Shia happenings in the week of February 26, 2021
Detained Shia Muslims Face Harsh Conditions and Threats to Basic Rights
Bahraini authorities continue to undermine the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners. Sexual abuse, overcrowding, violence, and insanitary conditions in Bahrain threaten the life of detainees. Shia Muslims in detainment face disproportionate violence in the hands of authorities who dehumanize Shia Muslims because of their religious faith.
Family members of those detained report inadequate medical care for detainees. Activists report the arbitrary denial of urgent medical care, refuse to refute complex conditions to specialists, and withhold medical as a form of punishment.
Now with the spread of the Coronavirus, Shia Muslims in detainment face yet another dimension of insecurity.
Shia Rights Watch expresses concerns for detainees held in Jaws Prison and Dry Dock Detention Center amidst the Coronavirus Pandemic. Activists report several detainees in Jaws Prison have tested positive for Covid-19, and authorities have failed to announce measures to protect individuals within the facility.