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#Saudi Arabia executed Sheikh Nimer al Nimer

Shia Rights Watch expresses it deepest sorrow after Saudi Arabia executed another pro-democracy Shia advocate.

Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, a Saudi vocal advocate was executed along with other 47 Shia Muslims early Saturday, according to Saudi officials. He was shot and arrested after the 2011 uprise in this country.

Although Sheikh and many others were executed due to their pro-democracy and equality wishes, Saudi accused them as terrorists.

Execution of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr is a clear message that the Saudi kingdom is not taking promised steps towards equality in this country” says Mustafa Akhwand, the director of SRW. Hundreds of Saudi Shia are being punished because they want to have access to their basic rights of human dignity, yet Saudi  Arabia kills them under the umbrella of “terror activity”, Akhwand continued. Such behavior and the world’s inability to take action is a strong sign of weak international leadership.


Incidents of Anti-Shiism in December 2015


This report will analyze the data compiled on Shia deaths, injuries, and arrests that occurred between December 1st and December 31st.  December has been a relatively low risk month for Shia around the world with the exception of the massacre in Nigeria.  The attacks towards Shia stretched from Nigeria to Pakistan and they were focused in 6 countries.  Iraq, like the previous months, had a constant rate of Shia killings.  A total of 549 deaths of Shia were officially reported and 106 were wounded.  For this report we used the most conservative estimate of the Nigeria massacre which was reported between 300-1000 deaths.  The data for this report was gathered from a variety of different sources. The most well-known incidents of anti-Shiism were retrieved from stories that are reported to Shia Rights Watch by eyewitnesses. Each incident is thoroughly evaluated for both authenticity and relevance. For an incident to be included in this report it has to show clear intent to target Shia Muslims on the basis of religious beliefs. The subsequent sections will present and analyze the data gathered by Shia Rights Watch for December.

Where have Shia Muslims been targeted? 

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In December, Shia Muslims were victims in six countries: Iraq, Pakistan, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria and Azerbaijan. There were a total of 549 Shia deaths this month, 106 wounded, 65 arrests and one Shia was sentenced to death.  One major event happened this month that devastated all human rights activists and the Shia communities around the world: the massacre in Nigeria which is officially reported with 300 deaths, but many credible sources believe the number is closer to 1000.


Compared to last month there has been a %58 decrease of death tolls in Iraq.  The December deaths and casualties in Iraq shows that Iraq continues to be the most persistent and continuous high risk country for Shias. The number of injuries in December are half of November’s.  This month, like the month before, the city of Baghdad had the highest number of Shia killed.  IEDs and gunfire are the most common reason of deaths in Baghdad.  ISIS is still the main responsible group for these killings.  The lower number of bombings and deaths in Baghdad is believed to be connected to the mass anti-ISIS campaign in Ramadi which has been challenging ISIS worriers and gaining their attention for this battlefield.


In the middle of December, we witnessed the most brutal massacre of Shia in Nigeria.  This massacre was executed by the Nigerian National Army.  Many observers believe the death toll is near 1000.  Official reports confirm at least 300 dead.  There is an immense lack of clarity regarding the number of casualties and deaths because every other day mass graves are being discovered and the Nigerian National Army arrests activists and reporters who investigate this incident.  The Human Rights Watch has confirmed that the Nigerian National Army buried all the bodies without the permission of family members.  The leader of the Shia in Nigeria, Sheikh Zakzaky, was heavily beaten and injured during this raid.  He is currently arrested and there are many reports about the lack of proper health care for him.  Shia Rights Watch is deeply concerned about the continuous assaults on Shia in Nigeria and their lack of basic human rights.

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A bomb has been exploded in the central market of the predominantly-Shia city of Parachinar in Pakistan’s sprawling tribal belt.  At least 23 were killed and many wounded.  There is no official data for the number of the wounded but the police announced at least 23 bodies were identified.  There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the blast, but Pakistani security agencies believe it comes within the context of ongoing Sunni-Shia sectarian violence that has claimed thousands of lives across Pakistan over the last three decades.


Since last month (November 2015) there has been an ongoing cycle of assaults against the Shia of Azerbaijan.  The population of Azerbaijan is %85 Shia, and although the country is secular and relatively safe, the government does not tolerate any kind of religious activity that expressed any level of criticism towards the President.  Azerbaijan’s Interior Minister, Ramil Usubov, said that the Shia had been targeted in the eastern village of Nardaran for allegedly plotting a coup against the government.  He mentioned that 5 Shia (members of the Movement for Muslim Unity) were killed and 32 were arrested.  Azerbaijan’s parliament has been debating a law to ban the display of flags honoring the martyred Shia Imam Hussein on streets and also prohibiting those Azerbaijanis who have received religious education abroad from performing religious ceremonies.  The incidents in Azerbaijan are extremely concerning for the Shia Rights Watch, since the government does not allow any independent human rights organization to operate and investigate in that country.  We believe that Shia of Azerbaijan will face more human rights abuse since this country has been under the radar and does not receive any coverage regarding its human rights abuse.

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Saudi Arabia

Abdullah al-Zaher, the youngest person currently sentenced to death in Saudi Arabia, has been sentenced to death by the Saudi court.  Zaher, who is 19 years old now, was just 15 when he was arrested after attending an anti-government demonstration.  He was sentenced to be beheaded.  There is still no information about the date of the execution.  Many human rights organizations condemned his trial and believe it was unfair and flawed.  His father believes that Zaher was forced to confess to crimes he did not commit and he was denied the right to consult with a lawyer or with his family.


The Bahrain Human Rights Society (BHRS) said that the Bahraini authorities arbitrarily arrested 13 citizens during the first week of December.  Meanwhile A Bahraini court sentenced a Shia citizen to death and jailed 22 others for life for forming a “terrorist group”.  The court also revoked the citizenships of the 23 convicts and some sources said that they were tried in absentia.


Although the number of Shia deaths and assaults in December has been almost the same as the previous months of 2015, the level and type of December’s assaults have been immensely worrisome.  The Nigeria massacre has shocked many around the world, since it has been one of a kind in the recent history of Nigeria.  The maltreatment of Shia communities in Nigeria and taking away their basic human rights is the start of a horrific cycle of violence and religious intolerance.  The incidents in Azerbaijan are also important, not by number, but by the context of the assaults.  It is highly expected that the government of Azerbaijan will increase its raids on Shia ceremonies and most likely we will observe more violence and systematic intolerance against Shia activists in Azerbaijan.  In Iraq, Pakistan, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia although the number of anti Shia incidents were significant, they were not surprising to us compared to the previous months of 2015.   The lack of a clear and just judiciary procedure in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia remains a highly sensitive issue for the Shia Rights Watch, and the recent advances in Iraq by the Iraqi government in liberating Ramadi gives us hope to see less violent activities in the Capital city against the Shia Muslims.

Bahrain Finishes up 2015 by Sentencing Shia, Revoking Citizenship and Penalizing Them

On the final hours of 2015, a Shia Bahraini citizen was sentenced to death and 22 others were detained in the Sunni-ruled nation. Further, their citizenship were revoked in addition to being forced to pay 200,000 dinars in fines.

The unjust prosecution of the Bahraini government continue and even escalate in extent. Shia Rights Watch (SRW) condemn the inhumane actions of the gulf nation and demand a just examination of the aforementioned cases, along with others still on trial. SRW also calls on the international community to shed light on the happenings of Bahrain and demands equal rights for all Bahraini citizens, Shia and Sunni alike.

Shia News Wire #47


Over the past week the Shia community has continued to reel from the news about the mass killing of Shia Muslims in Zaria city in Nigeria. Although the Nigerian military is maintaining its innocence, new reports and evidence are showing the malicious actions of the Nigerian armed forces. The military spokesman claimed that no people were killed by the army but that has been categorically proven false. Africa director for Human Rights Watch states that for the military “at best it was a brutal overreaction and at worst it was a planned attack on the minority Shia group”.

On December 21, the Nigerian army bulldozed an Islamic center, Hussainiyyah Baqeeyatollah, belonging to the Islamic Movement in Nigeria (IMN). The demolition was with hopes to reduce congregation of IMN members and to reduce the spread of Shia beliefs in the area. In recent years, shia Islam has seen a fast expansion, reaching a population of 4 million. This expansion has been under the leadership of Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky, an open critic of Nigerians corruption and human rights violations. Since his abduction, Sheikh Zakzaky has yet to be heard from. However, the governor of Kundana State has announced that the Sheikh will be “prosecuted for any crimes that he may have committed”.

Rallies and protests have continued to emerge around the world from New York to Karachi. A Nigerian military attempt to investigate the situation has been denounced by the international community, including Shia Rights Watch. As details emerge surrounding the atrocity, Shia Rights Watch urges a fair and impartial investigation by an independent body.


A recently released report by the Bahrain Human Rights Society provided new details on aggression by Bahraini security forces in the first week of December. According to the group there were 23 sit-ins by protestors, and 25 peaceful protests. These actions were met with 18 incidents of violence by security forces in 14 villages. A total of thirteen citizens were arrested this week. Shia Rights Watch condemns the actions of the Bahraini Security Forces and calls for an independent review into the actions of these forces.

Saudi Arabia

This past week the Saudi Judiciary issued a decree to release Iranian Hajj pilgrim Gholam-Reza Momayez after they unjustly detained him for 75 days. Momayez was detained by Saudi authorities for criticizing the Saudi government’s handling of the hajj stampede that occurred earlier this year in which anywhere between one and five thousand people were killed, including almost 500 Iranians. While Momayez will be released soon, this governmental overreach is clearly designed to clamp down on dissent by both citizens and visitors.


Pakistani security forces claimed that they arrested 24 militants connected with the systematic murder of Shia Muslims throughout the country. Most of the arrests occurred in Karachi, where terrorist groups have carried out targeted assassinations against Shia shopkeepers and intellectuals. Shia Rights Watch recognizes this a start to restoring justice to Shia communities however much more needs to be done.


As the year closes on the country with the largest number of violations against Shia Muslims, Iraq has witnessed yet another attack on a Shrine. As mortar shells were fired upon the Imam Hassan al- Askari Shrine in Samarra. This attack would injure seven people in the area. ISIS claimed responsibility for this attack yet nobody has been taken into custody in connection with this attack. Shia Rights Watch continues to call for greater protection for the Shia community in the country in their communities and their places of worship.

Three of the shells hit the al-Qalah area, and one shell detonated 700 meters from the Shrine.

In must be mentioned that the shrine was also attacked in 2006, resulting in the shrines demolition but no injuries. It took until 2009 to repair the collapsed golden dome; however until today tourism has been limited due to possible dangers.


Shia Weekly News #46


The casualties of Iraq in the past week have been over 60 deaths, explosions ranging in location from Diyala, Nahrawan, Abu Ghraib, Madain, Latifiya, Al-Amin, and Al-Obaidi neighborhoods of Baghdad. The bombings have been consequent, killing civilians daily.
Bombings have been prominently in popular civilian hubs, targeting people women, children and noncompetitive populations.

It is worth noting that up to December 16, a total of 410 civilians have been killed in Iraq.


On December 13, a bomb placed in an oil tin in a crowded market located in Parachinar, a predominantly shia populated town in northwest Pakistan resulting in the death of 23.  While no responsibilities have been claimed, security agencies do believe this attack to be a continuum of anti-Shia violence present in Pakistan.


Gunfire targets Ab- Abd Al-Saleh Mosque in southwest neighborhood of Al-Hemla in Manama Bahrain on December 16, 2015. despite not having exact reports of injured worshippers, the Jaafaria Endowment Administration (WAQF) have said they have in their possession surveillance of the perpetrators and their vehicle.

In addition, Bahraini security forces have continued their violent anti-Shia arrest rampage this week when they arrested Layla Abdulnabi after she was sentenced to six months in the Jaw prison. Abdulnabi’s sentence was for her participation in demonstrations against police assault after one of her family members was attacked by them. This raises the number of detained Bahraini women to five. Shia Rights Watch calls for the immediate release of Layla Abdulnabi as she was only exercising the right to voice her opinion. On the other hand, and investigation should be carried out to uncover the culture of brutality rampant within the Bahraini security forces.


On Saturday December 12, armed Nigerian soldiers opened fire in the Hussainiyyah Baqeeyatollah of Zaria, Nigeria. In the same weekend, raids and crackdowns on the Shia community in the same area killed hundreds of innocent civilians. In addition, a total of seven notables in the community were abducted by the armed forces, included Shaikh Ibraheem Zakzaky. Associated Press has confirmed a total of 1000 deaths in this atrocious act.

Three days after attack, the bodies of the dead were taken from the mortuary of the Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital and buried in a mass grave by the Nigerian army. Access to the graves and the deceased has been highly limited by the army to the public and families, thus limiting an exact death count. The Nigerian government is depriving its Shia citizens the right to commemorate their loved ones.

The whereabouts of Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky remains unknown after his detainment. It has been however reported that while detained, Zakzaky suffered a total of four bullet wounds.

In response to the mentioned atrocious events, the African Union and the United Nations were called upon to question the Nigerian membership and asked to push for release of detainees.

In addition, Shia Rights Watch (SRW) has expressed its concern for the Nigerian Shia populations after said attacks, as shia comprise a minority population in the nation and have called upon General Ban Ki-Moon of the United Nations to call personally assign and oversee an investigation committee to the events of Nigeria.

Through participation in a political briefings in regards to Nigeria on the 18th of December at the UMAA national headquarters, and presentation in front of the Nigerian Embassy in Washington DC and the Nigerian consulate of New York City, SRW is working to demand information in regards to the mass graves as well  as working to implement justice and rights for all minority groups in the region.

Saudi Arabia

The human rights violations committed by the Saudi government continue to rise as the year comes to a close. This time the Saudi judicial system has called for the beheading of 19 year old Abdullah al-Zaher. The 19 year old was arrested in March 2012 when he was 15 for participating in a protest in the Shia-majority Qatif province. Zaher was charged with harboring protestors, participating in demonstrations, setting fire to a car, and throwing Moltov cocktails. While the courts said they received a confession from Zaher, his father noted that this statement came under the threat of torture.

The trial and sentencing of Abdullah al-Zaher is a violation of due process and would constitute as cruel and unusual punishment. What is occurring in Saudi Arabia should stand out to the world as a shortcoming of human rights. With 151 executions so far this year, Saudi Arabia is only behind Iran and China as countries with the most executions. For a young man to endure this punishment is appalling and Shia Rights Watch calls for Zaher’s release.

The human rights violations committed by the Saudi government continue to rise as the year comes to a close. This time the Saudi judicial system has called for the beheading of 19 year old Abdullah al-Zaher. The 19 year old was arrested in March 2012 when he was 15 for participating in a protest in the Shia-majority Qatif province. Zaher was charged with harboring protestors, participating in demonstrations, setting fire to a car, and throwing Moltov cocktails. While the courts said they received a confession from Zaher, his father noted that this statement came under the threat of torture.


In four videos released by ISIS, the group threatened to carry out attacks against Shia Muslims in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. In addition to this, the group urged all of its members to kill all Shia Muslims in the two countries. In addition to denouncing Shia Muslims as unbelievers, the video denounced the Saudi regime stating that they are loyal to the west and do not follow the teachings of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab. It called on all Saudi soldiers to quit military service and carry out the group’s message. Shia Rights Watch calls for the protection of Shia Muslims in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia from potential attacks by this terrorist group.


Nigeria Mass Killing, Example of Ongoing Anti-Shiism

Shia Rights Watch expresses its deep concern for Shia population after brutal Shia mass killing in Nigeria by state army.

According to local activists approximately 1,000 people were killed and hundreds were arrested by the army. The Shia leader Ibraheem Zakzaky was also shot and taken to an unknown place. The military has said Zakzaky is in its “safe custody,” but his followers are not sure he is receiving medical care he needs after he was wounded.

On Wednesday the government alleged mass burial of number of the victims to “cover up its crime and hide the death toll” as local Shia stated.

“Shia are minority in Nigeria and such brutal violation requires outsider evaluation since this government has lost its credibility after this mass killing” says Mustafa Akhwand, founder of SRW. Therefore SRW asked UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon, to personally assign and oversee an investigation committee.

Mustafa continued “We the Shia Muslims, ask Ban Ki Moon to use his position to bring justice to the Shia community of Nigeria by a detailed investigation and fair punishment of the violators.”

SRW also participates in Political Briefing on Nigeria to discuss the recent attacks on Shia Muslims in Nigeria, and the arrest and torture of Sheikh Ibrahim Yaqoub el-Zakzaky on Friday, December 18th. The briefing will take place at UMAA’s National Headquarters in Washington, DC.

Mustafa Akhwand will share SRW’s view on the issue at the rally in front of Nigerian Embassy and at the briefing.


Speak UP to STOP Shia Mass Killings


Join SRW, and number of other NGOs today as they speak up

Nigerian Embassy 3519 International Ct NW, Washington, DC 20008 at 2:00

Social Development and the Promotion of Religious Freedom for Shia Muslims

Social Development and the Promotion of Religious Freedom for Shia Muslims

Shia Rights Watch, Inc (SRW)

Statement for the 54th Session of the Commission for Social Development (CSocD54)

Greetings esteemed colleagues and member states,
On behalf of Shia Muslims around the world it is a pleasure to be able to present this address to the commission. Social development is an important tool in lifting nations out of poverty as it attempts to put the individual at the center of development operations. By developing a greater understanding of how individuals influence development processes, we can work to craft more inclusive and socially conscious programs going forward. Shia Rights Watch would like to emphasize the importance of guaranteeing the uninhibited assess of religious minorities to development programs.
Please note: This statement uses the Shia minority as an example and this model can be applied for all groups. We use this population because our NGO’s specialty is focused on this group.
By putting individuals at the center of development, you establish a basis for tolerance and diversity, and you ensure that change comes from the bottom up rather than from the top down. The International Institute for Social Studies compiled a list of indices of social development which measure informal institutions across nations in an attempt to conceptualize the progress of social development around the world. These indices are: civil activism, clubs and associations, intergroup cohesion, interpersonal safety and trust, and gender equality. Shia Rights Watch argues that in places around the world with sizeable Shia populations, improvements in these areas are stifled are neglected by authorities.
Civic activism has been high in many Shia communities around the world, and this has only increased since 2011. While this activism could have been harnessed to facilitate greater dialogue between the state and its citizens, in many places these displays of activism were severely repressed. Currently many Shia Muslims are facing jail time and execution due to their involvement with the wave of protests that emerged in 2011. Despite the repression, civil activism has continued and Shia Muslims have worked to remain mobilized. It is time that repression of civic activism is called out by the international community.
In regards to clubs and associations, Shia groups have been subject to arbitrary censorship and even prohibition. This restriction of the free expression of Shia Muslims further removes them from the development process.
Intergroup cohesion has been suffering in many states where significant Shia populations are located. Sermons and school curriculums have been documented as containing hate speech that incites violence against Shia Muslims. Some of these materials contain language similar to that displayed by terrorist groups such as ISIS and Al-Qaeda. In many respects, efforts at development and countering extremism will fail unless greater intergroup cohesion is reached. Efforts at greater intergroup cohesion cannot only be implement from the top down, they must also permeate the smaller networks of people such as religious communities and individual families.
As a result of the hate speech that has been directed towards Shia Muslims, there have been numerous manifestations of physical violence against the group. Shootings and bombings have become regular practices for extremist groups against Shia Muslims, whom they belive are heretics. This has taken an immense human toll on Shia communities. This toll has been even more significant as militant groups have systematically targeted Shia intellectuals and business owners. The targeting exemplified here shows the desire to both violently and economically cripple Shia communities. Significant social development will not be able to occur in countries with sizeable Shia populations if the threat of physical violence persists.
This threat of physical violence has, in no small way, been aided by officials who have done little to investigate and prosecute crimes against Shia. Bombings and shootings against Shia Muslims largely occur without retribution either on the individuals committing the acts or the organizations facilitating the acts. This slow response by governing authorities has significantly reduced trust for the institutions designed to protect them. Without this trust acting as a basis for development, the aspirations proclaimed in this committee will largely go unheeded.
Respect for free expression, judicial reform, protection of safety, greater intergroup cohesion, and a rebuilding of trust must be the foundation for social development efforts in Shia communities. When we can move past the elements of divisive governance and put individuals at the center of development, we will be able to witness great strides to a more unified and prosperous society.




Shia Weekly News #45


On Friday December 11th Punjab police arrested three members of Laskar-e-Jhangvi in connection with the shooting death of a Shia army officer in Lahore. Captain Ahmed Raza was shot and killed six months ago by what was believed to be his guard their accomplices. A man by the name of Nasrullah of the Okara district of Punjab province is suspected to have killed Raza before fleeing to Afghanistan.

Both Nasrullah and his accomplices are known to have connections with LeJ, including with Malik Ishaq the chief of the terrorist group. The suspects will be charged under Section 7 of the Anti-Terrorism Act. Positive action against terrorism in the country is welcomed but does not occur often enough. This case remains one of the few cases where those who have killed Shia Muslims have been arrested.


On Sunday December 6th the Bahraini authorities exercised its unchecked power yet again as the Public Prosecutor renewed the detention of Sheikh Hassan Isa for another 30 days. The former Member of Parliament was arrested on August 28th at Bahraini international airport following his return to the country and was later charged with funding terrorism. Sheikh Hasan’s arrest and charges are a part of the Bahraini government’s efforts to intimidate the Shia community. Shia Rights Watch condemns his detainment and calls for his immediate release.

While dissidents in Bahrain are facing harsh treatment by the justice system despite exercising their rights, members of the Bahraini security forces are restricting the freedoms of Shia Muslims with impunity. On December 7th five policemen were acquitted by Bahrain’s First High Criminal Court of torture charges stemming from the 2011 uprising. This heavily flawed judicial process has hindered the progress of freedom in the country. Shia Rights Watch calls for the release of political prisoners and an overall reform of the country’s judicial system.

Our Rights, Our Freedoms, Always: Human Rights Day 2015


New York, NY- Shia Rights Watch commemorated Human Rights Day at the United Nations at a briefing entitled “Our Rights. Our Freedoms. Always”. This annual event commemorates the important strides made by the international community to recognize the human rights we have today while also recognizing the work that must be done to ensure the full realization of our human rights. The four freedoms emphasized at this event are the freedom of expression, the freedom from fear, the freedom from want, and the freedom of worship. These freedoms are the underpinning of the work that we at Shia Rights Watch conduct on a daily basis.

Richard Benett, the Director of Amnesty International stated that two pillars of his organization’s mission is that no government is beyond scrutiny and that no situation is beyond hope. In an environment where political favor and continued oppression have largely rendered human rights violations against Shia Muslims invisible. Despite the endless barrage of targeted shootings and bombings against Shia Muslims, news about this rarely reaches the eyes of the international community. Despite these high barriers, we have remained resilient and have continued to push for greater recognition for the rights of Shia Muslims globally. Daniel Perell, the UN Representative of International community stated that the new frontier of the freedom to worship is linking religious pluralism with peaceful societies. Studies have shown that studies with respect for religious pluralism tend to be more peaceful and prosperous than societies where religious freedom is not respected. Going forth, it is necessary that both states and individuals learn that benefits of respecting the freedom of all people to practice their faith.

UN Complaint