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Attack to Shia Mosque in Saudi Arabia on Friday Prayer

Shia Rights Watch is appalled at the deadly suicide bombing that occurred in the town of Al-Qudaih in Saudi Arabia’s Al-Qatif region at a Shia mosque which killed 20 people and injured 120 others. This bombing which occurred during Friday prayers is one of the worst acts of violence committed against Shia in 2015. In an already under privileged area in the country, this attack only further oppresses Shia. Periodic attacks coupled with systematic discrimination have been devastating for the Shia community in the eastern province.

Shia Rights Watch requests that the Saudi government do the utmost to ensure that nothing like this happens again. While the Saudi government has been conducting an investigation into the causes of this attack, it is important that both the proximate and distal causes are addressed. In addition to the investigation, restorative measures need to be sought in order to better address the divisions between Sunnis and Shia in Saudi Arabia.

Shia News Wire_#20

Attack to Shia Mosque in Saudi Arabia on Friday Prayer

An alleged suicide  bomber has detonated explosives in a Shia mosque in Shia populated area of Qatif claimed 22 lives and injured many today.
A suicide bomb exploded inside the mosque as Shia Muslims celebrated birth anniversary of their 3rd Imam and performed Friday Prayer. So far as many as 22 are reported killed and number of wounded is not announced yet. Officials believe many are in critical condition.
Saudi Shia are minorities that face many violations in this country and now local targeted bombings are threatening this community.
Shia Rights Watch urges Saudi forces to investigate the attack and protect this minority in the country.

Shia News Wire_#19

Attack to Shia at Commemorations in Iraq

Attack to Shia pilgrims in Iraq claimed 16 lives and wounded 50 others. Suicide bomber attacked Shia Muslims as they commemorated the death of their 7th Imam, near Baghdad.

Also in eastern Baghdad, another two pilgrims were killed and nine wounded when a roadside bomb exploded.

A third explosion was in the town of Bab al-Sham where at least three mortars targeted Shia pilgrims, killing four and wounding at least 12 people.

Fourth bombing in Mashahidah, north of Baghdad, killed at least three pilgrims and wounded eight.

ISIS has claimed some of the explosions. Shia Muslims have been target of many explosions before and after ISIS in Iraq.

Bus Carrying Shia Ismaili Attacked in Pakistan

In an attack to a bus carrying about 70 Shia Ismaili passengers, tens were killed and more than ten seriously wounded in Pakistan.

Ismaili National Council, a community group that represents the Ismaili branch of Shia in Pakistan, placed the toll to at least 41 killed but some sources report up to 47 death.

According to passengers, the bus was attacked by masked armed men near Safura Goth area. Six terrorists came on three motorcycles; they entered the bus and began firing indiscriminately. All those killed and injured were hit by the 9mm pistols.

Anti-Shia attacks have been increasing in recent years in Karachi and also in the southwestern city of Quetta, the northwestern area of Parachinar and the far northeastern town of Gilgit.  Historically, Shia Twelvers have been targeted in Pakistan and now Shia Ismaili feel the threat of insecurity in this country. Although Pakistani minorities have faced many violations throughout history, this country is not listed among Countries of Particular Concerns under International Freedom Act. Shia Rights Watch has been pressuring the US government to add Pakistan to this list.

Afghan Hazara in Captive 

Many Afghan families are still waiting for their held captive family members.  ISIS abducted 31 men belonging to ethnic Hazara community three month ago in the Zabul area. Recently, 19 were released and the rest are still in captive.

There have been a number of incidents of kidnapping in various parts of Afghanistan, according to government officials. Hazara communities are the main targets of the violations in this country.

Bus Carrying Shia Ismaili Attacked in Pakistan

In an attack to a bus carrying about 70 Shia Ismaili passengers tens were killed and more than ten seriously wounded in Pakistan.
Ismaili National Council, a community group that represents the Ismaili branch of Shia in Pakistan, placed the toll at least 41 killed but some sources reported up to 47 death.
According to passengers the bus was attacked by masked armed men near Safura Goth area. Six terrorists came on three motorcycles; they entered the bus and began firing indiscriminately. They used 9mm pistols and all those killed and injured were hit by the 9mm pistols.
Anti-Shia attacks have been increasing in recent years in Karachi and also in the southwestern city of Quetta, the northwestern area of Parachinar and the far northeastern town of Gilgit.  Historically Shia Twelvers have been targeted in Pakistan and now Shia Ismaili feel the threat of insecurity in this country. Although Pakistani minorities have faced many violations throughout the history this country is not listed among Countries of Particular Concerns under International Freedom Act. Shia Rights Watch have been pressuring US government to add Pakistan to this list

Sheikh al- Nimr Scheduled for Death Sentence Again!

Shia Rights Watch is concerned about Sheikh Nimr al Nimr as this organization was informed Saudi authorities have prevented his family and friends from visiting him. According Sheikh’s inner circle, family and friends can no longer visit him.  Same sources informed SRW that the fear of implementing death sentence is growing among Sheikh’s followers.

Sheikh Nimr was attacked and arrested while on route to his home in Saudi Arabia’s Al-Qatif region on July 8, 2012. The Sheik was subsequently charged with disturbing the country’s security, giving anti-government speeches, and defending political prisoners. These charges have earned the Sheik a death sentence which has sparked outrage among the international community. He was scheduled to be sentences on August 12th but it was postponed by the Saudi authorities. However some Saudi sources claim Sheikh is scheduled for implementation of the death sentence on the anniversary of the death of former Interior Minister, Nayef bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, one of the princes of the kingdom, which encountered his death the sixteenth of June.

SRW believes execution of Sheikh Nimr could have dangerous consequences as he is a very well-known peace maker who has advocated freedom, equality and reform within the country. This NGO invites and urges international committees to step in and investigate the death sentence and also to pressure Saudi kingdom to free political prisoners as freedom of speech and religion is all human’s basic right.

Shia News Wire_#18

May 8th, 2015

Sheikh al- Nimr Scheduled for Death Sentence Again!

Shia Rights Watch is concerned about Sheikh Nimr al Nimr as this organization was informed Saudi authorities have prevented his family and friends from visiting him. According Sheikh’s inner circle, family and friends can no longer visit him.  Same sources informed SRW that the fear of implementing death sentence is growing among Sheikh’s followers.

Sheikh Nimr was attacked and arrested while on route to his home in Saudi Arabia’s Al-Qatif region on July 8, 2012. The Sheik was subsequently charged with disturbing the country’s security, giving anti-government speeches, and defending political prisoners. These charges have earned the Sheik a death sentence which has sparked outrage among the international community. He was scheduled to be sentences on August 12th but it was postponed by the Saudi authorities. However some Saudi sources claim Sheikh is scheduled for implementation of the death sentence on the anniversary of the death of former Interior Minister, Nayef bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, one of the princes of the kingdom, which encountered his death the sixteenth of June.

SRW believes execution of Sheikh Nimr could have dangerous consequences as he is a very well-known peace maker who has advocated freedom, equality and reform within the country. This NGO invites and urges international committees to step in and investigate the death sentence and also to pressure Saudi kingdom to free political prisoners as freedom of speech and religion is all human’s basic right.


Summary of Violations in Bahrain in First Three Months of 2015

First three months of 2015 have been full of Shia rights violations in Bahrain. According to Bahraini human rights activists

  • More than 1600 detainees in Jow central prison were subjected to torture, humiliating treatment and deprivation of basic rights during the first quarter of 2015.
  • More than 400 torture cases were recorded,
  • 653 people, including 16 women and 119 children, were detained between January-March,
  • 337 political prisoners were sentenced to average of nine years in prison each,
  • 32 people were charged with life sentences and three death sentences,
  • More than 2600 peaceful protesters were arrested after usage of tear gas and shotguns,
  • 278 people arrested during the house raids,
  • 559 house raids were also reported,
  • Finally 49 political and human right activists abroad, were stripped of their Bahrain nationality.

Bahraini Shia make up majority of population in Bahrain yet they have no freedom to practice their faith or change their government.

All human rights NGOs have reported brutal cases of violations from Bahrain yet no steps were taken to pressure Bahrain kingdom to treat this population fairly.


Attack to al-Zahraa Mosque Claimed 12 Lives

Two bomb explosions killed number of Shia Muslims as they performed Friday prayers inside mosques. A suicide car bomber attacked the al-Zahraa mosque in the town of Balad Ruz as worshipers were leaving after the Friday prayer. A second suicide bomber attacked the crowds gathered in the aftermath. At least 30 wounded and 12 killed.

Balad Ruz is located 70 kilometers (44 miles) northeast of Baghdad.

No group has immediately claimed responsibility for the attack.

Shia News Wire_#17

April 2015

Continuous Bombing of Shia Neighborhoods in Iraq

Three Shia populated areas of Amiriyah, Husseiniyah, and Shula witnessed deadly bombings on April 29th as three bombs exploded killing eight and wounding twenty-eight.

Iraqi Shia have been targets of anti-Shia groups for centuries. Even after establishment of Shia government, this population faces mass killings and deadly bombings. No group officially claimed the responsibility of the bombings.

Should Pakistani Hajj Applicants Expect Shia Eights Violations During Hajj 2015?

Pakistan asks for faith identification on 2015 Hajj applications. According to Hajj 2015 applicants Pakistani government asks applicants to specify if they are Shia or not on the official application form. Such change was done simultaneously to the recent visit of Imam-e-Kabba to Pakistan. It is reported that he is visiting the country to defuse tensions between the traditional allies, which developed following the Parliament’s resolution rejecting the Saudi request of personnel support in Yemen recently.

Historically Saudi clerics have played key role in anti-Shia movements and therefore Shia Muslims of Pakistan are concerned for their safety during Hajj after such change in Hajj applications. Every year many Shia face discrimination from Saudi forces during Hajj and recent identification in Hajj application can fuel even more discriminations based on religion.

Shia Rights Watch have contacted Pakistani embassy in Washington to express Shia community concern regarding Hajj applications. The embassy has not responded to the letters yet.

Shia Professionals Targets of anti-Shia Killings in Pakistan

Dr Syed Wahidur Rahman, a well-known Karachi University professor was shot and killed in an anti- Shia attack. He was attacked by four masked men riding two motorcycles who opened fire on him in his car.

Shia professional killings have claimed many lives of very well-known Shia Muslims in Pakistan. Shia community of Pakistan believe such targeted killings aim to change the dynamic of the country and Shia representations in influential institutes of this country.




شيعة رايتس ووتش

الدفاع عن العدالة

منظمة شيعة رايتس ووتش هي اول منظمة شيعية عالمية ، مستقلة، غير حكومية،  وغير ربحية تعنى برعاية وحماية حقوق المسلمين الشيعة في مختلف دول العالم واروقت الامم المتحدة. تأسست عام 2011 و مقرها واشنطن.

تهدف المنظمة الى لفت انتباه المجتمع الدولي ورفع الوعي الدولي لما يجري من انتهاكات ضد الشيعة في العالم. وتسعى الى ان تكون الصرخة التي تجلب الجاني الى العدالة.

تعتمد المنظمة منهجية واستراتيجية الاستقصاء الصحفي  وتوثيق الحوادث عبر ممثليها في مختلف الدول و عرض التقارير الدورية والتبليغ عن الانتهاكات بهدف حماية حقوق الشيعة.

رؤية المنظمة

الحرية الدينية حق للجميع

تتطلع منظمة شيعة رايتس ووتش الى عالم يعمّه الأمن و السّلام للجميع بغض النظر عن دينهم، جنسهم، عرقهم، او اصلهم.

تعمل المنظمة على تبيين حقوق المسلمين الشيعة  و انهم كغيرهم من الأمم يجب ان يتمتعوا بكامل حقوقهم المدنية. مؤكدة عدم السماح للتمييز باي شكل من أشكاله، بل والابلاغ عن وجود الانتهاكات في حقهم اينما كانت. وتعتقد ان الله جلا وعلا قد اعطى الناس الحرية و الاختيار للعيش بسلام. 


لا شيعي فوق القانون او دونه

تعمل منظمة شيعة رايتس ووتش على حماية حقوق المسلمين الشيعة في العالم، مساندة ضحايا التمييز والفوقية ودعم النشاط الذي يحول دون حصول هذا التمييز، وكذلك ضمان الحرية السياسية و الدينية.  

تقوم المنظمة بمساعي حقوقية و اعلامية في المجتمعات المحلية والدولية لدعم حق الحرية للجميع. 

عمليا، تقوم منظمة شيعة رايتس ووتش بالتحقيق في كافة الانتهاكات التي تمارس ضد الشيعة وذلك بهدف رفع الظلم. 

تدعو المنظمة الى تغيير المفاهيم  الخاطئة في حق الشيعة من خلال التقارير والاصدارات وكتابة المقالات الفكرية وارسالها الى الحكومات العربية والاسلامية من جهة والمنظمات الحقوقية في مختلف دول العالم من جهة اخرى. 

ترصد منظمة شيعة رايتس ووتش وسائل الاعلام باستمرار لمراقبة التغطية الاعلامية للانتهاكات ضد الشيعة حول العالم. 

الهدف السامي

يواجه الشيعة في العالم اضطهادا مستمرا من قبل المتطرفين والتكفيريين لا لسبب سوى انتمائهم العقائدي لمدرسة أهل البيت عليهم السلام.  و لطالما كانوا عرضة للاضطهاد والتعذيب وحتى الاعدام لقرون عديدة.

تؤمن منظمة شيعة رايتس ووتش بضرورة وجود المنظمات الحقوقية في مختلف دول العالم لحماية حقوق الشيعة وايصال صوتهم و المطالبة بحقوقهم حتى تنتهي الانتهاكات ضدهم. 

فريق عمل منظمة شيعة رايتس ووتش

انطلقت منظمة شيعة رايتس ووتش بجهود متضامنة وموحدة لفريق نشطاء متطوعين من خلفيات اثنية ودينية مختلفة بهدف استحضار الدعم الدولي لحقوق الشيعة. و هذا النشاط كان بفضل تزايد عدد المتطوعين حيث تضم المنظمة حاليا ما يزيد عن 100 متطوع منتشرين حول العالم.

تتراوح مسؤولية الفريق بين جمع المعلومات وكتابة التقارير والمقالات لاحداث التغيير الفكري الداعم لحقوق الشيعة في العالم. 

منهجية منظمة شيعة رايتس وتش

تعتقد منظمة شيعة رايتس ووتش ان الحصول على المعلومات والابلاغ ضد الانتهاكات التي تمارس بحق الشيعة هي من اهم المصادر في عملية الاستقصاء لذا فان المنظمة اعتمدت وسائل متعددة، منها: 

الحضور الميداني و مقابلة الشهود، الضحايا وذويهم، الحصول على المعلومات من مكان الحدث، تحليل التقارير الصادرة عن المنظمات المحلية والدولية، عقد اللقاءات مع الجمعيات المدنية غير الحكومية والقادة والصحفيين  من خلال ايجاد شبكة علاقات واسعة تربط شرائح المجتمع. وبناء على الجمع الوفير من المعلومات، تتمكن المنظمة من تحديد حجم الانتهاكات ضد الشيعة. وهذه الانتهاكات تضم على سبيل المثال لا الحصر على ما يلي: 

  • انتهاك حق الحياة
  • الاعتقال التعسفي
  • المحاكمات غير العادلة والسجن غير القانوني 
  • الاساءة الجسدية والنفسية من اغتصاب اوتعذيب اواعتداء جنسي
  • الاستيلاء غير القانوني على الاملاك الخاصة
  • تدمير مراكز دينية
  • التمييز في مجال العمل
  • التمييز في مجال التعليم

منظمة شيعة رايتس كمصدر

الصحافيون المهتمون بتغطية شؤون الشرق الاوسط يجدون في تقارير منظمة شيعة ووتش مصدرا هاما لكونها تعنى بالتركيز على شريحة مهمة في الشرق الاوسط. فعلى سبيل المثال، من اجل دراسة  الانتهاكات ضد المتظاهرين في احداث الربيع العربي بشكل كامل، يتوجب التعرف على الصراع الذي يخوضه الشيعة من اجل نيل حقوقهم خاصة وان هذه الانتهاكات متواصلة ويتم التعتيم عليها اعلاميا.  و رد السلطات على احداث الربيع العربي كان فرصة سانحة للجناة لارتكاب المزيد من الانتهاكات والتعذيب. 

وبعيدا عن العالم العربي، هناك بلاغات عن حالات ترهيب في جزء اخر من العالم مثل جنوب آسيا تهدف الى اثارة الكراهية الطائفية ضد المواطنين الشيعة يغذيها الخطاب السياسي عبر اثارة قضايا مفتعلة او اخبار كاذبة او مفبركة وتحت عناوين براقة  كالارهاب مثلا. 

تهدف منظمة شيعة رايتس ووتش الى الابلاغ عن كل جريمة ترتكب بحق الشيعة في كل جزء من العالم. فالمحققين التابعين للمنظمة يقابلون الضحايا بشكل مباشر ويرصدون التغطيات لوسائل الاعلام الناطقة بلغات مختلفة. 

تعمل منظمة شيعة رايتس ووتش ضمن شبكة تربطها بالمجتمعات المحلية، منظمات حقوق الانسان الدولية، والاكادميين من المجتمعات الشيعية  .

فريق منظمة شيعة رايتس ووتش يشكلون خليطا بشريا من مختلف الاديان والاعراق وهدفهم الدفاع عن حقوق الانسان. 

هذه الشبكة توفر المعلومات القيمة للاعلاميين الذين يغطون تبعات الاحداث والانتهاكات في حق الشيعة .

يمكن الاطلاع على التقارير على الموقع الخاص بالمنظمة: www.shiarightswatch.org .

Letter to President Francois Hollande

President Francois Hollande

President Francois Hollande

Palais de L’Élysée

55 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré

75008 Paris, France


Dear President Hollande,

We at Shia Rights Watch are writing you to urge you to use your attendance at the Gulf Cooperation Council meeting to address human rights abuses committed by the Saudi government. Your attendance at this meeting marks a significant moment in France’s relations with the Gulf. The growing security and economic cooperation between your country and the GCC is making France a major player in the Middle East. With this comes responsibility and Shia Rights Watch hopes that you use this influence to serve as a voice for the millions of people whose lives are affected by the Human Rights abuses committed by the Saudi government.

The Saudi- led Operation Decisive Story and Operation Restore Hope have created a humanitarian crisis within Yemen. Saudi airstrikes have killed hundreds of civilians and have left millions without food and electricity. A Saudi blockade of Yemen’s ports, and subsequent attacks on vehicles delivering aid have stopped the delivery of essential goods to those who need them most in Yemen.

In addition to Saudi Arabia’s foreign involvement, domestically, Saudi Arabia has displayed repressive actions against its own citizens. Shia Muslims in Saudi’s eastern province have been systematically denied adequate social services and has faced widespread employment discrimination. Attempts by Shia who are affected by this to speak up are met with violence by Saudi security forces. Sheikh Nimr, a prominent peaceful advocate of Saudi’s Shia population, was arrested and sentenced to death under unsubstantiated charges of inciting violence. A country with such a long list of human rights abuses cannot be an effective partner in either security or economic matters.

Your attendance at this GCC meeting is of enormous importance, but it is how you use your attendance that will make the greatest difference. Your voice can be yet another voice that supports the status quo, or your voice can aid those who have been rendered helpless through years of continued violence and discrimination. Shia Rights Watch urges you to choose the latter and we hope to hear from you soon.


Shia Rights Watch

Bahrain; The Lost Generation

  • ISBN-10: 1512057819
  • ISBN-13: 978-1512057812

The Shia Rights Watch report entitled “Bahrain: The Lost Generation” is 48 pages, detailing incidents of violence and intimidation against Bahraini Shia Muslims in 2014. Government sponsored violence has affected the lives of many Shia communities around Bahrain. The report gives a detailed account of how this already oppressed group has been marginalized further in recent years through systematic arrests, torture , and citizenship revocation. The report is based on interviews, site visits, news articles, NGO reports, and other human rights reports.


UN Complaint