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New attack in Pakistan Killed Two Shia

At least two Shia Muslims have been killed in an attack on Tuesday (5-5-2012) by Anti-Shia gunmen in Pakistan‘s troubled southwestern Balochistan province.

They were on their way from Mand area of Balochistan to Karachi on a bus when unidentified gunmen riding motorcycles intercepted the coach and gunned them down after taking them out of the bus.

The attackers managed to escape from the scene. Assistant Commissioner Mand Badal Dashti has confirmed the incident.

Pakistani security forces cordoned off the area and launched an investigation, which as usual stopped in less than a couple days, because authorities don’t want to protect the Shia.

Sipah e Sahaba Militants have killed a large group of Shia Muslims in different parts of Pakistan over the past three years.

Pakistani Shia leaders have called on the government to form a judicial commission to investigate the crimes.

The recent surge in attacks against Pakistani Shia civilians has caused international outrage, with many rights groups and regional countries, including Iran and some American and Europe countries condemning the attacks and expressing deep concern over attempts to target unarmed Shia civilians.


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