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SRW Expresses Gratitude On Protection of Rights in Sri Lanka

To the Honorable Ambassador Rodney Perera; 

Shia Rights Watch expresses gratitude for the Sri Lankan Colombo Magistrate courts for their protection of Shia Muharram ceremonies by restraining the nationalist groups, ‘Sinhala Jathika Balamuluwa’  and ‘Ravana Balaya,’ upon awareness of their planned disruption of Shia practices in Bambalapitiya. 

Colombo, Sri Lanka is home to over 25,000 Shia Muslims who are active in citizenship and patriotism. Violence on the basis of religious belief in 2019 startled many and instilled fear in various religious minorities, not only in Sri Lanka, but also the region. The action taken by the courts, however, was a pioneering step in signaling coexistence in the nation of Sri Lanka. 

To the Shia community, the protection of the Magistrate signaled that Sri Lanka prioritizes the prevention of human rights violations, supports diversity and coexistence of minorities and that the courts will not stand in support of any act of injustice and violence. 

Shia Rights Watch thanks the Sri Lankan authorities for their active prevention of human rights violations against religious minorities in the nation. This action of Sri Lanka now serves as an example of violence prevention for all nations in the international community. 

In hopes of international peace, 

Shia Rights Watch 

Sri Lanka’s Pioneering Protection of Shia Rights

Shia Rights Watch expresses gratitude for the Sri Lankan Colombo Hultsdorf Magistrate courts for their protection of Shia Muharram ceremonies. 

It is estimated that over 25,000 Shia Muslims practice within Colombo, Sri Lanka. 

On the first of September, corresponding with the beginning of the holy month of Muharram, spokesman Ruwan Gunasekera announced that the courts ordered restraints against two nationalist groups, ‘Sinhala Jathika Balamuluwa’  and ‘Ravana Balaya,’ that planned to disrupt Shia gatherings in the Bambalapitiya area of Colombo. 

In his statement, Gunasekera said that upon the discovery of information that the groups were planning to inhibit Shia religious expression, Colombo authorities increased security around Shia religious center. Security forces moreover increased accommodations in the immediate areas surrounding the center. 

Sri Lanka has been a recent home of violence based on religious beliefs, the biggest of which was the Easter bombings of April 2019. Coordinated attacks in the hands of extremist groups in six locations, three of which were churches, lead to the death of 258 and wounding of over 500 civilians.  Concerns over increased intolerance and extremist violence were raised among authorities within Sri Lanka and the international community.  

With the protection of the Shia religious center, Colombo’s Magistrate court took a pioneering step in the promotion of religious freedom in the nation. The court’s decision signaled three essential things: 

  1. Prevention of human rights violations is possible,
  2. The protection of one religious minority against extremism is the protection of all minority rights, 
  3. The courts will not stand in support of any act of injustice and violence. 

Shia Rights Watch thanks the Sri Lankan authorities for their active prevention of human rights violations against religious minorities in the nation. Moreover, this organization invites other countries to adopt Sri Lanka’s practice of violence prevention and legal signaling against inhumane suppression of expression in the hands of extremist groups. 



Muharram 2019 Advisory

Shia Rights Watch dedicates its efforts to protecting and promoting the rights of Shia Muslims all over the world. Within this advisory Shia Rights Watch expresses venerations to the Shia community on the event of the holy of the month of Muharram and calls on the greater international community for increased security against human rights violations based on religious beliefs.  

Muharram marks the commemoration of the sacrifices made against human rights violations. On this occasion,  Shia Muslims openly campaign against the terrors of their time. 

The nature of the congregation and visible religious expression, Shia Muslims become easy to identify and target. 

To prevent violations and to ensure the safety of the Shia community, SRW presents the following tips to create a unified platform for expression that not only meets religious guidelines but also lends to international and domestic regulations.


This advisory targets members of the Shia religious faith and national and local authorities. 


To the Shia communities: 

Know your rights as knowledge is key to rights

  •  As constituents of your nation, you have civil liberties. Familiarize yourself and your community with the nation’s defined human rights and freedom of religion.  

Build a relationship with your community law enforcement   

  • Approach your community law enforcement and communicate your observations for the month of Muharram.
  • Seek consultation from your local police department on the placement of security measures such as camera systems and alarms.
  • Ask for increased security. In many communities, police provide special protection for your institution, given your coordination. Keep in mind that increased security measures must be requested in advance.  
  • If needed, obtain the necessary congregation permits in advance.

Reach out to Government Representative

  • Meet with the governor and mayor of your town. Have a conversation about your concerns. Reach out and open a line of communication.

Be cognisant of your non-practicing community

  • Recognize that you are a part of a broader community that may or may not commemorate Muharram.
  • Respect local regulations.
  • Reach out and communicate an increase in activity to neighbors and surrounding institutions.
  • Prepare and provide brochures or pamphlets, educating others on the significance and relevance of Muharram.  

In case of a human rights violation, Know Your Resources!

  • In case of emergency, contact your local police immediately.
  • Contact Shia Rights Watch to inquire about rights-based counseling and broadcast.

To national and local authorities: 

Be aware of the increased risk of anti-Shiism and increase security measures

  • Congregation and religious expression are critical in Muharram rituals. Increased visibility and dense populations of Shia ease anti-Shia violence, and thus, Shia communities are at a higher risk. 
  • Extremist organizations are willing to target Shia Muslims at the cost of civilian and non-civilian lives. 
  • Organize increased security according to Shia distribution in the area. 

Include Shia community leaders in civil planning

  • Reach out to community leaders in the preparation of security measures and possible changes in traffic patterns
  • Leaders within Shia communities have first-hand knowledge of the rituals and concerns of their respective communities. Including them in civil-planning can reduce the cost of additional measures. 
  • Inclusion of local communities allows for cohesion and is linked with increased bi-directional cooperation in policy 

Provide training to non-Shia members of the security enforcement

  • Access implicit bias and train against discrimination in law enforcement
  • Educate law enforcement about Shia beliefs and rituals
  • Members of law enforcement are not exemptions to discriminatory cultures in the larger society. Local and National authorities must address implicit bias within their security personnel to ensure the law is being carried out in an unbiased manner. 


#Muharram2019 has been established by Shia Rights Watch as a platform to share recent anti-Shia incidents for both members of the Shia community and authorities. The link will be monitored by international media outlets and human rights organizations.     

International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief

August 22 was proclaimed as the International Day for Victims of Violence Based on Religion or Belief by the United Nations General Assembly. The day is set in honor of “victims and survivors who often remain forgotten.” In a statement, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Poland Jacek Czaputowicz stated,

 “One-third of the world’s population suffers from some form of religious persecution.  Acts of terror are intended to intimidate members of religious communities and, as a result, to hold them back from practicing their faith.  In some countries, religious practice is forbidden even at home, and sometimes the representatives of religious minorities are refused religious funerals.”

Violence against religious minorities is an international problem. In both the East and the West, religious groups are targeted based on nothing else other than their expressed beliefs. Public expression of beliefs is thwarted through intimidation and threats of violence. Moreover, many groups face persecution not only in the hands of violent extremism but also by in the hands of systemic discrimination within the legal infrastructure. 

Violence based on religious identity is an international issue.  Addressing violence against religious groups is especially significant in light of the mobile nature of such groups and the migration of diaspora across national and regional lines. No longer are hate crimes and their motivations relevant to a singular administration. None-the-less, the session highlighted the need for reform of policies that perpetuate violence and hinder justice for religious minorities. 

The adopted resolution seeks to raise awareness of the importance of religious diversity.  Within the session, national representatives warned against the provocation of hateful rhetoric, called on the prosecution of perpetrators of violence and reform of repressive legislation, pushed for recognition of xenophobia and racism, and the concession of resources to counter hate. 

During the session, the case of the Rohingya in Myanmar, Yazidis in Iraq, Uyghur Muslims and ethnic Kazakhs in China and Christians in non-Christian nations were mentioned. Shia Rights Watch notes that in addition to the groups mentioned, the case of Shia Muslims must be acknowledged in efforts to counter violence based on religious beliefs.

Shia Muslims are residents of the international community. Shia Rights Watch estimates Shia Islam to be the largest minority group in the world, and one of the largest religious identities in the Middle East. Yet, violence against the religious group has been long neglected.

On this day, Shia Rights Watch renews its vow to advocate for violence against Shia Muslims in addition to other religious groups and calls on the international community to acknowledge adversity faced by religious groups, especially hardships faces by the international Shia population. 



Bi-Annual Report 2019


Anti-Shiism remains prominent and thriving in the first half of 2019. Anti-Shiism, or the deliberate targeting of Shia Muslims with aims of suppressing representation and expression, can be found in a variety of techniques and practices such as executions, abductions, denial of basic rights (right to property, to vote, to citizenship, etc.), and wrongful imprisonment.

Shia Muslims make up a significant portion of the world’s population. Due to the severe marginalization they face, it is difficult to collect exact data on the regional population of Shia Muslims. Researchers at Shia Rights Watch place the Shia population at 50% of the global Muslims population.  Shia Rights Watch highlights a need to address violence against this population and continues to delve into extensive research into the Shia population. 

This bi-annual report encapsulates known cases of anti-Shiism throughout the months of January to June 2019 all over the world. These cases are varied, ranging from killings, injuries, removal of Shia TV channels, and the razing of mosques to denial of entry into a country, denial of rights to property ownership, and hunger strikes in grievance of maltreatment and poor prison conditions. 


These cases include: 

  • 375 total imprisonments; 
  • 190 de-naturalizations;
  • 275 killings/executions; 
  • 77 life sentences relating to activism;
  • 143 injuries.

 This report is not all-inclusive, and only includes incidents that have been made aware to the SRW. This does not mean that all other cases which have not been documented and reported aren’t valid and there should be in no way, shape, or form dismissal of these undocumented cases, for they too are composed of injustices against the Shia peoples. More information can be found at shiarightswatch.org.


Afghanistan is a hostile and potentially fatal environment for Shia Muslims. There were three explosions reported in the Shia populated areas of Kabul, resulting in more than 36 dead and an unknown number of injuries. 

An attack in March left six people dead and 23 severely injured. The explosion occurred in preparation for Nowruz celebrations that marked the advent of spring. The blasts reportedly occurred near Kabul University and the Kart-e Sakhi shrine.

The second attack in June occurred as in two-part explosion. The first explosion was on a bus carrying university students. The initial explosion caused the death of  25 Shias. The second detonation was initiated when Afghan security forces began to gather around the site. 

The attacks in June left more than 30 killed and many injured in the city of Kabul. Members of ISIS/ISIL claim responsibility for the attacks.


Attacks are mainly designed to target large gatherings. The attacks against civilians have resulted in extreme fear and paranoia, preventing Afghan Shia from attending religious and cultural programs. Such violence not only threatens the lives of the people but also harms their overall participation in society. Attacks target those who provide aid or support to Shia as well. The nature of the attacks exemplify the radical extremism that drives violence in the nation. Not only do extremists want to eradicate Shia Muslims, but they wish to also eliminate anyone who empathizes with victims of anti-Shiism. 

Shia Rights Watch highlights the need for increased security measures that not only protect Shia Muslims but also to protect non-Shia service providers. 

The severity of the attacks on the Shia population in Afghanistan has a historic tendency to be extreme and require a variety of approaches to contain, with these months serving as a quintessential example. Therefore, it is important to advocate for minority rights in the country and to secure Shia populations to ensure their livelihood and development.  



Shia Rights recognizes and thanks the Bahraini authorities for the charging of 12 guards with the physical assault of Bahraini detainees. Although the charges mark an inch of progress, there still needs to be miles of reform before progress can be seen.

Bahrain is a country known for its various cases of anti-Shiism, with the preferred method of repression being forced disappearance and imprisonment. Violations against Shia Muslim were highlighted in a lack of due process, subpar prison conditions and subjectified labeling of Shia activists as terrorists. 

 The month of February marked the anniversary of the uprising in Bahrain in 2011. On February 13th, forces raided many cities and arbitrarily arrested 23 people. On the 14th, protests and sit-ins were held in reaction to suppression- another 13 people were then arrested.


Despite calls for reduced repression by the international community, Shia Muslims continue to live under a  discriminatory legal system.

Shia activists are met with lacking due process. Ahmed Al-Mullali and Ali Hakim Al-Arab, two Shia detainees that have sat on death row since January of last year, were executed in May. The two were subject to severe beatings after their conviction and were put to death under the reasoning of “terrorism”. The two were convicted in a mass conviction alongside 58 other defendants. 

The detention of Hadeer Abadi, a Bahraini detainee, was extended for the fourth consecutive time on April 13th. She was not charged with a single crime, yet she continues to be held against her will with no contact between her and the outside world. 

Nabeel Rajab, a well-known Shia activist, was denied the opportunity to receive “alternative punishment law”. In Bahrain, those convicted have the right to ask for this to possibly change their sentences, but the motion, proposed by Rajab’s lawyer, was denied without even being heard.


Sheikh Salman was also given a life sentencing after the court refused to approve his appeal against it. Salman was initially sentenced to four years for “inciting hatred”, but the sentence was increased to life despite criticism from the United Nations.

Later in June, a court in the Kingdom of Bahrain handed 167 prison sentences against pro-democracy Shia protesters; 56 of the defendants received ten years in jail and were accused of “attacking police officers” and the remaining received one-year terms.


The oppressive practices in Bahrain seem to target all manners of Shia individuals, regardless of class, sex, or innocence. These practices have led to some of the most dehumanizing conditions one could imagine for any group of people, which only goes on to breed fear and insecurity in the Bahraini Shia community. This prevents cohesion between members of a nation and furthers friction and feelings of discontent between the government and those it governs. 

Many are detained under unsupported allegations. A cleric was held on trial for “allegedly” insulting the Rashidun Caliphate. Another Shia cleric was also interrogated by Bahraini security forces after being summoned for questioning and spending a month in detention. The reasons for the interrogation were not released. Sheikh Yassin al-Jamri, a Shia cleric, was put back into detention after being questioned by the Manama regime on May 29th. There was no explanation given to his arrest, nor was there a date given to a court hearing. 


Bahraini authorities use unjustified harshness that unilaterally limit Shia Muslims. Random assaults and violent searches of cells by guards have also left a myriad of detainees injured. 

Naji Fateel, a prisoner since November 2018, was thrown back into solitary confinement on the basis of a conversation between him and a human rights campaigner. 

On April 16th, there was a mass trial held where 139 people were de-naturalized and sentenced to jail; 69 of them received life sentences, 39 received a 10-year sentence, and 23 received 7-year sentences. The rest received 5-year sentences. 


Harsh sentencing for Shias in Bahrain continued in February, with Shia detainee Zakiya Issa Al-Barboury receiving a five-year prison sentence as well as being de-naturalized. Back in May of 2018, she was accused of “terrorism”.

Prisoners are often denied the right to contact the family. Amira Al-Qashaami, alongside two other detainees, Fatima, and Iman Ali Abdullah, are examples of said denial of rights during the month of March. 

Moreover, those detained are held under lacking prison conditions and inhumane negligence. Many cases of medical negligence in the Jaw Prison of Bahrain were reported by a Baharani rights campaigners. Among the reports, there are cases where treatment was delayed and it was also reported that more than 20 detainees were suffering from sickle cell anemia and are receiving no treatment. A detainee has developed amnesia due to being denied treatment alongside a host of other disorders. 

Conditions of the prisons in Bahrain deteriorate, and the lack of medical treatment continues to be an issue as the families of Hassan Mushaima and Hajer Mansoor Hassan report that medical care for the two has been repeatedly and deliberately denied. 


Due to the lack of medical treatment, detainees decided to go on a hunger strike over the extreme situation in Jaw Prison. Ali Al-Hajji and Mohamed Mirza, started hunger strikes in opposition during the month of April.

April also marks the commencement of the 156th consecutive week that Shias were denied the right to engage in congregation prayers in their own mosques. 

The Bahrain Court also de-naturalized 11 Shia citizens and sentenced 7 of them to life in prison for their involvement with anti-regime, pro-democracy movements. 


Bahrain also targets various Shia figures in its community through the act of citizenship revocation. The Manama regime de-naturalized 40 citizens throughout the month of January on the basis of their expressions against the government. 

Ebrahim Sharif was sentenced to six months in Bahraini prison over a critical tweet he wrote about the president of Sudan, Omar al-Bashir. He was let out on bail and later denied the charges placed against him (“insulting the head of a foreign state”), stating that his tweets fall under freedom of expression. 

A Baharani journalist was also summoned for questioning by Manama’s security services for criticizing the kingdom’s interior ministry on social media after the ministry threatened social media users with legal action. 

Minors are no exception to violence in Bahraini legal system. Three minors, Hussein Radhi, Ebtisam Al-Saegh and Ali Hussein Abdulwahab, were also put into detention this month alongside having their homes raided by Bahraini security forces in the northern village of Al Musalla. The teenagers were put into detention over charges of an “illegal gathering”, which is typically a code-word used by the government for a peaceful protest. The minors are also being denied the right to contact their parents. 


As a repressive measure, actions internationally recognized as actions of self-expression are criminalized in the Kingdom. During the commemoration of Fatima Zahra, daughter of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), Bahraini security forces razed several Shia mosques and gathering spaces alongside removing all black flags and banners meant for commemoration. 

The deplorability of Shia treatment in Bahrain has been a recurring theme in the country’s politics for years now and it has long been time to stop it, as these past few months have evidenced. So, given the multiplicity and variety of the violations forced upon Shia Muslims in Bahrain, the most optimal course of action would be to continue advocating for their rights and perhaps collaborate with other governmental entities to work in conjunction against the discriminatory tactics carried out by the Manama regime. 



Anti-Shiism is not an issue bound to a region and often takes root in other subversive forms in countries foreign to the Middle East, such as France. 

Although France has not had many violations concerning the Shia population historically, recent events revealed that a possible trend could develop in the country. It is imperative that preventative measures be taken to avoid this becoming a reality. 

During the month of March, French Interior Minister Christophe Castaner closed down four Shia centers under the guise of them being backed by Iran, a baseless claim that leads to the prolonged marginalization of the Shia people.

Shia Muslims have long expressed independence from any political entity. The minister’s failure to recognize Shia Muslims as an independent religious group is a show of ignorance. 

Shia Rights Watch calls on Castener to acknowledge wrongdoing in the closure of the religious center and to hold accountable acts of anti-Shiism in the country. 



Iraq has a majority Shia population, but the violations in Iraq continue to happen with startling frequency in the first six months of 2019; 137 civilians were killed, over 40 were wounded, and mosques, buses, and markets were destroyed. 

January signaled the beginning of a violent year with an explosion in the markets of al-Qaim, leaving three civilians dead and more than 20 injured. Later on, Iraqi forces found two bodies in different areas of Baghdad. Five other incidents left five dead. 

In February, a bus explosion took place in Samarra, leaving 13 people dead.

ISIS also attacked a Turkaman tribe in March, killing 20 people. Shortly after this, Iraqi security forces discovered a mass grave with 65 bodies occupying it. According to authorities, 7 people were also killed during several assassinations by masked men throughout the month.

At least 15 different people were killed in a series of individual killings throughout the month of April. The assassinations are known to be credited to masked assailants in the city of Baghdad.

June sees the streak of excessive violence continued with a suicide bombing occurring at a mosque in eastern Baghdad on the 21st, killing 7 and injuring 20 Shia Muslims. The attacks target Shia civilians in everyday settings.

Iraq suffers from a deficit in resources as well as a continued regional instability. As a result, individual assassinations and roadside explosions have become a norm of daily life, a norm which is faced with a lack of accurate reporting. 

SRW believes that normalization of human rights violations is a dangerous form of apathy and must be fought against.  Iraqis, like all other people, have the right to peace and security. Therefore, the violations they face must be covered by the media, coupled with regional governments and international committees taking initiative to ensure proper awareness of incidents of anti-Shiism. 


On June 26th, a Shia couple was denied the right to rent property in the town of Hadat under the rationale of it being a “Christian” community.

The property owner told the couple that the law was established by Hadat’s legislation, prohibiting Muslims from renting or buying Christian properties. It is important to note that Hadat is on the edge of an area known as Dahiyeh, which has a high concentration of Shia Muslims. 

Lebanon has been established as a nation of multi-religious identities. Incidents such as those described above can threaten peaceful coexistence and can serve as grounds for the growth of intolerance.  



Violations against the Shia population in Nigeria has been on the rise. The recent events in 2019 exemplifying this. Local authorities in Kaduna during the month of May were reported to have attacked Shia protesters on the 31st, leading to several injuries.

Shia religious figures have been subjected to deplorable treatment. The Shia, Sheikh Zakzaky and his wife were wrongly imprisoned four years ago and had no access to medical treatment whatsoever. Zakzaky had his charges acquitted long ago but continues to sit in custody. 

A lack of medical treatment resulted in the loss of this eye and the deterioration of his pre-existing cardiac condition. In June, according to members of the Islamic Movement, Zakzaky was poisoned and in an investigation, it was revealed that high concentrations of lead and cadmium were found in his blood.

The trend in Nigeria has clearly been against the wellbeing of its Shia population, and it seems to be primarily targeting its leaders as well as those who decide to voice their discrepancies with this treatment. SRW calls on regional recognition of the Nigerian Shia condition and cooperation on the same level to work towards a more equitable environment. 



Pakistan has been a hazardous place for the Shia population, with many reports of disappearances, killings, and explosions. During the first six months of 2019, many people were reported missing, over 30 were killed, many were injured, and three were arrested unlawfully. 

Mohammad Ali Shah, vice chairman of the Shia Council and known activist, was shot and killed in the city of Karachi during the first few days of January. The Shia population in Pakistan has implored the government to take action against this violence, but the apathy exercised towards the situation only ensures its continued occurrence.

On January 29th, families of missing Shia Muslims organized a hunger strike outside the Karachi Press Club in unified protest against the enforced disappearances of their loved ones. Protesters proclaimed that several members of their community have been a victim to this oppressive tactic and demanded justice. 

During the month of March, the Superintendent of the Balochistan University Sayyed Hussein Shah was shot and killed in the city of Quetta. The killing of Shah is consistent with trends of anti-Shiism in Pakistan aimed at removing Shia individuals from positions of power. 

On April 12th, the Hazarganji’s district of Quetta was attacked, an area which is home to a large Hazara community. The attack took 20 lives and wounded at least 48 others. Lashkar-e-Jhangvi claimed responsibility for the attack, stating that they “targeted the Hazara community”. On the following month, an explosion near a Shia mosque in Quetta killed four and wounded ten others. 

In the beginning of June, two were arrested for killing Shia civilians. The arrests took place in response to Shia demands for security.  Following this incident a few days later, two other Shia were killed with many others injured in an explosion in Ziarat. Within the same day and city, another explosion took place and three others were killed.

Later in June, an elderly Shia man returning from a pilgrimage was taken in custody by the police with no justifications. 

The violations in Pakistan are mainly due to the government’s lack of protection of the Shia population. It is possible to see that the trend for violations in Pakistan occurs in the forms of abductions and killings, which prominently target Shia community in Pakistan. Shia have reported that they have requested more protection from their local authorities, yet they are not granted any.

Shia Rights Watch suggests more in-depth international media coverage into the situation that Shia Muslims in Pakistan are forced to face, so as to bring greater attention and action against these transgressions.   


Saudi Arabia

During the first half of 2019, 43 Shia were killed, many were injured, and two activists were arrested. These incidents highlight the historical tendency Saudi Arabia has with religious persecutions.  

In January,  the Shia population of Saudi Arabia was once again subject to religious persecution and violence. The village of Umm al-Hamam was the target of an attack on the 8th. The attack left five killed and many injured. Forces entered the village and stormed into a number of houses after surrounding it for 15 hours, likely as a tactic to instill fear. During the same day, known human right activist Mohammad Nabil Al-Jowhar was arrested. 

In the same month, Nayef Ahmed Omran, an activist who has been imprisoned since March of 2011, was announced dead in prison. Activists believe that his death might have been the result of torture.

A horrific mass execution occurred in Saudi Arabia in April, breaking the record with 37 executions took place on the 23rd. Saudi forces then proceeded to leave the bodies of two executed men on display, hanging them from poles for several hours. By leaving their bodies on display and by surrounding the city of Qatif, which holds a majority Shia population, the government sought to inspire terror and anguish in the community. Saudi force further prevented mourning ceremonies. 

May continued the trend of suppression seen in previous months, with eight people killed under the guise of “counter-terrorism” in al-Qatif. The authorities claimed that they were targeting “terrorist cells”. 

June proves to serve no exception to the trend of violations occurring in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, having the execution of the 18-year-old Murtaja Qureiris as the topic of concern. He was charged on various counts of “terrorism”, “anti-governmental” speech, and for attending his brother’s funeral who died in a protest in 2011. 


The majority of these allegations occurred when Qureiris was just 10 years old. During his arrest, his interrogators beat him and promised to release him on the grounds that he confessed to the “crimes” he committed. Qureiris’ death sentence was overturned, but the fact that he could have been executed on the basis of activities he “partook” in at just ten years old goes to show the glaring flaws and biases present in Saudi Arabia’s penal system. 

The case of activist Nassimah Al-Sadah remains unresolved. Al- Sadah has yet to be charged. Something which is also equally alarming is the fact that by detaining Al-Sadah for this period of time, Saudi Arabia violates its own penal code due to the fact that it dictates that one cannot be held in pre-trial detention for more than six months. Al-Sadah has been detained for nearly nine months and is still lacking access to a fair trial.

These obvious violations of both international and domestic laws as well as the blatant disregard for human rights displayed by Saudi Arabia cannot continue if we wish to foster hope for a more equitable world. The Shia Rights Watch suggests an international outcry for the rights of Shia Muslims in Saudi Arabia, alongside the rights of other religious minorities that find themselves victims of these oppressive practices. The international and regional communities must work in solidarity against these violations if any change is to be seen.


Conclusion & Suggestions

Shia Rights Watch urges the international community to recognize violence against Shia Muslims. 

Until this justice is wrought, violations will persist throughout the various communities in this report and the plethora of others that weren’t reported. Shia Rights Watch invites all countries to respect the human rights of Shia Muslims as they are as equally deserving of equitable treatment as any other demographic would be.

The Shia Rights Watch proposes a series of suggestions that might better help countries understand how to tackle the issue of Shia marginalization and ensure the preservation of current and future human rights. These suggestions consist of: 

  • Dialogue between governments and activists. A common interest must be established so that present governmental entities and reform seekers can have a level platform to discuss the state of human rights in their nation. 
  • Increased activism of Shia Muslims in their communities. Shias must find it within themselves to empower those around them through being exemplary citizens and figures in their communities. Activism must include speaking out against unethical practices which may occur in their daily lives and peaceful methods of ;
  • Education on human rights for all minority populations. For one to defend and advocate for their rights, they must first be informed as to what they are. Initiatives should take place to further the education of historically oppressed communities in regards to what international rights they’re entitled to as well as whom they can turn to when these rights are violated;
  • Raising accurate media coverage. The media is one of the primary outlets for regional and global exposure, so it can function as an efficient medium to provide unbiased depictions of Shia Muslims as well as functioning as a platform for precise coverage of the events and achievements that pertain to the Shia community. 

The Shia Rights Watch encourages the various Shia collectives found throughout the world to stand in solidarity against anti-Shiism by collaborating with the various outlets of exposure in their respective countries to bring awareness to the issues that Shia Muslims find themselves confronting on a daily basis.


Shia Rights Watch Illuminates Time Square, NYC

SRW celebrates Eid al- Adha in Times Square, NYC

Shia Rights Watch illuminated New York streets in preparation for Eid al- Adha. On Sunday, August 11, 2019, Shia Rights Watch congratulated Muslims and non-Muslims alike on the auspicious occasion of Eid al-Adha, or Festival of Sacrifice, through a never – before televised broadcast in Times Square, New York, one of the busiest locations in the United States. The Shia-based broadcast was the first of its kind.

SRW celebrates Eid al- Adha in Times Square, NYC

The broadcast came parallel to the airing of words from the Shia Theologian, Sayed Sadiq Shirazi who stated, “Peaceful coexistence comes from mutual understanding and forgiveness; thrive to achieve the peace you seek.” 

Sayed Sadiq Shirazi is a prominent leader of Shia Islam both in the West and in the East. He is a leading voice in the study of theology and one of the most prominent independent religious leaders in the world. His call for global Shia unity void of cultural and political attachments has led to substantial growth in his followership in the United States and Europe in the past decade. 

Shia Rights Watch believes the televised broadcasts are a direct counter to anti-Islamic rhetoric. The message of peace supports the image of an inclusive Islam as a religion of mutual understanding and nonviolence. It serves as a message for both Muslims and non-Muslims. For members of the Islamic faith, the promotion of Eid serves as a reminder of their role as advocates of non-violence. And for those who are not of the Muslim community, Eid promotions highlight the values of their Muslim brothers and sisters and serve as a reminder of their multicultural nation. 

Moreover, public broadcast communicates prosocial expectations across cultures. By promoting religious celebrations, not only can non-Muslims become aware of religious traditions of the Muslim community members, Muslims themselves can be empowered to share their religious heritage with the larger society in which they live. 

Similar efforts have taken place in other areas of the United States. Advocacy for religious freedom has led to the recognition of Islamic traditions in schools and work-places. Schools in many counties in states such as New York and Virginia grant leave in addition to congratulating their students with custom Eid messages. Companies and corporations allow their Muslim employees time off to attend Eid prayers. 

Shia Rights Watch continues its efforts to pioneer the promotion of diversity through education at local and international levels. The organization strives to advance peace-efforts in hopes of building a world in which minority groups can support each other’s wellbeing. 

On the occasion of Eid al-Adha

Shia Rights Watch expresses its best wishes on the occasion of Eid al-Adha, to not just members of the Muslim nation, but to the international community.

Eid al-Adha, regarded by some as the Festival of Sacrifice,  calls for the honoring of Abrahams sacrifice, an occasion recognized in Abrahamic religions. While the event is marked by varying names across cultures and religions, observation of this day serves as a recollection of the basis of humanity: altruism.

Traditionally, communities spend al-Adha in celebration of their immediate communities. This year, Shia Rights Watch calls on the observance of the sacrifices made by Shia Muslims all over the world. 

In July 2019 alone, 453 violations were reported against Shia Muslims, of which 53 were civilian deaths and 198 injuries resulting from bombings and police brutality in pro-equal rights protests. 

In Bahrain, activists are denaturalized, and in a number of cases, executed, for pro-democracy activities. In Nigeria, protesters who stand in the face of state discrimination and limitations in the expression are treated with the utmost violence. In Saudi Arabia, residents of Shia majority towns face the constant threat of raids and shootings by State officers. Yet, all over the world, Shia Muslims still cite prosociality as the basis for their actions. 

This eid, in addition to congratulating everyone on the auspicious event of al-Adha, Shia Rights Watch calls on the international community to recognize the lives lost in aims of obtaining human rights. 

Let this day serve as a reminder that we are all members of a singular global community. Shia Rights Watch wishes everyone an Eid filled with humanity. 

Incidents of Anti-Shiism in July, 2019

Incidents of Anti-Shiism, July 2019

Anti-Shiism events have been witnessed in many countries, such as Afghanistan, Bahrain, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia. Most violation reports are from Nigeria, Afghanistan, and Bahrain. Anti-Shia violations include but are not limited to, imprisonment, physical and emotional torture, limited or no access to medical assistance, hate speech, explosion, and executions. 

The violations include the following:

  • 53 civilians killed during explosions and protests, 
  • 198 wounded during bomb attacks, by police brutality in demonstrations, and explosions,
  • 159 arrested and 39 received sentences,
  • Four damages to properties, such as cars, mosques, houses, and markets by terrorist attacks,
  • In total, 453 violations against Shia were reported. 


It is important to reinforce that the reports are only a sample of anti-Shiism violations. Any violations not cataloged in this report are still valid and deserve to be recognized. Shia Rights Watch notes that violence against Shia Muslims is underreported by victims and by media outlets since many religious minorities live in fear of further persecution. 


The main form of violation in Afghanistan was explosions by terrorist groups; 27 people were killed and 94 were injured during three separate attacks. Two of the attacks occurred early in the month in Khwaja Sabz Posh and Ghazni, and the last one in the Khakhriz district.

The first attack on July 6, carried out by the Taliban, killed 14 people, among them four were children and wounded 40 others. The explosion occurred in a market near a very populated Shia area. The second attack was also very alarming to the Muslim and Shia community. The Islamic State carried out a bomb attack on a Shia Mosque, leaving two dead and 20 wounded. It is not the first time the attacks on the worship site occurs. The attacks represent the increasing violence against all Muslims. Attacking any holy ground is a violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, that states on Article 18 that “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship, and observance.” 

Therefore, the attack on the Shia Mosque should not be tolerated.

On July 17th, another incident in Afghanistan left 11 people killed and around 34 others injured. Many of those injured were children. The attack was accomplished by a landmine explosion that injured and killed visitors of the minority religious site. 

The attacks on the Shia population in Afghanistan have been happening throughout history, and the month of July shows no exception. The violations are extreme and must be contained in many ways as possible, by advocacy and dialogues. Therefore, it is essential to continue with the efforts to always advocate for minority rights in this country.


Anti-Shiism varies in nature in Bahrain, but no matter the violation, the country continues to be unsafe for the Shia majority. The violations are constant, ongoing, and non-stop. Anti-Shiism during July was expressed in the forms of executions, medical negligence in prisons, contaminated food, and prohibition to pray in individual religious sites.

Activists suffered from a tremendous amount of torture during the years they were arrested and confessed to crimes also while under extreme torture.

During July, another hunger strike was seen in the Jaw Prison. A cancer survival teen, Ahmad Al-Arab went on a hunger strike after being put into solitary. Al-Arab was also denied medical treatment for his injuries. Many detained Shias are denied essential health and medical treatments. 

Other  prisoners have reported food contamination, and one of them stated that “either you die of hunger or poisoned by the food.” The jaw prison administration has refused to comment on allegations of lacking prison conditions. 

The situation in this Kingdom is extremely worrisome to the Shia community. Authorities are once again depriving Shia of their rights to practice their faith. 

In an incident this month, “people were summoned by the police and ordered to sign a pledge not to organize congregational prayers at mosques.” Congregational prayers are opportunities for the community to join together under a singular identity. By denying the right to gather, authorities aim to dispel Shia traditions and identities. 

Later in the month in the Kingdom of Bahrain, three Shia activists were executed. The charges were under “terrorist crimes,” and Bahrain described the allegedly attacks as “orchestrated by Iran-based ringleaders.” Labeling Bahraini activists as foreign agents is outrageous and extremely bad for, not only the government of Bahrain but also for activists. First, this action marginalizes and discredits the work that activists were doing in the country. Secondly, by labeling, the government opened doors for foreign influence, since the activists can no longer rely on its government, they may begin relying on others. Shia activists have expressed a lack of connections to foreign influences, yet they continue to be labeled as outsiders in their nation-state. 

Moreover, following the execution, a jailed Bahraini Shiite Cleric, Sheikh Isa Al-Qaffas, was assaulted by an officer at Jaw Prison for mourning the death of the two activists.   

The United Nations strongly condemned the executions of these activists, yet the government took no action to release other activists or engage in peacebuilding dialogue.  

Meanwhile, international rights groups have repeatedly criticized the regime for marginalizing Bahrain’s Shia majority. These violations should not be tolerated, and more efforts to eradicate and prevent violations should be established, not only by the government but also by the international community. 


Similar to June, another attack on a Shiite mosque occurred. The attacks on mosques are becoming more frequent and violent, a demonstration that the violations against the Shia majority are still very present in Iraq. 

Two suicide bombers detonated their vests near a Shia mosque on July 15th in Baghdad, killing five and leaving more than 14 injured. Later on, ISIS claimed responsibility for the atrocious and violent attack. 

Although Iraq went through a period of relative calmness, attacks on Shia civilians continue and, before July, other suicide bombings took place in the capital. 


The situation in this specific country during July was extremely troublesome. The detention of Sheikh Zakzaky and his wife continue to be the main focus for turbulence in the country, and the health of the Sheikh continues to deteriorate. Toxic elements, such as lead and cadmium were found in his blood. Those substances are elements that are associated with neurological impairment, and the consumption of it can cause a burden of heavy metals in the body.

While the Sheikh’s health continues to deteriorate and even with all the protests, the Nigerian court ruled out an extraordinary application for bail on medical grounds, leaving it almost impossible for the Sheikh to be released. 

Due to the extreme circumstances of the Sheikh, a wave of protests took place in July in Nigeria. The first wave of demonstrations was turned from peaceful to violent after the police opened fire and killed two when protesters tried to enter the assembly; 40 Shiites were arrested, and three were wounded because of the tear gas. 

On the second wave of protests to free Sheikh Zakzaky, 65 were arrested, and 38 members of the Shiite Islamic Movement were brought before the court to answer to a criminal charge, where all pledged not guilty. 

During another protest in Abuja, the Nigerian Army opened fire and killed one supporter and injured two others.

On July 22nd, there was another deadly attack in Abuja. The protests in Nigeria continued to escalate in the hands of the authorities. The police fired tear gas and opened fire against members of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria, which led to a confrontation between protesters and the police; 13 Shias were killed, including a journalist; many were injured. 

After these protests, other incidents occurred. First, the Islamic Movement in Nigeria accused the Nigerian Police of holding on to at least 15 corpses of protesters that died during the manifestations. Secondly, after arresting some of the protesters, 3 of them died in custody due to wounds inflicted during the violent protests. 

Also, after the deadly protests, the Nigerian Court declared the Shiite movement as a terrorist group, stating that “Any person engaged or associating, in any manner that could advance the activities of the proscribed Islamic Movement in Nigeria (IMN), shall be treated as a terrorist, enemy of the state, and a subversive element and shall be brought to justice.” This statement can lead to many implications, such as labeling because it impacts the perception of others on what the group is.

Conflict in Nigeria is still escalating, and yet the international community continues to monitor conditions passively. Nothing has been done to protect the Shia community against all the violations, and the terms in this country are far from improving. 

It is imperative that the violations are addressed in Nigeria, through advocacy for human rights to protect the rights of all Shia minority, and prevent future violence. 


The security forces of the country put in place in the city of Quetta stringent security measures in the form of inspections and checkpoints. The measures were claimed to be as a means of protection for Shia Muslims. 

Unfortunately, the actions intended to protect the lives of Shia only increased the separation between the Hazara Shiites and society. The measures did not solve the anti-Shiism violations that the Shia community is going through in the country of Pakistan. 

Violations of anti-Shiism in the nation of Pakistan are directly sourced from the extremist organization and culturally reinforced by State agents. Recent efforts much like that of increased security measures have been taken in response to local protest. Yet, the measures put in place have to lead to reduced mobility of Shia and non-Shia residences in the area.


On July 2nd, Saudi Arabia’s forces attacked the province of al-Qatif and raided the area. According to locals, the security forces opened fire near an apartment complex in town, and many residents reported having their houses invaded. Later in the month, the Specialized Criminal Court of Saudi Arabia handed down a death sentence to the Shia anti-regime activist, Ali Al-Rabie, from Qatif. The report came as Saudi authorities executed two brothers, Ahmad and Hossein, on April 23 over their political activism.

Saudi Arabia is known for subjecting its violations towards the Shia community, especially by exposing prisoners to various forms of extreme torture. These apparent violations, as well as the blatant disregard for human rights displayed by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, cannot continue if we wish to foster hope for a more equitable world. Measures should be taken to prevent incidents from happening again and to continue to advocate for human rights for all, precisely the Shia community.  


Far from countries with Shia majority in the Middle East, violations against this population exist. 

This month, the violations occurred in London, where islamophobic protesters expressed opposition against all Muslims. Many carried out phrases saying, “no more mosques.” 

Last month, cities in Germany and again in the city of London, violations against the Muslim community were reported, including attacks on mosques and the Quran, an action that should not be tolerated by the International community. 


Trends in anti-Shiism in July point to continued violence against Shia Muslims. It is essential that strict measures are taken and advocacy is increased to prevent any anti-Shiism from happening, and an increase in security for this population should be established in all countries were violations were reported. The international and regional communities must work in solidarity against these violations if any change is to be seen.

Shia Rights Watch promotes actions aimed at increasing tolerance and reform for human rights all over the world. Shia Rights Watch invites all countries to respect the rights of not only Shia Muslims, but all minority groups. 


Incidents of Anti-Shiism in June, 2019

Incidents of Anti-Shiism in June 2019

Shia rights violations continue in June, with Anti-Shia incidents witnessed in some countries. Most violation reports are from Bahrain, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia. Anti-Shia violations, including but not limited to, imprisonment, physical and emotional torture, limited or no access to medical assistance, hate speech, explosion, and executions. 

The violation included the following:

  • More than 23 Shia suffered from medical negligence. 
  • 68 Shia Muslims died or were injured in explosions or slaughtering. 
  • 6 Shia were summoned for questioning or were illegally imprisoned. 
  • 167 Shia received unjust prison sentences. 
  • 2 Shia Muslims had their rights to rent a property revoked.
  • 1 Shia was abducted. 


It is important to reinforce that the reports are only a sample of anti-Shiism violations faced by the Shia minority. Any violations not cataloged in this report are still valid and deserve to be recognized as well. Shia Rights Watch notes that violence against Shia Muslims is under-reported by victims and unreported by media outlets since many religious minorities live in fear of further persecution. 



The situation in Afghanistan was particularly worrisome, and just like previous reports, the main focus of violation occurred in Kabul in the forms of explosions. More than 30 Shias and members of the Afghan security forces were attacked earlier in June. Members of the Islamic State claimed the attack that was responsible for the death and injury of many Shia civilians. The attacks were carried out in two stages, first was the detonation of an explosion near a bus with over 25 Shia, and the second when security personal gathered around the bus. 

The attacks on the Shia population in Afghanistan have been happening throughout history, and they are extreme and must be addressed in different ways as possible. Therefore, it is essential to continue with the efforts to advocate for minority rights in this country.



Anti-Shiism varies in nature in Bahrain, and,  the country continues to be unsafe for the Shia majority. In the past, the Shia population was faced with many violations, in and out of prison, even after arrests. The violations are constant, ongoing, and non-stop. Anti-Shiism is expressed in the forms of medical negligence in jails, detention of religious figures, and trials against Shia for many different reasons. 

Early this month, a journalist was summoned for questioning by Manama’s security services for criticizing the kingdom’s interior ministry on social media. The arrest comes after the ministry threatened social media users with legal action. The harassment of journalists by authorities is not new and continues to grow in different forms. 

Within days, a Shia cleric was interrogated by the security service after being summoned for questioning and spending a month in detention. The reasons for the interrogation were not released. After this incident, another cleric was on trial for “allegedly” insulting the Rashidun Caliphate. 

The violations continue throughout the month, taking different forms. A Bahraini rights campaigner reported many cases of medical negligence in the Jaw Prison of Bahrain. Among the reports, there are cases where treatment was “delayed.” It was also reported that more than 20 detainees are suffering from sickle cell anemia and are receiving no treatment. Due to the lack of medical treatment, detainees decided to go on a hunger strike over their extreme situation in Jaw Prison. Later on, a detainee developed a mental illness after many years of being denied medical treatment, suffering from amnesia and another psychological disorder.  

Bahrain’s Shia majority has certainly been marginalized for years and continue to be. Not much has been done to prevent violations from happening. 

Later in June, a court in the Kingdom of Bahrain handed 167 prison sentences against Shia pro-democracy protesters. Fifty-six of the defendants received ten years in jail and were accused of “attacking police officers,” and the remaining accepted one-year terms. Once more, the prosecutor of Bahrain orders the detention of another Shia religious figure.

Again, the violation of rights is present and ongoing. Meanwhile, international rights groups have repeatedly critiqued the regime for marginalizing Bahrain’s Shia majority.



Incidents in Baghdad against Shia population have not been reported lately, but the event later in June is troublesome. On June 21st, a suicide bomb occurs in a mosque in eastern Baghdad, in Baladiyat, killing 7 and injuring more than 20 Shia civilians. Although Iraq was going through a period of relative calm, attacks on Shia civilians continued. Before June, another suicide bombing occurs in the capital.



The violations in Lebanon differ from the ones elsewhere. Lebanon has long established itself as a multicultural nation. On June 26, on the town of Hadath, which is southeast of Beirut, a Shia Muslim couple was denied their right to rent a property. The property owner told the couple that the law was established by Hadath’s officials, prohibiting Muslims to rent or buy from a Christian property. Orders are that only Christians are allowed to buy or rent those properties. It is important to note that Hadath is on the edge of an area known as Dahiyeh, Beirut’s densely populated Shia area, and those who seek to reside in Hadath are Shia.  

This incident was the only one publicly announced, but it has become more and more common for that to happen in other Lebanese cities, which should not be tolerated. 



Just like in Bahrain, Shia religious figures have been subject to terrible treatment. The Nigerian Shia Sheikh and his wife were wrongly imprisoned four years ago and had no access to medical treatment. The supreme court released him long ago, but they continue to keep him in jail, which is extremely illegal. A lack of medical treatment led the Sheikh to lose an eye and almost the other, aggravated by a heart condition that needs immediate treatment.

Later in June, according to members of the Islamic Movement, the same spiritual leader was poisoned. An investigation revealed that high concentrations of lead and cadmium were found in his blood. It is atrocious that his health was allowed to deteriorate in this manner. The activists believe that the administration aimed to “covertly assassinate him while in custody.”  

It is imperative that measures are taken to, not only prevent these incidents from happening but also to bring justice to the cleric and his family.  



Pakistan violations were not much different from other countries and in previous years.

At the beginning of June, radicals slaughtered a Shia civilian. Two men were arrested and the government, according to Shia Waves, claims to respond to Shia demands for security. Although, many Pakistani Shia have been a target with assassinations and terrorist bombings. Following this incident, a few days later, two other Shia were killed in an explosion, and many were injured. Later that day, another explosion took place, and three others were killed in the same city of Ziarat.

Later in June, an elderly Shia, while returning from a pilgrimage, was subjected to forced disappearance and taken into custody by the police for no apparent reason. 



Saudi Arabia has been a hotbed of contentious points and violations against the Shia community, especially considering the execution of nearly 37 Shia individuals back in April. June proves to serve no exception to this, with the execution of 18-year-old Murtaja Qureiris being the primary topic of concern. Qureiris was charged on various counts of “terrorism,” “anti-governmental” speech, throwing Molotov cocktails at police stations, firing at security forces, and one for attending his brother’s funeral who died in a protest dating back to 2011. 

The majority of these allegations occurred when Qureiris was just ten years old. Qureiris was detained with his family in 2014 en-route to Bahrain. Since then, he’s been arrested and held in a juvenile detention center in the city of Dammam where he was then subsequently denied access to a lawyer until August of 2018.

During his arrest, his interrogators beat him senseless and promised to release him on the grounds that he confessed to the “crimes” he committed. He is not slated to be executed any time soon due to the overturning of the death sentence, but the fact that he could’ve been executed on the basis of activities he “partook” in at just ten years old goes to show the glaring flaws and biases present in Saudi Arabia’s penal system. 

Detentions still seem to be prevalent throughout the land. Female Shia political activist Nassimah Al-Sadeh remains behind bars despite not having a single charge to her name, much less one worth an arrest. Al-Sadeh is being subjected to solitary confinement after a protest organized with other activists back in December of 2018 in an attempt to raise prisoner morale. 

Saudi Arabia is known for subjecting its detainees and prisoners to various forms of torture. By detaining Al-Sadeh for this period of time, Saudi Arabia violates its penal code which dictates that one cannot be held in pre-trial detention for more than six months. Al-Sadeh has been detained for nearly nine months and is still lacking access to a fair trial. 

These apparent violations of both international and domestic laws, as well as the blatant disregard for human rights displayed by Saudi Arabia, cannot continue if we wish to foster hope for a more equitable world. 


SRW invites all countries to respect human rights of Shia Muslims as this population has proven to only participate in peaceful activities. We also urge all governments to free all prisoners and return any seized belongings.

612 Reasons to Flare Brightly Against Shia Rights Violation on #IntShiaDay

612 Reasons to Flare Brightly Against Shia Rights Violation on #IntShiaDay

Honoring International Shia Day, 2019 Campaign 

June 12th is known to the Shia Rights Watch as International Shia Day which beckons governmental bodies, NGOs, and communities across the globe to stand together in remembrance of the sacrifices all minority groups make in the name of advocacy.

The day itself was observed in 2015 in honor of the 2014 massacre that occurred at Camp Speicher, where more than 1,700 Shia soldiers were executed by firing squad merely on the basis of differences in beliefs.

Ever since, the Shia Rights Watch has labored tirelessly to be the voice to those stripped of their voices and to promote the avocation against these injustices committed in order to bring about a world where Shia Muslims, alongside other minorities, can live peacefully and in harmony with the others around them.

2019 sees this through a different light in honor of hope for a brighter tomorrow. There are often many children throughout the world who dream of lighter days and long for a chance to soar freely.

On this International Shia Day, in order to shine a familiar light upon the injustices committed against Shia minorities throughout the globe, we encourage you to come visit the Foggy Bottom metro station outside George Washington University on June 12th at noon as we share a way to continue to look towards the sun. Sunglasses will be given out alongside a poem or two to allow you to see through the eyes of two cultures separated by a world of difference, but brought together through a universal experience.

Shia Rights Watch invites all activists, human rights defenders, NGOs and governmental entities to join its effort in restoring the rights of all minorities, including Shia Muslims.

To learn more visit http://shiarightswatch.org/ and http://internationalshiaday.com/


UN Complaint