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New series of violence against shia in iraq

iraq-As sectarian violence increases in Iraq, three Shia populated cities of Iraq witnessed bombings on April 29th. At least 23 killed and 79 wounded in 5 bomb explosions.

Amarah, a Shia populated city of Iraq became a home for a bomb explosions on Monday April 29, 2013. Multiple cars wen off Monday and killed 13 and wounding 42 civilians.

Another explosion went off near Diwaniyah killing eight civilians and wounding 25 others.

Only hours later a bomb exploded near Karbala, one of the most important Shia populated cities of Iraq. The explosion killed two and left 12 wounded.

The recent Shia targeted bombings is resulting in death of many innocent Shia Muslim. Anti-Shia groups intend to increase unrest in Iraq to show their apposition to Shia government of Iraq.

SRW invites all groups to have tolerance and respect toward each other. The newly stabled country such as Iraq should not become a place for violence and human right violations as this country recently gained its freedom from Sadam’s dictator regime.

Killings Countinues

On April 8th, 2013 two Shia Muslims were killed and two seriously wounded by anti-Shia groups. Sh.Mohd.Hassan Kashmiri, a Shia activist, was shot and killed as two motorcycle riders attacked him.

Another Shia Muslim, Baqar Zaidi, was wounded in an attack and his driver was killed on spot. The driver, Qasim Jafri, was shot in the head in a drive by shooting.

In another incident, 54-year-old Syed Baqir Hussain Zaidi was also wounded due to shooting to his left arm and leg.

Continually Shia targeted killings in Pakistan are adding to the number of death of innocent people and the authorities lack the desire to stop the trend.

As terrorists kill and injure Shia men, who are often the primary financial providers of the family, more and more children are facing poverty. Due to the rising violence against Shia Muslims in Pakistan many women and children lack adequate nutrition and education. The Pakistani government and international humanitarian organizations must realize that sectarian conflicts not only affect the security of the country but also results in increased poverty, lack of education, rising emotional difficulties.

International agencies must get involved to stop the elevating problems in Pakistan. SRW invites all organizations to help each other by reporting and targeting human rights violations and help Pakistani Shia Muslims regain their security and live in peace.

Election, Raising Opportunity for Violence

May 11th is the general Election Day in Pakistan and as we get closer to the date violence is rising in this country. Two Shia politicians have already been targeted. Last week’s two attacks killed nine and injured more than 20.

First bomb targeted the campaign office of Noor Akbar Khan, who is running in the Orakzai tribal district. Six people died and 10 were injured due to the explosion.

A second bomb targeted a campaign office of another candidate, Nasir Khan Afridi, in the suburbs of Peshawar city, and killed three people and injured 12.

Taliban spokesman Ahsanullah Ahsan claimed responsibility for both attacks.

As candidates campaign for election the danger of the targeted killings elevates in Pakistan. It is critical for the Pakistani government to assure election is done in safe and secure environment where people can freely participate and vote for their candidates. Shia Rights Watch believes it is time for the government to show its power and prevent human rights violations.

Terrorists Taking Over Social Media

tweetSaudi cleric encourages killing women and children in Iraq through his social media account. Sa’ad Aldurihim, a Saudi cleric and faculty member of the Muhammad Bin Saud Al- Islamic University in Saudi Arabia uses his Tweeter account to encourage killing Iraqi women and children. Aldurihim especially emphasizes on calling Shia infidel and believes killing Shia women and children is a permitted. He actively and publically calls fighters to terror Shia Muslims.

Saudi Wahhabi clerics use social media to spread terrorism and anti- Shi’ism. They use Islam as a tool to reach their political goals. Saudi Arabia has been the wealthiest anti- Shia government that uses its money and power in the Middle East to oppress Shia Muslims. History of Islam proves Prophet of Islam never permitted killings due to ideological or religious differences. Saudi clerics must identify the source of their believes since their model does not exist in history of Islam.

SRW insists all extremists, especially those who publically radiate act of terror, must be identified and investigated by governments and human rights organizations. It is illegal to encourage killing and discriminations and the discriminators should be punished.

Terrorists Taking Over Social Media

tweetSaudi cleric encourages killing women and children in Iraq through his social media account. Sa’ad Aldurihim, a Saudi cleric and faculty member of the Muhammad Bin Saud Al- Islamic University in Saudi Arabia uses his Tweeter account to encourage killing Iraqi women and children. Aldurihim especially emphasizes on calling Shia infidel and believes killing Shia women and children is a permitted. He actively and publically calls fighters to terror Shia Muslims.

Saudi Wahhabi clerics use social media to spread terrorism and anti- Shi’ism. They use Islam as a tool to reach their political goals. Saudi Arabia has been the wealthiest anti- Shia government that uses its money and power in the Middle East to oppress Shia Muslims. History of Islam proves Prophet of Islam never permitted killings due to ideological or religious differences. Saudi clerics must identify the source of their believes since their model does not exist in history of Islam.

SRW insists all extremists, especially those who publically radiate act of terror, must be identified and investigated by governments and human rights organizations. It is illegal to encourage killing and discriminations and the discriminators should be punished.

Al-Azhar University’s Reputation Under Question

AlAzhar_LogoA Shia Muslim student is under investigation in al- Azhar University. A female student of the most important university of Egypt could face legal action and be expelled from school if proven to be Shia Muslim. Students of the university filed a complaint against a female student, accusing her of being Shia Muslim.

Recently Egypt has been showing more and more discrimination toward Shia Muslims. SRW found it unfortunate to see anti-Shi’ism growing so rapidity in Egypt that citizens believe it is a crime to practice Shia faith. Salafi and Wahhabi extremist have been encouraging anti- Shi’ism in Egypt through social media and media outlets, as the result discrimination and hatred toward Shia Muslims are increasing among public.

According to the International Bill of Human Rights and Egyptian constitution student cannot face legal action because of her faith. AL-Azhar must not ruin its reputation by engaging in human rights violation and acquiescing to Salafi ideologies.

SRW invites Al-Azhar University to keep its reputation by stopping the illegal investigation and recognizing Shia Muslims. Such a University is expected to educate people and increase their acceptance not spread extremists’ ideologies.

Extremist Favoritism in Indonesian Court

Burning_houses_in_IndonesiaSurabaya District Court acquitted the suspect of the largest attack to Shia Muslims community. The court acquitted Rois Al-Hukama on Tuesday, April 16th. Roise is one of the main suspects of the attack to Shia community on August 26th, 2012 that burned down 30 homes. Tens of Shia Muslims were displaced due to the burn down. The government authorities asked the Shia to convert to Sunni so they can go back to their residents. The Indonesian government took very minor steps toward investigating the crime. Out of 500 Anti- Shia people who were involved in the attack only few were arrested and the court found irrational reasons to acquit them. Sources revealed that the attack was carried on under Roise’s order; however the Surabaya District Court concluded they did not have enough evidence to persecute Roise and released him.

Shia Rights Watch contacted the Indonesian embassy in US and asked them to investigate the crime. The embassy did not respond to the organization’s request. SRW believes Indonesian authorities are supporting human rights violations toward Shia Muslims in this country and it is a crime itself. The government must care for the rights of its entire citizen and has responsibility to protect all, regardless of their faith. Once again, SRW asks the Indonesian government to investigate the situation and deliver justice instead of spreading discrimination and hatred.

Faith Cleansing in Syria

Although western media advocates the conflict in Syria as a civil war with the goal of freedom, evidences prove Syria has become a land where religious extremist head to kill the percieved enemy. Wahhabi extremists from Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Libya and Tunisia turned to Syria with a primary mission to cleanse the area from Shia Muslim. Shia Muslims and Alawis are being killed even if they are not pro- Assad regime; they are being killed because of their faith. Anti- Shia terrorist groups found conflict in Syria a perfect cover up for their terror acts. They target Shia Muslim populated areas such as Edlib, Az-Zahra, Kafaria, fawa, Halab, Nubbul, Homs and Zayinabia and kill Shia. Arabian news outlets such as alraimedia, gulfmedia, and elaph report 2450 Shia Muslim have been killed in Syria. Shia Rights Watch, however, believe many more Shia have lost their lives in Syria since the start of conflict. Two Shia cities of Az-zahra and Nubbul are still under siege and the residents have no access to food and medical supplies. Shia areas have repeatedly faced cases of rape, siege, and slaughter and many flee from their resident to protect their families.

SRW believes the battle for freedom should be free from violence and targeted faith cleansing. Even if the origin of the conflict in Syria was for the sake of freedom, most killings do not fall under the freedom umbrella. Killing innocent civilians cannot speed the freedom process, but it is against human rights and opposes the freedom concept.

SRW calls on all groups in Syria to focus on the mission of freedom and peace instead of using the situation for their religious extremist’s goals.

Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, April 2013

Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, April 2013

The Honorable Adel A Al-Jubeir

Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia

601 New Hampshire Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20037

Dear Adel A Al-Jubeir

On behalf of Shia Rights Watch we are writing to highlight our concerns regarding the safety and security of the Shia Muslims in Saudi Arabia since more and more discriminations and restrictions are enforced every day. Shia Muslims have a long history in Arabia yet Saudi government denies their rights as citizen. Increasing arrests and restrictions are violating Shia’s basic human rights and the government must stop them.

S.R.W was informed recently that a Shia Muslim woman accused of spreading Shi’ism via “what’s up” program was sentenced by the Qatif court. A Saudi Shia woman, Y.H. 30 years old, sent a “what’s up” message to another Saudi woman by error. The husband of the receiver saw the message and reported it to the local court. He believed the sender was pursuing her wife to convert to Shi’ism. Judge Dawood Muhammad AlDawood, sentenced the woman to eight lashes. Y.H denied the accusation and requested reconsideration. However the judge did not change his decision. Oddly, none of the lawyer and the person filing the lawsuit were present in the court sessions and the court does not reveal who actually filed the lawsuit.

Judge AlDawood is known for his discriminatory and hatred actions toward Shia Muslims. It is illegal to sentence someone without the presence of his/her self and lawyer in the court. SRW believes in a fair and just judicial system, a judge with a strong history of Anti-Shi’ism is not suitable for the presented case.

Saudi Arabian authorities have declared open dialogue between religions but in action, Shia Muslims are being oppressed even more than before.

SRW advises the Saudi government to respect its citizen rights and recognize Shia Muslims as lawful citizens in order to reach peace in the country.


Mustafa Akhwand

Director of the Shia Rights Watch

Error Message, a Reason to Punish a Saudi Shia Woman

wahstA Shia Muslim woman accused of spreading Shi’ism via “what’s App” program was sentenced by the Qatif court. A Saudi Shia woman, Y.H. 30 years old, sent a “what’s App” message to another Saudi woman by error. The husband of the receiver saw the message and reported it to the local court. He believed the sender was pursuing her wife to convert to Shi’ism. Since Saudi Arabia does not provide for freedom of religion, the Judge, Dawood Muhammad AlDawood, sentenced the sender to eight lashes. Y.H denied the accusation and requested reconsideration. However the judge did not change his decision.

Judge AlDawood is known for his discriminatory and hatred actions toward Shia Muslims. Oddly, none of the lawyers and the person filing the lawsuit were present in the court sessions and the court does not reveal who actually filed the lawsuit.

The husband of the accused woman is concerned about his wife’s safety and believes this case was a set up for his wife.

UN Complaint