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Four Shia Muslims were killed in Karachi due to firing of Anti-Shia terrorists

PK-234Four Shia Muslims were killed in Karachi due to firing of Anti-Shia terrorists in three incidents on Monday and Tuesday.

1. Nasir Ali alias Kallu was targeted in Nayabad Lyari.

2. Ahsan Abbas Naqvi and Syed Zia Mehdi were on their motorcycle when they were fired upon near Karimabad.

Ahsan Abbas was killed and Zia Mehdi was rushed to hospital for treatment. He succumbed to fatal wounds. They were residents of Federal B Area Block 19 and 20.

Another Shia Muslim was killed in Karachi due to firing of Anti-Shia terrorists on Tuesday. The incident occurred in North Karachi.

The killed Shia was identified as Hassan Akhtar Naqvi. He was an active member of Al-Haider Scouts. By profession, he was a security guard.

The body was taken to Abbasi Shaheed Hospital for post-mortem. He was fourth Shia killed in Karachi since Monday night.

Shia organisations have condemned the murder of four Shia Muslims. They demanded of the government and relevant higher authorities to adopt measures for a stoppage to genocide of Shia Muslims and arrest of the terrorists and severe punishment to them.

شيعة رايتس ووتش

شيعة رايتس ووتش

الدفاع عن العدالة

 منظمة شيعة رايتس ووتش هي اول منظمة شيعية عالمية ، مستقلة، غير حكومية،  وغير ربحية تعنى برعاية وحماية حقوق المسلمين الشيعة في مختلف دول العالم واروقت الامم المتحدة. تأسست عام 2011 و مقرها واشنطن.

تهدف المنظمة الى لفت انتباه المجتمع الدولي ورفع الوعي الدولي لما يجري من انتهاكات ضد الشيعة في العالم. وتسعى الى ان تكون الصرخة التي تجلب الجاني الى العدالة.

تعتمد المنظمة منهجية واستراتيجية الاستقصاء الصحفي  وتوثيق الحوادث عبر ممثليها في مختلف الدول و عرض التقارير الدورية والتبليغ عن الانتهاكات بهدف حماية حقوق الشيعة.

رؤية المنظمة

الحرية الدينية حق للجميع

تتطلع منظمة شيعة رايتس ووتش الى عالم يعمّه الأمن و السّلام للجميع بغض النظر عن دينهم، جنسهم، عرقهم، او اصلهم.

تعمل المنظمة على تبيين حقوق المسلمين الشيعة  و انهم كغيرهم من الأمم يجب ان يتمتعوا بكامل حقوقهم المدنية. مؤكدة عدم السماح للتمييز باي شكل من أشكاله، بل والابلاغ عن وجود الانتهاكات في حقهم اينما كانت. وتعتقد ان الله جلا وعلا قد اعطى الناس الحرية و الاختيار للعيش بسلام.


لا شيعي فوق القانون او دونه

تعمل منظمة شيعة رايتس ووتش على حماية حقوق المسلمين الشيعة في العالم، مساندة ضحايا التمييز والفوقية ودعم النشاط الذي يحول دون حصول هذا التمييز، وكذلك ضمان الحرية السياسية و الدينية.

تقوم المنظمة بمساعي حقوقية و اعلامية في المجتمعات المحلية والدولية لدعم حق الحرية للجميع.

عمليا، تقوم منظمة شيعة رايتس ووتش بالتحقيق في كافة الانتهاكات التي تمارس ضد الشيعة وذلك بهدف رفع الظلم.

تدعو المنظمة الى تغيير المفاهيم  الخاطئة في حق الشيعة من خلال التقارير والاصدارات وكتابة المقالات الفكرية وارسالها الى الحكومات العربية والاسلامية من جهة والمنظمات الحقوقية في مختلف دول العالم من جهة اخرى.

ترصد منظمة شيعة رايتس ووتش وسائل الاعلام باستمرار لمراقبة التغطية الاعلامية للانتهاكات ضد الشيعة حول العالم.

 الهدف السامي

يواجه الشيعة في العالم اضطهادا مستمرا من قبل المتطرفين والتكفيريين لا لسبب سوى انتمائهم العقائدي لمدرسة أهل البيت عليهم السلام.  و لطالما كانوا عرضة للاضطهاد والتعذيب وحتى الاعدام لقرون عديدة.

تؤمن منظمة شيعة رايتس ووتش بضرورة وجود المنظمات الحقوقية في مختلف دول العالم لحماية حقوق الشيعة وايصال صوتهم و المطالبة بحقوقهم حتى تنتهي الانتهاكات ضدهم.

 فريق عمل منظمة شيعة رايتس ووتش

 انطلقت منظمة شيعة رايتس ووتش بجهود متضامنة وموحدة لفريق نشطاء متطوعين من خلفيات اثنية ودينية مختلفة بهدف استحضار الدعم الدولي لحقوق الشيعة. و هذا النشاط كان بفضل تزايد عدد المتطوعين حيث تضم المنظمة حاليا ما يزيد عن 100 متطوع منتشرين حول العالم.

تتراوح مسؤولية الفريق بين جمع المعلومات وكتابة التقارير والمقالات لاحداث التغيير الفكري الداعم لحقوق الشيعة في العالم.

 منهجية منظمة شيعة رايتس وتش

 تعتقد منظمة شيعة رايتس ووتش ان الحصول على المعلومات والابلاغ ضد الانتهاكات التي تمارس بحق الشيعة هي من اهم المصادر في عملية الاستقصاء لذا فان المنظمة اعتمدت وسائل متعددة، منها:

الحضور الميداني و مقابلة الشهود، الضحايا وذويهم، الحصول على المعلومات من مكان الحدث، تحليل التقارير الصادرة عن المنظمات المحلية والدولية، عقد اللقاءات مع الجمعيات المدنية غير الحكومية والقادة والصحفيين  من خلال ايجاد شبكة علاقات واسعة تربط شرائح المجتمع. وبناء على الجمع الوفير من المعلومات، تتمكن المنظمة من تحديد حجم الانتهاكات ضد الشيعة. وهذه الانتهاكات تضم على سبيل المثال لا الحصر على ما يلي:

  • انتهاك حق الحياة
  • الاعتقال التعسفي
  • المحاكمات غير العادلة والسجن غير القانوني
  • الاساءة الجسدية والنفسية من اغتصاب اوتعذيب اواعتداء جنسي
  • الاستيلاء غير القانوني على الاملاك الخاصة
  • تدمير مراكز دينية
  • التمييز في مجال العمل
  • التمييز في مجال التعليم

 منظمة شيعة رايتس كمصدر

 الصحافيون المهتمون بتغطية شؤون الشرق الاوسط يجدون في تقارير منظمة شيعة ووتش مصدرا هاما لكونها تعنى بالتركيز على شريحة مهمة في الشرق الاوسط. فعلى سبيل المثال، من اجل دراسة  الانتهاكات ضد المتظاهرين في احداث الربيع العربي بشكل كامل، يتوجب التعرف على الصراع الذي يخوضه الشيعة من اجل نيل حقوقهم خاصة وان هذه الانتهاكات متواصلة ويتم التعتيم عليها اعلاميا.  و رد السلطات على احداث الربيع العربي كان فرصة سانحة للجناة لارتكاب المزيد من الانتهاكات والتعذيب.

وبعيدا عن العالم العربي، هناك بلاغات عن حالات ترهيب في جزء اخر من العالم مثل جنوب آسيا تهدف الى اثارة الكراهية الطائفية ضد المواطنين الشيعة يغذيها الخطاب السياسي عبر اثارة قضايا مفتعلة او اخبار كاذبة او مفبركة وتحت عناوين براقة  كالارهاب مثلا.

تهدف منظمة شيعة رايتس ووتش الى الابلاغ عن كل جريمة ترتكب بحق الشيعة في كل جزء من العالم. فالمحققين التابعين للمنظمة يقابلون الضحايا بشكل مباشر ويرصدون التغطيات لوسائل الاعلام الناطقة بلغات مختلفة.

تعمل منظمة شيعة رايتس ووتش ضمن شبكة تربطها بالمجتمعات المحلية، منظمات حقوق الانسان الدولية، والاكادميين من المجتمعات الشيعية  .

فريق منظمة شيعة رايتس ووتش يشكلون خليطا بشريا من مختلف الاديان والاعراق وهدفهم الدفاع عن حقوق الانسان.

هذه الشبكة توفر المعلومات القيمة للاعلاميين الذين يغطون تبعات الاحداث والانتهاكات في حق الشيعة .

يمكن الاطلاع على التقارير على الموقع الخاص بالمنظمة: www.shiarightswatch.org .


Anti- Chiisme : une nouvelle terminologie dans le domaine des Droits de l’Homme

Le terme «anti- Chiisme» désigne des préjugés ou de la haine contre les Musulmans Chiites.

Le terme a été introduit par «Shia Rights Watch» en 2011. Cependant, le mouvement anti- Chiisme, a une longue histoire.

L’Histoire des Chiites

Les Chiites affrontent depuis longtemps, dans l’histoire, l’injustice. Depuis le martyre du Prophète de l’Islam, le Prophète Mohammad, les Chiites ont été victimes de discrimination parce qu’ils ont critiqué les califes de leurs injustes et violents actes. Les Chiites voudraient plaider la non-violence et les droits égaux pour tous; en revanche les califes veulent continuer leur négligence dans les fondamentaux droits humains.

L’accroissement de ces différences idéologiques conduit à la formation de groupes extrémistes anti-Chiites tels que le wahhabisme, le salafisme et les sectes naçibis. De nombreux Chiites ont perdu leur liberté, leur dignité et leur vie, tout au long de l’histoire, entre les mains de ces groupes. Onze des douze Imams Chiites et leurs compagnons ont été assassinés soit par des groupes anti- chiites ou par des dictateurs. Dès lors, on peut conclure que l’anti-Chiisme a été une menace pour les chiites depuis la mort du Prophète Mohammad.

La situation actuelle

Au cours des dernières années, et avec le soutien financier de l’Arabie Saoudite, l’anti- Chiisme a augmenté de façon spectaculaire dans le monde entier: Démolition des Sanctuaires Chiites en Arabie Saoudite, attaques sur les maisons des Chiites à Bahreïn, massacres de Chiites au Pakistan, bombes sur la route dans les zones chiites de la Syrie et de l’Irak, effusion de sang des populations Chiites et Alawites à Damas, incendie des maison résidentielles Chiites en Indonésie et pression sur les Chiites en Malaisie sont parmi les exemples les plus récents de l’anti-Chiisme.

Toutefois, les assassinats et les homicides ne sont pas les seules manifestations d’anti-Chiisme.

L’anti-Chiisme se retrouve sous d’autres formes non limitatives dans:

La Foi (certaines sectes considèrent les Chiites comme des non- croyants (kouffar),

L’économie (les Chiites sont incapables de monter à un niveau élevé dans les emplois gouvernementaux, et ne peuvent détenir des positions essentielles à Bahreïn et en Arabie Saoudite).

Le social (les Chiites sont exclus des règles de la société en Malaisie).

L’assujettissement (dans certaines parties du monde, les Chiites sont traités comme des citoyens de seconde classe).

L’anti-Chiisme : Un phénomène grandissant

L’anti-Chiisme gagne de l’emprise dans la société, augmente sans cesse et se diffuse dans de nombreux domaines y compris dans les Médias et les Organisations des Droits de l’Homme.

L’anti-Chiisme et les Médias

L’exemple le plus moderne de l’anti-Chiisme peut être observé dans les médias. Depuis le Printemps Arabe, les Chiites ont été menacés par des extrémistes, des milliers ont été assassinés et blessés, de nombreuses femmes et des enfants Chiites ont été arrêtés et torturés, et des sites historiques ont été démolis et diminués en nombre.


Nombreux sont les Médias qui restent silencieux envers de tels actes inhumains contre les Chiites.

Les Anti-Chiites et les Organisations des Droits de l’Homme

Depuis le début de la révolte en 2011, l’anti-Chiisme a éclaté au Moyen-Orient et « SRW» a contacté les nombreuses Organisations des Droits de l’Homme afin de prendre des mesures et mettre fin à la violence contre les Chiites, mais aucune mesure sérieuse n’a été prise. Par conséquent, le nombre de meurtres se multiplie chaque jour dans des pays comme l’Arabie Saoudite, le Bahreïn, la Syrie, le Pakistan, l’Indonésie et la Malaisie. Les blessés en Syrie et à Bahreïn n’ont pas accès aux installations médicales. Les femmes et les enfants n’ont pas de sécurité en Syrie. En Arabie saoudite, les Chiites ne peut pas pratiquer leurs Droits Humains fondamentaux, ils sont considérés comme des citoyens de seconde classe, et n’ont absolument aucune liberté. En Malaisie, les Chiites n’ont pas le droit de pratiquer ou d’enseigner leur foi en public. En Indonésie, les Chiites n’ont pas de foyers.


de nombreuses Organisations des Droits de l’Homme préfèrent le silence et ne s’impliquent pas.

« L’Anti-Chiisme » dans les dictionnaires

«Shia Rights Watch» est fier d’être le premier à introduire le mot «anti-Chiisme» comme un nouveau vocabulaire dans les dictionnaires.

«Shia Right Watch» a contacté un certain nombre de dictionnaires en 2012 et leur a demandé d’ajouter anti- chiisme à leurs listes de vocabulaire. Récemment les violations des Droits des Chiites ont augmenté dans le monde entier et il est très important que les dictionnaires offrent les meilleurs mots pour définir les crimes motivés par la haine et la discrimination envers les Musulmans Chiites. Les dictionnaires urbains de Merriam Webster, ont félicité la nouvelle terminologie.

Des informations complètes concernant la nouvelle terminologie peut se trouver dans les liens suivants:



«SRW» apprécie les dictionnaires urbains de Merriam Webster pour avoir répondu rapidement et invite toutes les Organisations des Droits de l’Homme et les Médias à utiliser le mot “anti-Chiisme” lors de la déclaration de la violation des Droits de l’Homme à l’égard des Musulmans Chiites.


«SRW» et l’Anti-Chiisme

«SRW» insiste pour que le terme «anti-chiisme» soit utilisé en ce qui concerne les crimes contre les Chiites. Le monde est témoin de ces actes odieux qui sont menées dans une approche préjudiciable et systématique envers chiites à travers le monde. Le terme «anti-Chiisme» et sa dérivation offre une représentation réaliste des événements et de leur impact, et reconnaît la persécution qui cible les Chiites en tant que groupe, uniquement en ce qui concerne leurs croyances. Ces crimes sont des actes injustes, graves, qui menacent la vie et les moyens de subsistance des Chiites et doivent être reconnues et doivent cesser immédiatement.


A New Term in the Human Rights Field


The term “Anti-Shi’ism” means prejudice against or hatred of Shia Muslims.

The term was first introduced by Shia Rights Watch in 2011. The act of Anti-Shi’ism, however, has a long history.

Shia in History

Shia have a long history of facing injustice. Ever since the death of the Prophet of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Shia have faced discrimination because they criticized the Caliphs for unjust and violent acts. Shia advocated non-violence and equal human rights for all; the Caliphs, on the other hand, neglected people’s basic human rights.

The growth of these ideological differences led to the formation of anti-Shia extremist groups, such as the Wahabbi, Salafi and Nasebi sects. Many Shia have lost their freedom, dignity,and lives throughout history at the hands of such groups. Eleven out of the twelve Shia Imams and their companions were murdered by either anti-Shia groups or dictators. It can therefore be concluded that anti-Shi’ism has been a threat to Shia since the death of the Prophet Muhammad.

Current Situation

In recent years, with the financial support of Saudi Arabia, Anti-Shi’ism has increased dramatically throughout the world and includes: the demolition of Shia Shrines in Saudi Arabia; attacks on Shia homes in Bahrain; the mass killing of Shia in Pakistan; road bombs in Shia-populated areas of Syria and Iraq; targeted attacks on Shia and Alawies in Damascus; and the destruction of Shia homes in Indonesia and pressure on Shia in Malaysia[JS2] to convert.

Murder and forced displacement however, are not the only manifestation of anti-Shi’ism.

Anti-Shi’ism is found in other forms including, but not limited to:

Faith (some sects consider the Shia to be nonbelievers (Kuffar),

Economic (Shia are unable to climb to high level government jobs, nor can they hold critical economic positions in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia)

Social (Shia are excluded from participation in mainstream society in Malaysia)

Subjugation (In some parts of the world, Shia are treated as second-class citizens)

Anti-Shi’ism: A Growing Phenomenon

Anti-Shi’ism is gaining support in many places which is a serious cause for concern. As the odious ideology continues to spread, it has infiltrated media outlets and human rights organizations which continue to ignore the plight of Shia Muslims.

Anti-Shi’ism and the Media

The most modern and disappointing example of Anti-Shi’ism can be witnessed in the Media coverage, or lack thereof, of Shia suffering. Since the Arab Spring, Shia have been threatened by extremists, thousands have been murdered and injured, many Shia women and children have been arrested and tortured, and historical sites have been demolished and desecrated.

Yet, many media outlets remain silent in the face of such inhumane acts against Shia Muslims.

Anti-Shi’ism and Human Rights Organizations

Since the beginning of the 2011 uprisingin Middle East, as anti-Shi’ism flared in the Middle East, SRW contacted many human rights organizations to take action to stop the violence against Shia, however no serious action has been taken. As a result the number of murders is increasing every day in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Syria, Pakistan, Indonesia and Malaysia. Those injured in Syria and Bahrain have no access to medical facilities. Women and children have no security in Syria. In Saudi Arabia, Shia cannot practice their basic human rightssuch as freedoms of religion since they are considered second-class citizens with absolutely no freedom. In Malaysia Shia do not have the right to practice or teach their faith in public. In Indonesia, Shia have no homes to live in after their homes were burned down by extremists.

Yet, many human rights organizations remain silent and do not get involved.

“Anti-Shi’ism” in Dictionaries

Shia Rights Watch, is proud to be the first to introduce “Anti-Shi’ism” as a new entry to dictionaries.

Shia Rights Watch contacted a number of dictionaries in 2012 and asked them to add Anti-Shi’ism to their vocabulary lists. Recently Shia rights violations increased around the globe and it is very important that dictionaries offer the best word to define hate crimes and discrimination toward Shia Muslims. Urban, Merriam Webster and Collins dictionaries welcomed the new terminology.

Complete information regarding the new terminology can be found on the following links.




S.R.W appreciates Urban and Merriam Webster Dictionaries for their fast response and invites all human rights organizations and media outlets to use “Anti-Shi’ism” when reporting human rights violations toward Shia Muslims.

SRW and Anti-Shi’ism

SRW insists that the term “Anti-Shi’ism” must be used in regards to crimes against Shia. The world is witnessing these heinous acts that are carried out in a prejudicial and systematic approach toward Shia through the world. The term “anti-Shi’ism” and its derivations offer a realistic depiction of events and their impact, and recognize the persecution that targets Shia as a group, solely on the basis of their beliefs. These crimes are serious, unjust acts that threaten the lives and livelihood of Shia. These threats must be recognized and must be stopped immediately.

Anti-Shia Terrorists killed Eight Shia Muslims in Pakistan

Police say gunmen riding on a motorcycle have killed eight Shia Muslims in two attacks in south-west Pakistan.

A senior police officer, Shaukat Ajmad, said assailants had opened fire on a car on Saturday, killing six people in Quetta, the capital of the impoverished south-western Baluchistan province.

Minutes later, they shot and killed two people in a rickshaw in the same area.

Extremists have targeted Shi’a Muslims over the past three decades. In recent years, Wahhabis attacks on Shias have become far more common.


Anti-Shia stopped the bus in Bonar Das area of Chilas city and ordered the passengers to get off the vehicle, before opening fire on them. After killing 15 Shia and wounded 50 more in the bus, the gunmen pushed the bus into a river. Shia in Pakistan are victim of violence, and authorities have not done anything to stop the violence. Shia in Pakistan face many attacks due to discrimination. Recently, many lawyers, doctors and educated people got killed, but the government of Pakistan still staying silence and not even trying to get involved to stop this inhuman treatment.

Bus_Attack_pkAnti-Shia stopped the bus in Bonar Das area of Chilas city and ordered the passengers to get off the vehicle, before opening fire on them. After killing 15 Shia and wounded 50 more in the bus, the gunmen pushed the bus into a river.

Shia in Pakistan are victim of violence, and authorities have not done anything to stop the violence. Shia in Pakistan face many attacks due to  discrimination. Recently, many lawyers, doctors and educated people got killed, but the government of Pakistan still staying silence and not even trying to get involved to stop this inhuman treatment.

Attack on Sayedah Zaynab ShrineKilled 7 Shia Muslim

Shia Rights watch (SRW), strongly condemns the attack near Shrine of Sayedah Zainab on October 31, 2012. The attack killed more than 7 Shia Muslims, including women and children. Shia rights watch previously asked  both sides of the war in Syria to stop the violence against  minorities. There are many incidents in which Shia were targeted because of their faith in addition to other minorities in the country. Both side of the unrest in Syria should know that all that minorities in the country need is to be left alone in this political conflict. Many of the families escaped the town and immigrated to the neighborhood countries and the one who left out, are the one who want to protect their beliefs and the holy site. Shia rights watch urge the Humanitarian organization and United Nation to act for minorities in Syria and stop the violence.

taha ibrahim 3.3   shrine2.3

Shia Lawyer and his son killed in Pakistan due to firing Anti-Shia terrorist

shiarightswatch.org_pk_03-26-12Former president of the Malir Bar, Salahuddin Haider Jafri and his son Ali Raza were killed in an ambush on Saturday.

According to police, Salahuddin left home for work with his son when Wahhabi terrorist gunmen opened fire on his vehicle near Azadi Chowk in Landhi, leaving them injured. Both succumbed to their wounds on way to the hospital. Their bodies were shifted to Jinnah Hospital for medical formalities. A large number of lawyers rushed to the hospital. It was learned that Mr. Salahuddin belonged to Sindh Shia Organization.

Allama Hassan Zafar Naqvi said that the government has failed to protect the lives of Shia Muslim Pakistanis. He said that the murders of father and son and firing on a trustee of Masjid were proofs of government’s failures.

Saudi Shia Muslim Victims of Sectarian Isolationism

Incidents of oppression and discrimination have directed the Shia Rights Watch’s attention to the country of Saudi Arabia. The mission of the SRW organization is to protect the rights of Shia worldwide through research and activism.

The Saudi government is neglecting to protect the rights of Shia Muslims within its borders, according to a report released by Shia Rights Watch. This 27-page report examines governmental practices and documented cases of human rights violations to demonstrate the need for the active support of the United States government towards the Shia population of Saudi Arabia, as well as to urge the Saudi authorities to reform their government’s practices.Saudi_Report

The Saudi monarchy, governed by the Al-Saud family since its foundation in 1934, is majority Sunni Muslim, and is intolerant and oppressive of its Shia minority, which makes up 15-20 percent of the country’s total population of 28 million. Shia sects such as the Twelvers and the Ismaili have been able to maintain a strong religious presence despite widespread oppression, yet millions still face grievous infringements upon their human rights.

The report includes results of an investigation conducted by Shia Rights Watch in recent months. The investigation revealed that discrimination is prevalent in several sectors. Shia face employment discrimination, restriction of educational opportunities, arbitrary arrest and murder, and the destruction of their religious centers. According to the report, “the Saudi government not only suppresses the Shia, but also uses its power to limit Shia and their activities in order to reduce their power and influence.” The report identifies specific incidents in which the Saudi government violated key provisions of this declaration, specifically the rights to life, equal education, free expression, peaceful assembly, dignity / brotherhood, and equal employment.

The report is largely based off case studies of incidents of violations of human rights in Arab Spring conflict. According to reporters, the Saudi government is guilty of arresting and detaining peaceful Shia protesters in the heat of Arab Spring conflict.

Saudi children have not been protected from this discrimination and violence. According to the report, “Shia children suffer greatly in Saudi Arabia due to their faith and belief system. In recent months many children have been detained without any law or system to protect their rights.” A list reveals the names of eleven Shia children who have been detained in recent months.

This report also points out where Saudi practices deviate from laws and human rights in schools. The report cites the 2011 report by the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, which states, “in Saudi Arabia education is particularly difficult and restricted to Wahhabi curriculums. There is no tolerance towards any other belief system besides the Wahhabi.”

Beyond education, the report also details incidents of employment discrimination in which Shia Muslims are excluded from the oil and petrochemical industries, leaving many Shia impoverished despite living in one of the world’s wealthiest countries.

The report concludes by offering recommendations of action for the US government to take in order to protect the Shia in Saudi Arabia from continued violence and discrimination. In accordance with the International Human Rights Bill, these recommendations include measures to free prisoners, rebuild destroyed buildings, provide financial compensation to the families of victims, encourage peace-focused dialogue, and end discriminatory governmental practices which have hindered Shia freedoms and participation in public affairs.

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68 Shia killed in the month of February in Pakistan

pakistanAt least 68 Shia Muslims were killed in attacks by terrorist all over Pakistan during the month of February 2012. Shia Muslims consider it part of the daily Shia genocide which they have to face in Pakistan. No concrete action has so far been taken against the terrorists.

Sindh: Three were Killed in Karachi. They were identified as Asif on February 9, Qari Sadaqat on February 15 and Kazim Ali on February 16. Jafar was injured on February 1, Takhleeq Haider wounded on February 10 and Dr. Najmi was injured on February 12.

Punjab: One Shia was killed on February 27. Allama Saqlain was first injured in terrorist attack of Sipah-e-Sahaba/Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, the notorious but banned terrorist outfit. He succumbed to fatal wounds. One Nasir Abbas was injured on February 11.

Gilgit-Baltistan: At least 20 Shia were killed in Gilgit Baltistan. 19 of them were pilgrims returning from their pilgrimage and on their way to homes when their bus was stopped and they were got alighted of the buses and their identity cards were checked and then they were killed. The massacre took place in the Kohistan district of Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa therefore it was named the Kohistan Tragedy. Maumin Zuhair Ali was killed on February 29.

Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa: At least 44 Shia were killed in the province. One Azmat Abbas was killed in Abbotabad on February 13. More than 35 were killed in a suicidal attack by banned Taliban terrorists in Kurrum Agency on February 17. Another 8 were killed in the firing of FC cops on peaceful protestors who staged a demonstration to protest the genocide of Shia Muslims.

No casualty was reported from Balochistan.

At least 241 Shia Muslims were killed in past 6 months. February has been the most dangerous month. However, human rights organizations, government, NGOs, international community all remain silent on ongoing genocide of Shia Muslims. No action has taken against the ferocious terrorists so far.

UN Complaint