The criminal court in Riyadh issued death sentence for Shiekh Nemer AlNemer, a prominent Shia scholar on October 15th, 2015. Shiekh Nemer was arrested on July 8 because of his critique towards the Saudi government after he was shot. Activists believe Saudi government is showing its strength against pro-democracy protestors by sentencing Shiekh Nemer.
Shia Rights Watch condemned the decision saying it is another proof that this kingdom has not taken any step towards reform. Saudi government has been oppressing its Shia minority and arrested number of Shia scholars in past.
Shiekh Nemer is a representative of Shia Muslims and rights activist who has been under pressure by the government. According to his attorney DR Sadiq al-jobran “such decision is based on faulty accusations and is political”. Saudi Authorities deny the oppression against Shia minority and accuse them for undermining national unity.
The organization demandsjustice for Shiekh Nemer and all Shia imprisons in Saudi Arabia. Also, SRW invites all human rights agencies and pro-democracy governments to show their opposition toward the Saudi court’s decision and support Shia minority in Saudi where most human rights violations take place.