groups.
  2. Extremist Violence in Pakistan: Pakistan witnessed multiple instances of extremist violence, including abductions, assassinations, and attacks on Shia pilgrims. The involvement of groups like Lashkar-e-Jhangvi underscores the ongoing threat from sectarian militant organizations. The government’s failure to protect Shia citizens from such violence is a critical issue.
  3. State Repression in Bahrain: The repeated arrests of Shia youths in Bahrain point to a systematic effort by the state to stifle dissent and intimidate the Shia community. These arrests, often under vague pretexts, are part of a broader strategy to maintain political control and suppress Shia activism.
  4. Terrorist Attacks in Syria and Iraq: The attacks in Syria and Iraq, including bombings and IED explosions, reflect the volatile security situation in these regions and the persistent threat posed by terrorist organizations like ISIS. These incidents not only result in loss of life and injury but also create a climate of fear and instability.

Challenges in Documentation

SRW’s report underscores the difficulties in documenting all violations due to the lack of conclusive evidence and witness testimonies. Despite these challenges, the organization has provided a comprehensive overview of the documented incidents, highlighting the urgent need for international attention and intervention.

Incidents of Anti-Shiism, June 2024

Shia Rights Watch (SRW) has released its report for June 2024, detailing significant human rights violations against Shia Muslim individuals and communities in various countries.

The report highlights numerous terrorist operations, including armed attacks and bombings, along with systemic repression and abuse in several countries.

SRW could only document some of the reported violations with the help of human rights activists and some civil organizations. Many field indicators suggest the occurrence of other violations that could not be confirmed with evidence and witnesses.

The monthly report covers Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bahrain, Syria, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq.

This report highlight the Shia rights violations from June 1 to July 1, 2024.

The report reviews numerous terrorist acts carried out by extremist groups against Shia Muslims and the repression and abuse perpetrated against them by certain governments.

SRW emphasizes that it relies on its own sources and some public sources, such as individuals and groups active in the field of freedoms and human rights in the countries where these violations occurred.

SRW refrained from mentioning some violations due to the lack of conclusive evidence, even though it is confident that these violations occurred in some countries. SRW stresses that its work does not aim for political or financial gains but seeks to achieve the justice and equality desired by human communities.


06/06/2024: Taliban confiscates Shia religious books from schools in Bamiyan and Balkh: Taliban authorities confiscated Shia religious books from schools in Bamiyan province, predominantly inhabited by Shia, and similarly in the city of Balkh.

06/10/2024: Closure of a university, a school, and a television channel for Shias: The so-called Ministry of Justice in the Taliban government closed Khatam Al-Nabieen University and Tamaddon TV channel. Khatam Al-Nabieen School, established by the late Shia leader Ayatollah Mohseni, was also closed.


06/05/2024: Abduction of two Shia academics: Two Shia community members were kidnapped under mysterious circumstances, and their fate remains unknown. Observers believe extremist groups committed this crime. Human rights platforms revealed that human rights activist Engineer Mumtaz Rizvi, aged 61, and Shia student Rashid Ali from Gilgit-Baltistan were kidnapped while studying in Karachi.

06/11/2024: Border checkpoint extorts and robs Shia pilgrims: Human rights sources revealed that Shia pilgrims were extorted and robbed by employees of the Taftan checkpoint while traveling from Quetta to Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) and Imam Reza (peace be upon him) in Iran.

06/20/2024: Two killed and four injured in a bus attack in Peshawar: An armed group belonging to the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi terrorist organization attacked a bus heading to Peshawar, resulting in two deaths and four injuries.

06/21/2024: Assassination of a Shia preacher in Mandi: A terrorist group assassinated Shia preacher Sayed Bahauddin Sayed Asad Ejaz from Tehsil Valia, Mandi area.

06/22/2024: Extremist group attacks Friday prayers in Sheikhupura: An extremist group attacked Shia worshipers in the village of Bhikhi in Sheikhupura area with sticks, stones, and obscene language, besides desecrating the mosque, causing injuries to several worshipers and damaging mosque contents.

06/24/2024: Abduction of a veterinary doctor in Dera Ismail: An unknown group kidnapped veterinary doctor Sayed Ghazanfar Hussain Shah while he was heading to his workplace in Dera Ismail Khan. His fate remains unknown.


06/25/2024: Arrest of six youths from the town of Karzakan: Security authorities arrested Abdullah Abbas Abdul Rasul, Mohammed Abbas Abdul Rasul, Mohammed Shouqi Salman, Mohammed Jassim Al-Qattan, Mohammed Khalil Al-Karani, and Hussein Ahmed Al-Kash, from Karzakan, after summoning them to a security center.

06/27/2024: Arrest of a young man from the town of Karzakan: Security authorities arrested Ali Yasser Daif from Karzakan after summoning him to a security center.

06/28/2024: Arrest of three youths from the town of Karzakan: Security authorities arrested Jassim Mohammed Taher Al-Jabal, Mohammed Mirza Ali Abu Hassan, and Ali Naji Abbas Marhoon from Karzakan after summoning them to a security center.


06/15/2024: Three visitors injured in Deir Ezzor: Three Iraqi visitors heading to holy sites in Damascus were injured, and their vehicle was damaged after a terrorist group attacked their bus with gunfire on a main road in Deir Ezzor.


06/09/2024: One person injured in an IED explosion in Al-Khalis: An IED planted by terrorists on the roadside in Al-Khalis city injured one person and damaged his vehicle.

06/11/2024: ISIS attacks security personnel in the holy city of Samarra: An armed group belonging to ISIS attacked security personnel in the holy city of Samarra, injuring several of them.

06/16/2024: Three women and a child injured in an IED explosion in Tuz Khurmatu: An IED planted by terrorists on the main market road in Tuz Khurmatu injured three women and a child, besides damaging market properties.

06/25/2024: One killed and one injured in a Daesh war remnant explosion in Mandali: An explosion of a Daesh war remnant in Mandali killed one person and injured another.

06/25/2024: Child killed and his sister injured in a war remnant explosion in Basra: An explosion of a war remnant in North Rumaila, west of Basra, killed a child and injured his sister.

Shia Rights Violations (May 1 – June 1, 2024)

A Stark Snapshot of Human Rights Violations
A Stark Snapshot of Human Rights Violations

The Shia Rights Watch (SRW) report for May 2024 sheds light on the alarming rise in human rights violations against Shia Muslims across several countries. This detailed document chronicles the atrocities and systemic discrimination faced by Shia communities, painting a grim picture of their plight.

In Afghanistan, the report highlights the Taliban’s draconian measures against Shia Muslims, including the prohibition of Shia literature and the confiscation of books. This is compounded by deadly ISIS attacks targeting Shia individuals, further entrenching the vulnerability of this community.

Pakistan’s Shia population continues to be besieged by terrorist activities. The report documents multiple incidents of violence, including bombings and targeted killings, that have left scores dead or injured. The enforced disappearances of Shia activists underscore the prevailing atmosphere of fear and repression.

In Bahrain, systemic discrimination against Shia citizens persists unabated. The SRW report references a U.S. State Department document detailing widespread abuses, from inhumane treatment of political prisoners to restrictions on fundamental freedoms such as expression and peaceful assembly. This institutionalized bias severely undermines Shia citizens’ rights, impeding their participation in societal and governmental functions.

Saudi Arabia’s treatment of its Shia population is equally concerning. The report highlights politically motivated executions and the subsequent withholding of burial information, which compounds the families’ grief. Such actions are emblematic of the broader systemic injustice faced by Shia Muslims in the kingdom.

Iraq, still grappling with the remnants of ISIS, sees frequent attacks on its Shia communities. The report details a series of bombings and armed assaults, resulting in numerous casualties. These incidents underscore the ongoing security challenges and the persistent threat posed by extremist groups.

The report also brings to light the sectarian violence in Serbia, where a Shia refugee was murdered by an extremist group. This incident illustrates the transnational nature of anti-Shia sentiment and the dangers faced by Shia individuals even in diaspora settings.

Shia Rights Watch plays a crucial role in documenting and disseminating information about these violations. Their comprehensive reports are vital in raising awareness and pressing for accountability. SRW’s efforts are instrumental in highlighting the systemic nature of anti-Shia discrimination and violence, providing a voice to the oppressed and advocating for their rights on a global stage.

In conclusion, the SRW report for May 2024 is a sobering reminder of the persistent and pervasive challenges faced by Shia Muslims. The documented incidents underscore the need for concerted international efforts to address these human rights abuses. Shia Rights Watch’s unwavering commitment to justice and equality remains a beacon of hope for Shia communities worldwide. Through continued vigilance and advocacy, SRW strives to foster a world where Shia Muslims can live free from fear and discrimination.

Incidents of Anti-Shiism, May 2024

Incidents of antishiism
Incidents of antishiism

Shia Rights Watch issues its monthly report on the most significant human rights violations committed against Shia Muslims for the period from May 1 to June 1, 2024.

The report reviews many terrorist operations carried out by extremist groups against Shia Muslims, as well as the oppression and abuse practiced against them by some government and non-government actors.

SRW relies on its sources and some public sources, such as individuals and groups active in the field of freedom and human rights in the countries where these violations occurred.

The organization notes that it refrained from mentioning some violations due to the absence of confirmed evidence, despite being certain of the occurrence of these violations in some countries. The organization emphasizes that it does not aim for political or profitable goals but seeks to achieve justice and equality aspired by human societies.

Countries listed alphabetically:


5/1/2024 – Casualties in a Mosque Attack in Herat: Six people were killed, and another injured in an armed attack on worshippers in a mosque in Guzara, west of Herat, resulting in the deaths of six civilians, including a three-year-old child, and one injury.

5/2/2024 – Three Killed in Bamyan: ISIS terrorists launched an armed attack on tourists accompanied by three Shia citizens in Bamyan province, central Afghanistan, killing three Spanish tourists and three of their Shia companions.

5/20/2024 – Taliban Bans Shia Books: Taliban authorities issued a decision to ban the entry of Shia books of all titles into the country and began confiscating all such books from universities and public libraries. Last year, the Ministry of Higher Education of the Taliban instructed all universities and private educational institutions to “purge their libraries of books contrary to Hanafi jurisprudence” and to withdraw all books contrary to this jurisprudence, as well as banning the teaching of Ja’fari jurisprudence in public universities.


05/1/2024 – Wounded in a Terrorist Attack in Karachi: An armed group opened fire on a gathering of Shia civilians in North Nazimabad, Karachi, injuring four people seriously.

05/04/2024 – Casualties in a Balochistan Bombing: A roadside bomb planted by terrorists in Khuzdar, Balochistan, southwestern Pakistan, killed two people and injured seven others.

05/8/2024 – Casualties in an Armed Attack on Shia Professionals in Gwadar: An armed terrorist group attacked the home of a group of Shia barbers near the port of Gwadar in Balochistan, killing six people and injuring others.

05/21/2024 – Kidnapping of a Young Man in Karachi: An unidentified group kidnapped Shia activist Muhammad Mujtaba Rizvi, 24, near Rabia Razi Association in Karachi. Muhammad’s elder brother, Syed Muhammad Musa Rizvi, has been forcibly disappeared since February 2024.

05/25/2024 – Kidnapping of a Cleric in Karachi: An unidentified group kidnapped Shia cleric Sheikh Munir Hassan Jafri from a street in Islamabad and took him to an unknown location.


05/1/2024 – Continued Systematic Discrimination Against Shia: A human rights report issued by the U.S. State Department revealed that Bahraini authorities continue to practice systematic discrimination against Shia citizens.

The report pointed to significant issues, including inhumane or degrading treatment of political prisoners, arbitrary or illegal detention, lack of judicial independence, severe restrictions on freedom of expression and the media, including unjustified arrests or prosecutions of journalists and censorship, restrictions on internet freedom, continued repression of peaceful assembly and association, excessive restrictive laws regarding the organization or financing or operation of NGOs and civil society organizations, and restrictions on freedom of movement and residence and the right to leave the country.

The report also indicated that Bahraini authorities deprived detainees, or sick and prisoners of conscience of medical treatment, and noted that the conditions in prisons and detention centers are harsh, with some detainees facing life-threatening physical abuse, unfair use of solitary confinement as a disciplinary measure, inadequate sanitary conditions, and medical care. Additionally, the report noted that Shia citizens face systematic discrimination and obstacles to equal participation in society and government, particularly in some government jobs and the security sector.

05/12/2024 – Arrest of a Citizen for Demanding the Release of His Detained Son: Security authorities arrested Ali Al-Muhanna after he announced his protest in front of the Ministry of Interior, demanding the release of his son, detained on political charges.

Saudi Arabia

05/15/2024 – Execution of Young Man from Eastern Province: Saudi authorities executed young detainee Hassan Ahmed Al-Nasser from Eastern Province on political charges that activists claimed were fabricated and that his trial lacked fairness. Despite executing him, Saudi authorities withheld his body and did not inform his family of his burial location.

05/22/2024 – Execution of a Shia Activist from Qatif: Saudi authorities executed young man Mohammed Al-Johar from Al-Awamiya town on fabricated political charges and an unfair mock trial, according to observers.


05/1/2024 – Two Killed in Al-Mu’tasim Subdistrict: ISIS terrorist groups launched an attack on the outskirts of Al-Mu’tasim subdistrict, resulting in two deaths.

05/13/2024 – Casualties in a Daesh Attack in Diyala: An armed attack by ISIS terrorists on the outskirts of Al-Azim in Diyala city killed six people and injured eight others.

05/17/2024 – Wounded in a Daesh Attack in Domiz: An attack by ISIS terrorists on Baiji village in Domiz district, Kirkuk, injured three people.

05/18/2024 – Wounded in a Bomb Explosion: A roadside bomb planted by terrorists in Haditha area injured four people.

05/20/2024 – Injury from a Landmine in Nukhaib: A landmine explosion from ISIS remnants in Nukhaib area injured a person.


05/1/2024 – Kidnapping and Murder of a Young Man: A Sunni extremist group in Serbia kidnapped and murdered Mohammad Taqi Abbas, a refugee, due to a religious tattoo.

Embracing Diversity: The Significance of World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development

The World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, celebrated annually on May 21st, serves as a crucial reminder of the rich tapestry of cultures that make up our global society. This day highlights the importance of understanding and respecting cultural diversity, fostering dialogue among civilizations, and promoting development that includes all cultural groups. It provides an opportunity to deepen our understanding of the values of cultural diversity and to learn to live together better.

Cultural diversity is a driving force of development, not only in terms of economic growth but also as a means of leading a more fulfilling intellectual, emotional, moral, and spiritual life. This diversity is an asset that is indispensable for poverty reduction and the achievement of sustainable development. Recognizing and respecting this diversity is essential in today’s interconnected world, where globalization often threatens to overshadow local cultures and traditions.

One group that exemplifies the need for this recognition and respect is the Shia Muslim community. Shia Muslims represent a significant portion of the Muslim population worldwide, with substantial communities in countries such as Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, India, and Lebanon. Despite their numbers, Shia Muslims often face significant challenges and discrimination due to their religious beliefs. This is where organizations like Shia Rights Watch (SRW) come into play, advocating for the rights and dignity of Shia Muslims globally.

Shia Rights Watch is a non-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to promoting awareness of Shia rights and addressing the issues faced by Shia communities worldwide. They work tirelessly to document human rights violations, provide support to victims, and raise awareness about the plight of Shia Muslims. The organization’s efforts are crucial in highlighting the often-overlooked struggles of Shia communities, advocating for their inclusion and protection.

The significance of the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development cannot be overstated when considering the situation of Shia Muslims. This day serves as a platform to highlight the contributions of Shia communities to global culture and development, and to call for greater inclusion and respect for their rights. By fostering dialogue and understanding, we can work towards a world where all cultural and religious groups are respected and valued.

In many regions, Shia Muslims face systemic discrimination and violence. In countries like Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, Shia communities are often marginalized and subjected to harsh treatment. In Pakistan, Shia Muslims have been targets of sectarian violence, with extremist groups attacking Shia mosques and processions. These acts of violence and discrimination are not only violations of human rights but also stark reminders of the importance of promoting cultural diversity and dialogue.

Shia Rights Watch plays a vital role in bringing these issues to light. Through their advocacy, they work to ensure that the rights of Shia Muslims are recognized and protected. The organization’s efforts are a testament to the importance of including all voices in the conversation about cultural diversity and development. By highlighting the struggles and contributions of Shia Muslims, SRW helps to foster a more inclusive and understanding world.

Promoting cultural diversity is not just about celebrating differences but also about addressing the inequalities that exist within and between cultural groups. It involves recognizing the unique challenges faced by minority communities, such as Shia Muslims, and working towards solutions that promote equality and respect. This is why the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development is so important. It provides an opportunity to reflect on these issues and to take action to create a more just and inclusive world.

In conclusion, the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development is a crucial reminder of the importance of respecting and celebrating cultural diversity. For Shia Muslims, this day is an opportunity to highlight their contributions to global culture and to call for greater recognition and protection of their rights. Organizations like Shia Rights Watch play a vital role in advocating for these rights and raising awareness about the challenges faced by Shia communities. By embracing cultural diversity and fostering dialogue, we can work towards a world where all people, regardless of their cultural or religious background, are respected and valued.

Shia Rights Violations (April 1 – May 1, 2024)

A Stark Snapshot of Human Rights Violations
A Stark Snapshot of Human Rights Violations

Shia Rights Watch has just dropped a bombshell report detailing the horrifying plight of Shia Muslims across several countries. Covering a month-long period from April 1 to May 1, 2024, the report paints a grim picture of relentless violence, discrimination, and oppression. Here’s a closer look at the heart-wrenching incidents that rocked the Shia communities in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bahrain, Syria, and Saudi Arabia.

Afghanistan: A Terrorist Playground

Afghanistan remains a dangerous battleground for Shia Muslims. The Taliban’s move to hike pilgrimage fees exclusively for Shias is a glaring example of systemic discrimination. This policy isn’t just about money; it’s about marginalization. Adding to the misery, ISIS terrorists executed a devastating bus bombing in Kabul’s Shia-majority Kote Sangi neighborhood, killing one and injuring three. But the bloodshed didn’t stop there. The attack on Imam Zaman Mosque in Herat, which left six dead and ten injured, highlights the lethal mix of hatred and violence that Shias face daily.

Pakistan: Sectarian Violence Unleashed

In Pakistan, Shias are no strangers to bloodshed. On April 1, a roadside bomb in Quetta killed one person and injured three, marking yet another dark day in the city’s history of sectarian violence. The assassinations in Parachinar, Kurram District, where terrorists ambushed and killed two Shia individuals, underscore the everyday dangers faced by the community. The mosque bombing in Quetta on April 9, which resulted in multiple casualties, and the April 11 attack on a pilgrim bus in Balochistan, killing two and injuring six, further highlight the relentless targeting of Shias. The horrific bus hijacking and execution of 11 Shia passengers in Quetta on April 13 are a brutal reminder of the extreme violence aimed at terrorizing the community.

Bahrain: Silent Suffering

Bahrain’s Shia population continues to suffer in silence. The slow death of political prisoner Hassan Mushaima, due to torture and denial of medical treatment, reveals the brutal repression of Shia dissent. Meanwhile, the death of political opponent Imran Ahmed Sharaf, who couldn’t receive medical care due to relentless persecution, highlights the deadly consequences of the Bahraini government’s crackdown on Shia activists. These stories of suffering are a stark reminder of the systemic abuse faced by Shia Muslims in Bahrain.

Syria: Clerics in the Crosshairs

Syria’s Shia clerics are increasingly under fire. The abduction, torture, and execution of Sheikh Abdullah Ahmed Al-Ali by extremists in Daraa are a chilling testament to the deadly threats faced by Shia religious leaders. On April 28, the attack on a bus carrying Iraqi Shia pilgrims near the Iraqi-Syrian border, which resulted in one death and several injuries, underscores the perilous conditions for Shia pilgrims in conflict zones. These incidents illustrate the dire need for better protection and security for Shia communities.

Saudi Arabia: Justice Denied

Saudi Arabia’s oppressive tactics against Shia activists and intellectuals are in full swing. The 28-year prison sentence handed to poet Fadhel Al-Magsi, along with the prolonged detention of his brother, highlights the kingdom’s harsh measures to silence Shia voices. The shocking revelation of death sentences against nine detained minors on sectarian grounds is a severe human rights violation, shedding light on the brutal reality for Shia youths in Saudi Arabia.

Conclusion: A Call to Action

The Shia Rights Watch report is a wake-up call to the international community. The documented incidents reveal a horrifying pattern of violence, discrimination, and systemic repression against Shia Muslims. From discriminatory policies and targeted killings to terrorist attacks and judicial injustices, Shias are under siege. It’s time for global action to protect and advocate for the rights of Shia Muslims, ensuring justice and equality for all.

Incidents of Anti-Shiism, April 2024

Incidents of antishiism
Incidents of antishiism

Monthly Report of Shia Rights Watch on Human Rights Violations Against Shia Muslims

Shia Rights Watch releases its monthly report on the most prominent human rights violations committed against Shia Muslims from April 1 to May 1, 2024.

The report reviews numerous terrorist operations carried out by extremist groups against Shia Muslims, as well as acts of oppression and abuse practiced against them by certain regimes and governments.

The organization confirms that it relied on its own sources and some public sources, such as individuals and groups active in the field of freedoms and human rights in the countries where these violations occurred.

The organization notes that it refrained from mentioning some violations due to the lack of confirmed evidence, despite being certain of the occurrence of these violations in some countries. It emphasizes that it does not seek political or profit-oriented goals, but rather aims to achieve the justice and equality that human societies aspire to.

Countries in Alphabetical Order:


1/4: Taliban obstructs pilgrimage for Shias: The Taliban authorities imposed increased pilgrimage fees exclusively on Shia citizens, in a clear discriminatory measure driven by sectarian motives.
20/4: Death and injuries in bus bombing: An explosive device planted by ISIS terrorists inside a passenger bus in the Shia neighborhood of Kote Sangi in Kabul resulted in one death and three injuries.
29/4: Deaths and injuries in mosque attack: ISIS terrorists launched an attack with weapons and explosives on the Imam Zaman Mosque in Herat, killing six people, including the Shia cleric Hujjat al-Islam Javed Mullah, and injuring ten worshippers.


1/4: Death and injuries in Quetta bombing: A roadside bomb planted by terrorists east of Quetta killed one person and injured three others.
3/4: Two assassinated in Kurram: An armed terrorist group assassinated two Shia individuals and injured two others through ambush and gunfire while they were traveling on a road in Parachinar, Kurram District.
9/4: Deaths and injuries in mosque bombing: An explosive device planted by terrorists inside a mosque in Quetta killed and injured thirteen worshippers.
11/4: Deaths and injuries in attack on pilgrim bus: Two pilgrims were killed and six injured when terrorists opened fire on their bus in western Balochistan.
13/4: Bus hijacking and execution of passengers in Quetta: A terrorist group intercepted two consecutive Shia passenger buses, hijacked them, and executed eleven of the passengers, injuring six others, whose bodies were found near a river.


6/4: Opposition figure subjected to slow death: Ali Mushaima, son of Shia political opponent Hassan Mushaima, announced that his father was being subjected to a slow death through torture and denial of medical treatment by the infamous Jaw Prison authorities.
19/4: Death of a pursued political opponent: Bahraini opposition forces announced the death of political opponent Imran Ahmed Sharaf from Al-Eker town due to his inability to receive treatment for a serious illness, as he was being pursued and unable to travel abroad for treatment.


23/4: Abduction, torture, and execution of Shia cleric: An extremist group in Daraa abducted Shia cleric Sheikh Abdullah Ahmed Al-Ali, a religious scholar in Sayyida Zainab, tortured him, executed him, and mutilated his body.
28/4: Person killed in attack on bus: A terrorist group opened fire on a bus carrying Iraqi Shia pilgrims near the Iraqi-Syrian border, killing one person and injuring others.

Saudi Arabia

20/4: Imprisonment of detained poet: A Saudi court sentenced Husseini poet Fadhel Al-Magsi, detained for five years, to 28 years in prison. He is the brother of detained opponent Ahmed Al-Magsi, from Tarout town.
25/4: Minors facing execution: Human rights sources revealed that Saudi courts began issuing death sentences against nine detained minors on sectarian grounds, including Jallal Labad and Abdullah Al-Darazi.

Urgent Appeal for Inclusion of Shia Muslims Under India’s Citizenship Amendment Act

His Excellency Taranjit Singh Sandhu

Embassy of India

2107 Massachusetts Avenue,

NW Washington, DC 20008


Dear Ambassador Taranjit Singh Sandhu,

I am reaching out to you on behalf of Shia Rights Watch with a focused appeal concerning the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019 (CAA). This pivotal legislation marks a commendable step by the Government of India to offer refuge and citizenship to persecuted religious minorities from neighboring countries. However, it has come to our attention that Shia Muslims, despite facing severe persecution in Afghanistan and Pakistan, are not explicitly included under the protections offered by this Act. Through this letter, we earnestly request the Indian government to consider amending the CAA to encompass Shia Muslims, thereby providing them with the same opportunity for safety and a new beginning in India.

The situation for Shia Muslims in Afghanistan and Pakistan is dire and worsening. In Afghanistan, for instance, the year 2022 witnessed an appalling attack during the holy month of Muharram, where a suicide bomber targeted a Shia mosque in Kabul, resulting in the loss of 25 innocent lives and injuring over 50 worshippers. Similarly, in early 2023, the abduction and subsequent murder of four Shia Hazara farmers in the province of Balkh starkly illustrated the grave dangers faced by Shias simply for their religious identity. These incidents are not isolated but indicative of a broader, systematic campaign of violence against Shia Muslims, with countless more cases that merit urgent attention.

In Pakistan, the sectarian violence against Shia Muslims continues unabated. The latter part of 2022 saw a tragic attack on a Shia procession in Karachi, where 10 participants were killed, and several were injured. March 2023 brought further sorrow with the targeted killing of a Shia family in the Gilgit-Baltistan region, claiming three lives, including two children. These events are part of a disturbing pattern of targeted attacks and systemic discrimination against Shia communities, underscoring the critical need for immediate intervention and support.

It is imperative to acknowledge that the violence against Shia Muslims in both Afghanistan and Pakistan is systematic and pervasive, with the incidents highlighted here representing only afraction of the widespread persecution they endure. This continuous threat to their safety and fundamental rights calls for an urgent response.

Given the dire circumstances faced by Shia Muslims in these regions, we implore the Government of India to extend the protections of the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019, to include Shia Muslims from Afghanistan and Pakistan. Such an amendment would not only provide much-needed refuge and hope to those fleeing persecution but also reinforce India’s commitment to upholding human rights and religious freedom.

We are prepared to engage in further dialogue and provide any additional information or evidence required to support our request. Your support can provide a crucial lifeline to many Shia Muslims in dire need of protection and a chance for a secure future.

Thank you for considering our heartfelt appeal. We look forward to your support and a positive response, and we are hopeful for the opportunity to collaborate towards ensuring safety and dignity for persecuted Shia Muslims.




Mustafa Akhwand

Executive Director

Shia Rights Watch


Violations Against Shia Muslims (March 1 – April 1, 2024)

A Stark Snapshot of Human Rights Violations
A Stark Snapshot of Human Rights Violations

Analysis of Human Rights Violations Against Shia Muslims (March 1 – April 1, 2024)

Shia Rights Watch’s recent monthly report offers a disturbing glimpse into the ongoing human rights violations against Shia Muslims across several countries. The period from March 1 to April 1, 2024, witnessed a range of abuses, including targeted killings, bombings, wrongful imprisonment, and denial of medical care. This analysis underscores the severity and scope of these violations, highlighting the urgent need for international attention and intervention.

Pakistan: Escalating Violence

Pakistan continues to be a hotbed of sectarian violence against Shia Muslims. The assassination of Haji Ramzan Ali, Vice President of the Shia Conference of Balochistan, on March 6 in Quetta, is a chilling reminder of the constant threats faced by Shia leaders. The attackers also injured his brother, underscoring the brutality of the assault. Additionally, the March 19 roadside bomb in Quetta, which injured three passersby, further exemplifies the targeted violence aimed at Shia communities. These incidents reflect a broader pattern of systemic discrimination and violence, requiring robust governmental and international responses to protect vulnerable populations.

Bahrain: Repression and Injustice

In Bahrain, the Shia community faces systematic repression and judicial injustices. On March 1, detainee Khalil Mohammed was sentenced to one year in prison for participating in protests against sectarian discrimination. This case is emblematic of the broader crackdown on Shia activists and dissidents. The same day, security forces raided the home of Abdul Zahra Sami Mashimi, a previously tortured detainee with a mental disability, and re-arrested him. The report also details the imprisonment of six activists for participating in a protest on March 12, and the arrest of multiple young men from the towns of Al-Eker and Saar in mid-March. The death of detainee Hussain Khalil Al-Ramram on March 24, due to denial of medical treatment, highlights the severe neglect and abuse faced by Shia prisoners in Bahrain’s notorious Jaw Prison.

Saudi Arabia: Silencing Voices

In Saudi Arabia, the repression of Shia voices is starkly evident. On March 14, authorities arrested blind poet Samir Ali Al-Muslim from Qatif, following his prayer for the release of detainees. This act of repression demonstrates the lengths to which the Saudi government will go to silence Shia activists and intellectuals. The March 21 raid and arrest of citizen Saeed Al-Muhsin in Qatif further underscore the ongoing crackdown. Additionally, the imprisonment and fining of Safwa Sports Club supporters on March 22 for chanting popular slogans during a soccer match illustrate the pervasive nature of sectarian discrimination in Saudi Arabia.

Iraq: Terrorism and Insecurity

Iraq remains deeply affected by terrorism, particularly from remnants of ISIS. The March 1 roadside bomb in Tarmiyah, north of Baghdad, which killed one person and injured four, highlights the persistent threat of terrorist attacks. Further north in Kirkuk, a landmine explosion on March 8 killed one person and injured his son, while the assassination of the police chief’s son on March 12 underscores the lethal targeting of individuals associated with security forces. Additionally, the March 27 landmine explosion in the border valley of Tursak, which severely injured two children, and the subsequent terrorist attacks on March 29 and 30 in Daquq District and Wadi Al-Shay, resulting in deaths, illustrate the ongoing dangers faced by civilians in Iraq.

Conclusion: A Call to Action

The Shia Rights Watch report sheds light on the pervasive and multifaceted nature of human rights violations against Shia Muslims. From targeted assassinations and bombings to judicial injustices and denial of medical care, these incidents underscore a systemic pattern of abuse and discrimination. The international community must urgently address these violations, advocate for the protection of Shia Muslims, and work towards achieving justice and equality. Shia Rights Watch’s documentation is crucial in raising awareness and mobilizing global action to end these atrocities and support the affected communities.

Incidents of Anti-Shiism, March 2024

Incidents of antishiism
Incidents of antishiism

Shia Rights Watch releases its monthly report on the most prominent human rights violations committed against Shia Muslims for the period from March 1 to April 1, 2024.

The report reviews numerous terrorist operations carried out by extremist groups against Shia Muslims, along with acts of repression and abuse practiced against them by certain regimes and governments.

The organization confirms that it relied on its own sources and some public sources, such as individuals and groups active in the field of freedoms and human rights in the countries where these violations occurred.

The organization notes that it refrained from mentioning some violations due to the lack of confirmed evidence, despite being certain of the occurrence of these violations in some countries. It emphasizes that it does not seek political or profit-oriented goals, but rather aims to achieve the justice and equality that human societies aspire to.

Countries in Alphabetical Order:


6/3: Assassination of a Political Representative and Injury to His Brother: Armed men affiliated with an active terrorist organization in Pakistan assassinated the Vice President of the Shia Conference of Balochistan, Haji Ramzan Ali, by shooting him in front of his house in Quetta, while his brother was injured.
19/3: Injuries from a Bomb Explosion in Quetta: An explosive device planted by terrorists on the roadside injured three passersby.


1/3: One Year Imprisonment for a Detainee Demanding an End to Sectarian Discrimination: A Bahraini court sentenced detainee Khalil Mohammed from the town of A’ali to one year in prison for participating in protests demanding an end to sectarian discrimination practiced by the authorities.
1/3: Raid and Arrest of a Previously Abused Detainee: A security force raided the house of previously abused detainee Abdul Zahra Sami Mashimi, who suffers from a mental disability due to torture, and arrested him.
12/3: Imprisonment of Six Activists for Participating in a Protest: A Bahraini court sentenced detainees Hussain Al-Jazairy, Hussain Abdul Ali Marhoon, Mohammed Hani Mohammed Nasib, Murtadha Al-Samaheji, Mousa Jafar Ashour Al-Shughul, and Yousif Ahmed to three months in prison each for participating in a protest march.
17/3: Raid and Arrest of Three Young Men: Security forces raided homes in the town of Al-Eker and arrested Abdullah Abdul Zahra, Hussain Salah, and Mahdi Abdul Latif.
19/3: Arrest of Two Young Men from the Town of Saar: Security forces raided homes in the town of Saar and arrested two young men.
24/3: Death of a Detainee Due to Denial of Medical Treatment: The notorious Jaw Prison’s administration’s denial of medical treatment resulted in the death of detainee Hussain Khalil Al-Ramram due to medical complications.

Saudi Arabia

14/3: Arrest of a Blind Poet Due to a Prayer: Saudi authorities arrested blind poet Samir Ali Al-Muslim from Qatif. Reports indicate that the arrest occurred after military forces raided his home in the town of Safwa following his prayer for the release of detainees.
21/3: Raid and Arrest of a Citizen from Qatif: Military forces raided an area in the town of Qatif and arrested citizen Saeed Al-Muhsin.
22/3: Imprisonment and Fines for Sports Club Supporters: A Saudi court sentenced several supporters of the Safwa Sports Club to prison and fines for chanting popular slogans during a soccer match.


1/3: Death and Injuries from a Roadside Bomb North of Baghdad: An explosive device planted by terrorists on the roadside in the Tarmiyah area north of Baghdad killed one person and injured four others.
8/3: Death and Injury from a Landmine Explosion in Kirkuk: An old landmine explosion in the Jabal Bur area killed one person and injured his son.
12/3: Assassination of the Son of the Police Chief of Suleiman Bek: Terrorists assassinated the son of the police chief of Suleiman Bek in Kirkuk by shooting him in front of his house, resulting in his immediate death.
13/3: Death in an Armed Attack East of Baquba: Terrorists assassinated a citizen in front of his house east of Baquba by shooting him, resulting in his immediate death.
23/3: Injuries to Two Shepherds from a Landmine Explosion: An old landmine left by ISIS terrorists exploded near the town of Bashir, injuring two shepherds.
27/3: Injuries to Two Children from a Landmine Explosion: An old war landmine left by ISIS terrorists exploded in the border valley of Tursak, injuring two children seriously.
29/3: Death in an Armed Attack in Daquq District: An attack by ISIS terrorists on the outskirts of Daquq District in Kirkuk killed one person after being shot.
30/3: Death in an ISIS Attack in Wadi Al-Shay: An attack by ISIS terrorists in Wadi Al-Shay in Kirkuk killed one person after being shot.

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