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Shia Being Forced to Convert in Indonesia

Anti-Shia activities are growing in Indonesia. Earlier, Shia Rights Watch reported the burn down of many Shia civilians’ homes in Sampang. Eye witnesses reported that the Anti-Shia group slaughtered some Shia Muslims and injured 7 others before burning 10 of their houses. Hundreds of Sampang Shia were forced to take shelter at the sports center after the incident.

Immediately SRW urged Indonesian authorities to protect the life of its Shia civilians, in respond, the Indonesian government guaranteed the safety and security of the Shia in the area.

Now, once again the human rights of the Shia are being violated in this country. It is reported that Shia refugees, who are currently taking shelter at a sports center, were forced to sign statements saying that they were willing to convert to Sunni school of thought. Kontras Surabaya coordinator Andy Irfan said that the Shia were forced to sign such statements on Nov 1/ 2012. The statement says the Shia followers were willing to return to “the right path”.

This act violates the article number 18 of the International Bill of Human Rights that states:

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Indonesian Shia must enjoy freedom of religion as it is guaranteed for all under the stated Bill.

Shia Rights Watch, once again, urges the Indonesian government to respect the law and protect the Shia from violence and human rights violations.


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