Incidents of Anti-Shiism in May 2019
Anti-Shiism, in the form of direct violence, discrimination, and marginalization, was reported in a number of nations during this month.
Extreme violations carried by Saudi Arabia and Bahrain shucked the international committees even more after both authorities promised reform and more freedom to their people. Pakistani and Iraq also remain unsafe for Shia communities, as many violations are reported from these places.
It is important to note that cases of violence stated in this report are only a sample of the incidents of anti-Shiism faces by the worlds Shia minority. Shia Rights Watch recognizes that incidents of violence are in large part not reported as many religious minorities live in fear of further persecution based on their religious identity.
Prison’s Condition and inmate rights
As SRW reported last month, assault to prisoners has been a form of violation carried by the Bahraini authorities. During April assaults and search inside the prison has left a number of detainees injured. Detainees at Bahrain’s Jaw Prison sustained injuries after being assaulted by the guards at the facility. This month, media reports that twelve correctional officers have been charged with physically assaulting inmates, the authorities. Although such a move is essential and necessary, the fact that the affected and injured inmates are denied treatment and care proves that the government is not fully helping the situation.
On May 22nd, activist and inmates’ family members reported that their loved ones are denied any communication with the outside world.
Nabeel Rajab, a well-known Shai activist, was denied an opportunity to access “alternative punishment law.” The motion that was filled by Nabeel’s lawyer was denied, and the court did not agree even to hear the motion. In Bahrain, criminals have the right to ask for alternative punishment law that could change their sentences; however, activists are denied such right.
Right groups expressed their sadness over the execution of Ahmed Al-Mullali and Ali Hakim Al-Arab, two Shia inmates on death row since January 2018. In February of the same year, activists reported that the two were subjected to severe beatings and other forms of torture each night. Ahmed Al-Mullali and Ali Hakim Al-Arab were sentenced to death over ‘terrorism’ related accusations and convicted during a mass trial along with 58 other defendants.
Sheikh Yassin al-Jamri, a Shia cleric, is back in detention after questioning by Manama’s security services on May 29th. There is no official explanation for his arrest.
May 23rd, marks second anniversary of an attack, by Manama’s security forces, to a peaceful sit-in outside the home of Sheikh Isa Qassim when five Shia dies and hundred were arrested. Although human rights entities have been demanding investigations, no action was taken in that regards.
Bahrain continues to have the highest violation of its Shia majority population.
Saudi Arabia
Saudi security forces have killed eight people during an operation in the predominantly Shia populated of Al-Qatif. The authorities claim they targeted “terrorist cell.” Saudi security services regularly carry out activities in the area violating the rights of the residents.
Saudi executes oppositions and accuse them of terror activities yet fails to prove the accusations. Most executions take place without prior notifications to family members. Even the victims are not apparent on their execution date.
An explosion near a Shia mosque in Quetta, Pakistan kills four and wounded ten others. The violations in Pakistan are mainly due to the government’s lack of protection for this population. Shia has reported that they have requested more protection from their local authorities, yet they are not granted any.
Region of Africa
Nigerian activists reported that the local authorities in Kaduna attacked their peaceful protestors on May 31st injuring the Shia.
Africa has become the new home for Shia rights violations as the population and activities of this population is rising.