February 27th to March 4th/ 2016
On Sunday February 28, 2016, a twin suicide bombing of which ISIS claimed responsibility, killed at least 70 people in a Shia majority district of Baghdad. According to police, the bombers were riding motorcycles through a crowded mobile phone market called Mredi Market in Sadr City when they blew themselves up killing 70, and wounding approximately 112 others. Of these 112 people, 28 are reported to being critically wounded. 5 people were declared to be missing following these attacks. The injured are still being held at the hospital in order to recover.
In another attack on Sunday February 28, suicide bomb blasts killed 31 Shia Muslims. Suicide bombers and armed men in cars attacked Abu Ghraib targeting a cemetery this led to the deaths of 17 people.
On Monday February, 29th, approximately 38 people were reported to being killed and 58 people were injured after a bomb blast to a funeral in Muqdadiya, Diyala province. The funeral was of a Shia militia fighter. The death toll has been rising due to many perilous injuries.
Tuesday March 1st, two different attacks by ISIS in Baghdad left at least 13 people dead and 31 murdered. One included an attack a militant broke into a soldier’s home murdering his wife and two young daughters (ages 5 and 7).
Wednesday March 2nd, members of ISIS beheaded a Shia Muslim near Baghdad accusing him of being an Iranian spy. Images of the decapitation were photographed by ISIS as forms of propaganda.
A Sunni Islam organization in the UK called Doam (Documenting Oppression Against Muslims), although initially founded to combat anti-Islam prejudice, has recently been spreading messages of intra-Muslim bigotry, through a series of anti-Shia messages that are deemed as unacceptable. The group’s Facebook and twitter posts include derogatory anti-Shia Statements such as Shia being “rejecters of the Muslim faith”. Their official twitter account also insulted Shia cleric Nimr al-Nimr, calling him an abuser. The Shia Rights Watch urges authorities to remember that any organization that promotes hatred or violence of any kind is a hate group and should be regarded as such.
Bahrain unjustly arrested 5 people Monday February 29th, for up to 15 years for “committing terrorist activities” toward the state. The prisoners were collectively fined more than 17,000 Dinars. The same court arrested two other people in a different case, one for ten years and one for three, based on accusations of rioting and throwing rocks and explosives at police officers last April. These people arrested were also accused of terrorism.